Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
The four lessons included in this bundle are:
Eysenck’s Theory of the Criminal Personality
Cognitive Explanations for Offending Behaviour
Differential Association Theory
Psychodynamic Explanations
Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
The two lessons included in this bundle are:
Lombroso’s Atavistic Form Theory
Genetic and Neural Explanations
Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
The two lessons included in this bundle are:
The Top-down Approach
The Bottom-up Approach
Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Forensic Psychology Topic.
The 13 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Defining and Measuring Crime
The Top-Down Approach to Offender Profiling
The Bottom-Up Approach to Offender Profiling
Lombroso’s Atavistic Form
Genetic and Neural Explanations
Eysenck’s Theory of the Criminal Personality
Cognitive Theory
Differential Association Theory
Psychodynamic Explanations for Offending
Custodial Sentencing
Behavioural Modification in Custody
Anger Management
Restorative Justice
Please see individual lessons for further details of the content included.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Video: What is Restorative Justice?
What is Restorative Justice?
Criminal Justice Vs. Restorative Justice
Changing The Emphasis
The Restorative Justice Process
Key Features of the Process
Variations of the Process
The Restorative Justice Council (RJC)
Video: A Restorative Justice Meeting (Short Version)
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: 16 Mark Essay with Application
Model Paragraph
Activity: Write your own Paragraph
Plenary: Consolidation Question
Activity: Whole Topic Review
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
CBT-based Anger Management
Stage 1: Cognitive Preparation
Stage 2: Skill acquisition
Stage 3: Application practice
Anger Management Example
*Activity: Concepts – Does it work?
Exam practice with Mark scheme: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark scheme: Evaluation Question
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Video: Big Bang Theory - Positive Reinforcement
Behaviour Modification in Custody: Behaviourist Principles
Activity: Concepts - You Make The Rules
Token Economy Systems
Changing Behaviour
Research Example: Hobbs & Holt (1976)
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Activity: Concepts - Long-Term Effects
Plenary: Discussion prompt
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
The Aims of Custodial Sentencing
The Psychological Effects of Custodial Sentencing
The Problem of Recidivism
Activity: Aims of Custody Summary Activity
Video: Norway’s Prison vs. America’s Prisons
Activity – Summary worksheet
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Activity: Concepts – The Stanford Prison Experiment (1973)
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Activity: Recap Quick Quiz
Psychodynamic Explanations
Activity: Psychodynamic Approach Recap Questions with Answers
The Inadequate Superego
Blackburn’s three types of Superego to explain criminality
The weak superego
The deviant superego
The over-harsh superego
Activity: Concepts – Harry, Barry and Gary
Video: Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment
Maternal Deprivation Theory
Affectionless Psychopathy
Bowlby’s 44 Thieves Study
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Differential Association Theory
Crime as a Learned Behaviour
Pro-criminal Attitudes
Mathematical Prediction
Reoffending due to socialisation in prison
Activity: Concepts – Farrington et al. (2006)
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: 8 Mark Question with Application
How to use to Quote the STEM
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Level of Moral Reasoning
The Heinz Dilemma
Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development
Video: Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development
Activity: Explain each stage of Kohlberg’s Model
Kohlberg’s Model and Criminality
Cognitive Distortions
Hostile Attribution Bias
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation Question
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
General Personality Theory
Measuring the Criminal Personality
Psychoticism, Extraversion and Neuroticism?
Biological Basis
The Criminal Personality
The Role of Socialisation
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: 16 Mark Essay Question
Plenary video: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Genetic and Neural Explanations
Genetic Explanations
Twin Studies
Candidate genes
Video: Can your genes make you violent?
Diathesis-stress model
Neural Explanations
The Prefrontal Cortex
Mirror Neurons
Activity: The Mobley Defence
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: 16 Mark Question
Model answer
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Atavistic Form: A Historic Approach to Offending
Lombroso’s Research
Atavistic Characteristics
Activity: Serial Killers and The Atavistic Form
Video: Eugenics - The movement that inspired the holocaust
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation Question
Model Answer
Plenary: Discussion question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
The British Approach: Bottom-up Approach
Smallest space analysis
Video: Investigative psychology
Investigative Psychology
Geographical profiling
Canter’s circle theory (1993)
Activity: Applying the bottom-up approach
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Plenary: Discussion prompt
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Video: What is Offender Profiling?
Offender Profiling
The American Approach: Top-Down Profiling
What is the American Approach called ‘Top-down’?
Organised vs. Disorganised Offenders
Characteristics of Organised Offenders
Characteristics of Disorganised Offenders
Constructing an FBI Profile
Activity: Application Task
Case Studies: Ted Bundy, Richard Chase (The Vampire of Sacramento)
Exam Practice: Short Answer Question with Mark Scheme
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam Practice: Evaluation question with Mark Scheme
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
What is Forensic Psychology?
Video: What is Forensic Psychology?
Problems in Defining Crime
Cultural Issues
Historical Issues
Three Ways to Measure Crime
Official Statistics
Victim Surveys
Offender Surveys
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
A Multidisciplinary Approach
Exam Practice with Mark scheme: 8 Mark Question
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
EXPLANATIONS FOR OBESITY LESSON BUNDLE: Includes Biological and Psychological Explanations (A-Level Psychology - Eating Behaviour)
This lesson bundle includes FOUR complete lessons:
Biological Explanations for Obesity
Psychological Explanations for Obesity
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
*Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
EXPLANATIONS FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA LESSON BUNDLE: Includes Biological, Family Systems Theory, SLT and Cognitive Explanations (A-Level Psychology - Eating Behaviour)
This lesson bundle includes FOUR complete lessons:
Biological Explanations for Anorexia Nervosa
Family Systems Theory
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive Theory of Anorexia Nervosa
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
*Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
EXPLANATIONS FOR FOOD PREFERENCES LESSON BUNDLE: Includes Evolutionary Explanations and The Role of Learning (Slides and Worksheets Included):
This lesson bundle includes TWO complete lessons:
Evolutionary Explanations for Food Preferences
The Role of Learning
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
*Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.