Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
Welcome to JB Resources on TES!
At JB Resources, our mission is to empower educators and students with top-tier educational materials specifically crafted for GCSE and A-Level Psychology. Our comprehensive collection is designed to cater to the diverse needs of the classroom, ensuring each lesson is interactive, thorough, and up-to-date. From complete topic bundles to individual lessons, we provide resources that make learning both enjoyable and effective.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Key questions
Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in the Control of Eating Behaviour
The Role of the Hypothalamus
Video: Insulin and Glucagon
The Dual-Centre Model of Eating
The Lateral Hypothalamus (LH)
The Lateral Hypothalamus and Neuropeptide
The Ventro-medial Hypothalamus (VMH)
The Role of Ghrelin
The Role of Leptin
Summary: The Dual-centre Model of Eating
A01 Summary worksheet
Exam practice: Short answer question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Discussion questions
Exam practice: Evaluation questions
Video: Hunger - How Biological and Behaviour Interact
Plenary: Discussion prompt
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Key questions
Classical conditioning: flavour-flavour learning
Operant conditioning
Social influences
Family influences
Peer influences
Media influences
Cultural influences
Cultural norms
Culture and learning
Check your knowledge
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice: 16 Mark Essay with Application
Application practice
Mark scheme
Activity: Key term check
Plenary: Discussion prompt
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Key questions
Preference for Sweetness
Preference for Saltiness
Preference for Fats/High-calorie foods
Taste Aversion
Discussion questions
Exam practice: Short answer question
Mark scheme
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice: 8 Mark Question
Mark scheme
Plenary: Discussion prompt
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
The three lessons included in this bundle are:
Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers
Circadian Rhythms
Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms
Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
This bundle was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
This bundle includes a complete lesson and activities for the A-Level Biopsychology Topic.
The 10 lessons included in this bundle are:
The Endocrine System
The Nervous System
Neurons and Synaptic Transmission
Localisaiton of Function in the Brain
Plasticity and Functional Recovery in the Brain after Trauma
Split Brain Research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
Ways of Studying the Brain
Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers
Circadian Rhythms
Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms
Please see individual lessons for further details of the content included.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Types of Biological Rhythms
Infradian Rhythms
Example 1: Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D)
Video: What is S.A.D?
Example 2: The Female Menstrual Cycle
Key Research: Stern & McClintock (1998)
Ultradian Rhythms
Example 1: Sleep Cycles
Video: Sleep Stages
Example 2: Human Appetite
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Question
Plenary: Consolidation Question
Activity: Topic Review
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Circadian Rhythms
Video: How does your body know what time it is?
The Sleep/Wake Cycle
Siffre’s Cave Studies (1962; 1972)
Aschoff & Wever’s WWII Bunker Study (1976)
Folkard et al.'s Cave Study (1985)
Activity: Summary worksheet
Evaluation worksheet
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: 8 Mark Question with Application
Model Answer
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
o request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me at jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Key Questions
Video: How body clocks rule our lives.
Endogenous Pacemakers
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
The SCN and the Optic Nerve
The Pineal Gland and Melatonin
Animal Studies and the SCN
DeCoursey et al.'s chipmunk study (2000)
Ralph et al.'s mutant hamster study (1990)
Exogenous Zeitgebers
Light as an Exogenous Zeitgeber
Social cues as an Exogenous Zeitgeber
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Application Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Plenary: Consolidation Question
If you would like to support my shop and enjoyed using JB Resources today, a review would be greatly appreciated.
o request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me at jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
Electroencephalograph (EEG)
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
Post-Mortem Studies
Activity: Summary worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam Practice Questions with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Questions
Plenary: Consolidation Question
If you would like to support my shop and enjoyed using JB Resources today, a review would be greatly appreciated.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Hemispheric Lateralisation
Sperry’s Split-Brain Research (1968)
Video: Split-Brain Behavioural Experiments
Sperry et al.'s Procedure
Experiment 1: Describe what you see
Experiment 2: Recognition by touch
Activity: Summary Worksheet
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short Answer Question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Evaluation Question
Plenary: Discussion question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Brain Plasticity
Maguire et al.'s London Taxi Driver Study
Learning-induced Changes in The Brain
Structural Plasticity in the Bilingual Brain
Functional Recovery in the Brain
Video: Jody’s story
Video question sheet
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer questions
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Activity: Concepts - The Case of Gabby Giffords
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key questions
Early theories of the Brain: Phrenology
Theories of Localisation vs. Holism
Hemispheres in the Brain
The Motor, Somatosensory, Visual and Auditory Centres
The Motor Cortex
The Somatosensory Cortex
The Visual Cortex
The Auditory Cortex
Language in the Brain
Broca’s Area
Wernicke’s Area
Video: Wernicke’s Aphasia
Video Activity: Language in the Brain
Video question worksheet
Activity: Key term match
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: 8 Mark Question
Student response with Examiner commentary
Plenary: Discussion Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Parts of a Neuron Diagram
Activity: Label the parts of a Neuron
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: ‘Describe’ Question
Synaptic Transmission
Video: 2-Minute Neuroscience: Synaptic Transmission
The Four Key Steps of Synaptic Transmission
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials and Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials
Types of Neurons: Motor, Sensory and Relay Neurons
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Outline, Short answer questions
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
The Nervous System
Diagram of the Nervous System
The Central Nervous System
The Brain
The Cerebral Cortex
The Four Lobes
Gyri and Sulci
The Spinal Cord
The Peripheral Nervous System
The Somatic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System
The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
Video: 2-Minute Neuroscience: Division of the Nervous System
Activity: Fill in the Diagram
Exam Practice with Mark Scheme: Describe Question
Plenary: Consolidation Question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
This lesson was created using the latest AQA A-Level Specification (published June 2019) although content and activities may be useful for other specifications.
Key content covered in this Lesson:
Key Questions
Video: How do your hormones work?
The Endocrine system
Video: The Science of Adrenaline
Fight of flight response
Physiological responses
The Nervous system: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic
Fight or flight vs. Rest and Digest
Exam practice with Mark Scheme: Short answer question
Plenary: Consolidation question
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact jb_resources@outlook.com.
Reviews and feedback are always welcome.
REDUCING ADDICTION: Includes Drug Therapy, Aversion Therapy & CBT [A-Level Psychology - Addiction Topic)
This lesson bundle includes THREE complete lessons:
Drug Therapy
Behavioural Interventions: Aversion Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
Please refer to individual lessons for further details of included content.
EXPLANATIONS FOR GAMBLING ADDICTION: Includes Learning Theory & Cognitive Theory of Gambling Addiction [A-Level Psychology - Addiction Topic)
This lesson bundle includes TWO complete lessons:
Brain Chemistry as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
Learning Theory as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
Please see individual lessons for further details of included content
EXPLANATIONS FOR NICOTINE ADDICTION: Includes Brain Neurochemistry & Learning Theory [A-Level Psychology - Addiction Topic)
This lesson bundle includes TWO complete lessons:
Brain Chemistry as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
Learning Theory as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
All lessons include the complete lesson slides and worksheets.
Please see individual lessons for further details of included content
This bundle includes a complete scheme of work for the Psychology topic: ADDICTION.
The 11 lessons are included in this bundle are:
Describing Addiction
Risk Factors in the Development of Addiction
Brain Neurochemistry as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
Learning Theory as an Explanation for Nicotine Addiction
Learning Theory as an Explanation for Gambling Addiction
Cognitive Theory of Gambling Addiction
Drug Therapy: Reducing Addiction
Behavioural Interventions - Aversion Therapy: Reducing Addiction
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Reducing Addiction
The Theory of Planned Behaviour
Prochaska’s Model of Behaviour Change
*Please see individual lessons for further details of content included.
To request lessons, provide feedback or if you have had any issues opening any resources of my resources, please feel free to contact me on jb_resources@outlook.com (responses are usually very prompt).
Key content included:
Key Questions
Assumptions of the Model
The Six Stages of Behavioural Changes
Stage 1: Precontemplation stage
Stage 2: Contemplation stage
Stage 3: Preparation stage
Stage 4: Action stage
Stage 5: Maintenance stage
Stage 6: Termination stage
Table summary activity
Exam practice: Application question
Evaluation worksheet
Evaluation points
Exam practice: Evaluation question
Plenary: Addiction topic review