Oxford AQA international A-level psychology notes for Paper 3 and Paper 4, including topics of Schizophrenia, Sleep, Research methods 2 + Approches, Issues and debates and Applied psychology - written by A* Psychology student and recipient of Oxford AQA outstanding learner award 2021.
Notes include of:
Notes covering information of every single syllabus points
Exemplar evaluation paragraphs ( AO1 + AO3 Paragraphs)
Exemplar full marked 9 / 12 / 20 marker essays
Oxford AQA international A-level psychology notes for social psychology - written by A* Psychology student and recipient of Oxford AQA outstanding learner award 2021.
Notes include of:
Notes covering information of every single syllabus points
* - Conformity
* - NSI + ISI
* - Asch’s study plus evaluation paragraphs
* - Obedience
* - Milgrams study and its variations + evaluation paragraphs
Exemplar evaluation paragraphs ( AO1 + AO3 Paragraphs)
Exemplar full marked 9 / 12 / 20 marker essays
Oxford AQA international A-level psychology notes for the topic memory - written by A* Psychology student and recipient of Oxford AQA outstanding learner award 2021.
Notes include of:
Notes covering information of every single syllabus points
* - Multi store model of memory
- Sensory register -> Sperling 1960 study and evaluation
- Short term memory -> Miller + Peterson and Peterson study and eval
- Long term memory -> Bradley (1964) + HM + Clive wearing + KF
- Types of long term memory -> Episodic, Semantic, Procedural
- Evaluation - 3 peel paragraphs for MSM
* - The working memory model (WMM)
- Outlined the functions of:
- Central executive
- Phonological loop
- Phonological store
- Articulatory process
- Visuo-spatial sketchpad
- Episodic buffer
- Evaluation PEEL paragraphs for the WMM
- Baddely and Hitch (1974): Supporting the WMM
*- Eyewitness testimonies
- Factors affecting accuracy
- Loftus and Palmer study + evaluation
- Affect of anxiety on eyewitness testimonies
- Standard vs cognitive interviews
Exemplar evaluation paragraphs ( AO1 + AO3 Paragraphs)
Exemplar full marked 9 / 12 / 20 marker essays