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All About Bonfire Night

All About Bonfire Night

A simple presentation exploring the history of Bonfire Night, the Gunpowder Plot, safety guidelines and creative, research-based art activities for students.
Create an Evacuee Character

Create an Evacuee Character

A simple writing task for students to create an evacuee character. It also includes an extension task to write a diary entry from the character’s point of view, with a quick recap of diary features and an example.
Historical Period Knowledge Organisers

Historical Period Knowledge Organisers

A set of 25 knowledge organisers that summarise key historical periods and events. Really useful for students to refer to whilst studying a particular topic. Includes Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Celts, The Saxons, The Vikings, Norman Conquest of England, The Aztecs and Mesoamerica, The Inca Civilisation, The Middle Ages, The House of Tudor, The House of Stuart, Georgian Era, Victorian Era, Edwardian Era, World War 1, World War 2, The Cold War, People Power Revolution, Tiananmen Square Protests, September 11 Attacks, COVID 19.
Artwork of the Week Unit of Work

Artwork of the Week Unit of Work

A set of 25 presentations that allow students to respond to a famous artwork, learn a little about the background and then take part in a suggested activity (please adapt as necessary to suit your students). Artwork included: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, American Gothic, Composition 8, Dance at Le moulin de la Galette, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Guernica, Impression Sunset, Lady with an Ermine, Liberty Leading the People, Luncheon of the Boating Party, Mona Lisa, Nighthawks, No. 5 1948, Sunflowers, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, The Last Supper, The Magpie, The Old Guitarist, The Persistence of Memory, The Scream, The Sleeping Gypsy, The Son of Man, The Starry Night, Van Gogh Self-Portrait, Whistler’s Mother.
Science Objectives Years 1-6

Science Objectives Years 1-6

All National Curriculum Science Objectives for teachers and a set of helpful glossaries for students. This is the complete curriculum from Years 1 to 6, totalling 56 pages altogether. Topics include: Plants, Animals Including Humans, Uses of Everyday Materials, Seasonal Changes, Living Things and Their Habitats, Rocks, Light, Forces and Magnets, States of Matter, Sound, Electricity, Earth and Space, Evolution and Inheritance, etc.
General Knowledge Quizzes

General Knowledge Quizzes

A set of presentations to quiz your class on English, Geography, History, Maths and Science. Each subject has 25 questions and all answers are included. There are 255 slides altogether.
Primary Assessment Excel Tracker

Primary Assessment Excel Tracker

Simple and easy to use assessment tracker for primary. There’s space for baselines, targets and teacher judgements for autumn, spring and summer. Progress is measured using the terms beginning, developing, meeting and exceeding. Percentages will not generate automatically but you can easily add the formulas once you have populated the cells with student data.
The Ugly Duckling Comprehension

The Ugly Duckling Comprehension

An abridged version of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling and three sets of comprehension questions (easy, medium, hard). Used with Y2 but can be adapted as necessary.
The Little Mermaid Comprehension

The Little Mermaid Comprehension

An abridged version of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid and three sets of comprehension questions (easy, medium, hard). Used with Y4 but can be adapted as necessary.
Implementing STEAM Inset Presentation

Implementing STEAM Inset Presentation

A presentation that can be used for a STEAM Inset. Discusses project based learning, soft skills, what makes a good STEAM project, the teacher’s role and lists project ideas. Can be easily adapted and a great way to kick start conversations during INSET sessions.
Poetic Forms Unit of Work

Poetic Forms Unit of Work

A set of 15 presentations (potential for a 3 week unit of work) that teach students about different poetic forms. Those included are Acrostic, Adjective, Alliteration, Alphabet, Autobiographical, Biographical, Cinquain, Colour, Diamante, Fives Senses, Haiku, Kenning, Limerick, Shape and Tanka. A learning objective and success criteria is included for each poem type.
Remembrance Day Presentation

Remembrance Day Presentation

A simple presentation that introduces Remembrance Day, its history, the reasons we honour this day and the customary observances. It concludes with a suggestion for an activity.
All About Christmas Presentation

All About Christmas Presentation

This presentation covers key topics such as the meaning of Christmas, its Christian origins and the tale of Santa Claus (with specific slides tailored for both younger and older audiences).