Find fun and engaging math mysteries and projects to get your students motivated during math time. Great for practice and review, my math mysteries come in different grade levels that can be used to customize for differentiation. The grade levels are US Common Core aligned, check out the description which outlines skills and levels involved within that math mystery version to determine whether it suits your class level and/or curriculum. Enjoy! :)
Find fun and engaging math mysteries and projects to get your students motivated during math time. Great for practice and review, my math mysteries come in different grade levels that can be used to customize for differentiation. The grade levels are US Common Core aligned, check out the description which outlines skills and levels involved within that math mystery version to determine whether it suits your class level and/or curriculum. Enjoy! :)
This math mystery, “Case of the Super Bad Superhero,” is a great way to add some excitement and fun to your math lessons! Students will be working through a variety of math questions to discover important clues. The clues will help them solve which superhero has gone bad!
In this Grade 2 version, the 5 clues cover the following skills:
- Clue 1: Place Value Models (Tens and Ones)
- Clue 2: Addition (1-digit and 2-digit numbers)
- Clue 3: Subtraction (1 - digit and 2-digit numbers – No Regrouping)
- Clue 4: Skip-Counting
- Clue 5: Missing Numbers (Addition Sentences)
Pack also provides teacher instructions, the story, answer sheets, an elimination guide and printable awards.
You can choose a grade level that suits your class best, and/or mix and match across the same clue numbers (except for the Grade 1 Version) to differentiate and customize the math mystery for your students. The Grade 1 version is simplified as a whole and cannot be mixed with the rest. (For example, swap clue 1 from the Grade 2 version to clue 1 from the Grade 3 version to make that part more challenging for some students.)
This math mystery, “Case of the Super Bad Superhero,” is a great way to add some excitement and fun to your math lessons! Students will be working through a variety of math questions to discover important clues. The clues will help them solve which superhero has gone bad!
In this Grade 6 version, the 5 clues cover the following skills:
- Clue 1: Rounding Decimals
- Clue 2: Adding Decimals (wholes, tenths, hundredths, thousandths)
- Clue 3: Subtracting Decimals (wholes, tenths, hundredths, thousandths)
- Clue 4: Multiply Whole Numbers with Decimals (tenths only)
- Clue 5: Division with 2-digit Divisors
Pack also provides teacher instructions, the story, answer sheets, an elimination guide and printable awards.
You can choose a grade level that suits your class best, and/or mix and match across the same clue numbers (except for the Grade 1 Version) to differentiate and customize the math mystery for your students. The Grade 1 version is simplified as a whole and cannot be mixed with the rest. (For example, swap clue 1 from the Grade 2 version to clue 1 from the Grade 3 version to make that part more challenging for some students.)