Daily or weekly arithmetic questions to promote fluency. Set up, ready to be printed onto labels (30 per page). Children complete questions within 5minutes, although if their fluency gets better you can edit to fluent in four (stiil works lol).
Aimed at year 5 and 6. Roughly 20 different question sets.
I created this to support a student teacher in understanding cohesive devices, alongside other writing elements. It is by no means perfect but if it can be useful to help someone else than great. Sometimes you just need a more visual way of understanding all the various writing structures that are expected in years 5 and 6 and how they come together.
Template designed for year 6 parents evenings. Sections to record results from SATs mock testing, behaviour/attitude, academic.
Just in case it is useful to anyone else :D.
Word document so can be edited.
A reading comprehension that unpicks the lyrics of the song This is Me - The Greatest Showman. Great to teach PSHE also.
Ideal for Year 5 and 6. Engages the whole class as they generally know the song. All in one powerpoint. Word Lyrics attached also.