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Persuasive and creative writing frames/tasks

Persuasive and creative writing frames/tasks

**Inspired by having a very sore throat and nasty cold! ** Minimal speak tasks for teachers. Hand out the challenge sheets as students arrive, let them loose and encourage them to share their poems at the end! KS3 Tasks focused on developing literacy and oracy Developing independent learning Persuasive and creative writing development Includes challenge levels for more able students (Secured) Mini Thesaurus adapted from Pinterest
Narrative writing - 6/12 lesson unit

Narrative writing - 6/12 lesson unit

A 10 lesson narrative writing unit. Includes a PowerPoint for each lesson, worksheets, assessment sheet and self assessment/teacher assessment rubrics. Focus on use of simple past and past continuous, along with developing vocabulary. Student led, encouraging independent thought and discussion. Follows “Ready to Write 1” (Karen Blanchard & Christine Root, 2017) Used in Japanese highschool for English writing class. (Homework on conjunctions not included). NOTE: There are 6 “lessons”. 5 that are teacher led, and one assessment lesson. Lessons were created for use in 100 minute class (15 minute break inbetween). Therefore, each lesson could be split into two and points expanded upon!