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Mrs Shaw's pass-time

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I have taught English for thirty four years and have LOTS of really useful resources as a result! I have taught English Language and Literature to GCSE and English Language to A level as well as creating faculty assemblies and quizzes. My resources are user-friendly, time-saving and aimed at getting high grades.

I have taught English for thirty four years and have LOTS of really useful resources as a result! I have taught English Language and Literature to GCSE and English Language to A level as well as creating faculty assemblies and quizzes. My resources are user-friendly, time-saving and aimed at getting high grades.
GCSE English Language paper 1 Life of Pi section A

GCSE English Language paper 1 Life of Pi section A

This pack consists of a PowerPoint, mark schemes and hand out as well as the original AQA question paper and markscheme for June 23 English Language paper 1, section A - Life of Pi. The PP has detailed explanations and advice on how to answer each question (1-4) and includes explanations of the mark scheme and activities for students. There are also opportunities for peer assessment although I think the final answer to question 4 should be marked by a teacher. Estimated length - 2-3 lessons. Included in the pack: Detailed PowerPoint Handout - extracts for assessment Student-friendly explanations of the mark schemes for qs 2,3 & 4 Original AQA material (Please note, the price of the pack covers items 1-3 only) Don’t forget to give me a review if you liked the materials!
GCSE English Language paper 1 Section A: Rosabel

GCSE English Language paper 1 Section A: Rosabel

This is a PowerPoint, mark schemes with student friendly explanations and original exam papers for the 2017 question on ‘The Tiredness of Rosabel’ by Kathryn Mansfield. It covers Section A, question 1-4. I made the PP to thoroughly prepare students for answering the reading questions and it includes tasks, a student answer to discuss, and guidance for answering questions 2,3 and 4. Ideally, after working through the tasks, students respond to those questions under exam conditions. I am also including model answers. I always found it a successful resource in introducing the paper.
GCSE English Lang NOV22 paper 2 READING: Insomnia

GCSE English Lang NOV22 paper 2 READING: Insomnia

This is a PowerPoint I put together for preparing the READING section of paper 2, November 2022. The paper asks student to examine two texts about insomnia. It takes students through questions 1 - 4, focusing on question requirements and allowing them to practise key skills whilst familiarising them with the mark-scheme. Vocabulary from the exam and the mark-scheme is explored as well. There are tasks throughout and opportunities for peer assessment but the final question should be marked by the teacher. I am including the question paper, insert and mark-scheme from AQA.
Spoken Language workbook:  A level English Language

Spoken Language workbook: A level English Language

A comprehensive workbook for introducing analysing spoken texts for A level English. It starts with transcribing, gives a full table of definitions of key features and introduces main theories such as Face and Grice’s Maxims alongside plenty of transcripts. Activities range from discussions to essay-writing. Very useful for preparing students for understanding the way speech works and leads nicely into Paper 2, Section A topics of accent and dialect, occupation and gender.
GCSE English Lang 1 Reading: The Silk Factory

GCSE English Lang 1 Reading: The Silk Factory

This is a detailed PowerPoint taking students through the four reading question for the June 2020 AQA English Language paper 1 on The Silk Factory. It goes through the questions methodically, providing advice and model answers alongside mark schemes. There should be time given for students to try each question under timed conditions. Answers can then be peer assessed by partners and discussed as a class. I am including the question paper and insert along with a mark scheme that has a student-friendly version.
GCSE English Lang paper 2 November 2020 READING

GCSE English Lang paper 2 November 2020 READING

This is a PowerPoint I put together for preparing the READING section of paper 2, November 2020. The paper asks student to examine two texts about mountaineering. It takes students through questions 1 - 4, focusing on question requirements and allowing them to practise key skills whilst familiarising them with the mark-scheme. Vocabulary from the exam and the mark-scheme is explored as well. There are tasks throughout and opportunities for peer assessment but the final question should be marked by the teacher. It should take 2-3 lessons. It might to a good idea to print slides 6, 18 and 23 for students so that they have a copy of the mark schemes for qs 2,3 and 4. I am including the question paper, insert and mark-scheme from AQA.
GCSE English Language Paper 1 Reading The Maze Runner

GCSE English Language Paper 1 Reading The Maze Runner

This is a detailed PowerPoint with accompanying documents to practise skills for GCSE Paper 1 reading questions. The PP takes students through questions 1-4 using mark schemes, advice and model answers. It is focused on achieving the top level of the mark-scheme (level 4) and uses self-assessment and peer-assessment. The package includes the PowerPoint, the extract and questions, a student handout and an extra structure worksheet.
GCSE English Language paper 1 REBECCA

GCSE English Language paper 1 REBECCA

This is a detailed PowerPoint taking students step-by-step through the reading section of paper 1 using the opening of Rebecca. It has detailed reference to the mark-scheme and assessment objectives, with hints and tips as well as key vocabulary. Students are asked to complete each section and then peer assess using mark-schemes. Also included is the actual paper (which does include a picture for question 5 although I haven’t referred to that in the PP) and a student copy of the model answers.
A level English Language spelling - a brief history

A level English Language spelling - a brief history

I made this PowerPoint as part of the Language Change unit for A level English Language, paper 2. It briefly introduces some of the main influences on English spelling from Caxton, to the Great Vowel Shift to standardisation and finishes with a video called “Why is English spelling so weird?”
GCSE English Language paper 2 2021 q 5

GCSE English Language paper 2 2021 q 5

This is a PP, plus style models, for preparing students for the 2021 paper 2 paper, question 5. It focuses on examiner expectations with close attention to the mark schemes. It asks students to do a couple of short tasks as well as look at two style models to get them to think of the kind of techniques used in writing to argue. Finally, students should complete the question in exam conditions and then 1) get feedback from a partner and 2) ideally have it marked by the teacher.
GCSE English Language paper 1 READING: The Lovely Bones

GCSE English Language paper 1 READING: The Lovely Bones

Practice paper for GCSE English Language paper 1, section A. This uses the opening of ‘The Lovely Bones’ by Alice Sebold. It is a detailed PowerPoint, going through each question, giving guidance and techniques as well as setting tasks for students. It includes model paragraphs for highlighting (also included on a separate sheet) and detailed explanations of the markscheme using student friendly language. It focusses students on the requirements of the top band for each question. PP, model answers and question paper included.
GCSE English Language paper 2  Railways

GCSE English Language paper 2 Railways

This is a PowerPoint I made to take students through the June '23 paper 2, section A of the English Language paper. It is thorough and methodical and introduces students to key terms from the mark scheme like: perceptive, judicious, synthesis etc. There are model answers to examine in relation to the mark scheme, tasks for students and plenty of tips. I am including the question paper, insert and mark scheme from AQA although the charge covers only the PowerPoint. If you like the resource, please give me a good review!
Assembly: Courageous women

Assembly: Courageous women

Ideal for International Women’s Day, this is the script and PowerPoint for an assembly I made about courageous women. I tried to include some women who weren’t familiar at all to students as well as ones like Greta Thunberg. There are some YouTube clips included as well. Courageous women: The Night Witches, Nancy Wake, Edith Cavell, Charlotte Marsh, Rosa Parks, Ei Thinzar Maung , Maslala Yousafai, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Greta Thunberg.
GCSE Eng Lang booklet: WRITING to argue and persuade

GCSE Eng Lang booklet: WRITING to argue and persuade

This is a booklet I devised for preparing students for the writing to argue/persuade task in paper 2 (question 5) It takes students step-by-step through the process of planning the task and the sort of techniques necessary for communicating clearly, and structuring a coherent argument. There is a section on punctuation along with suggestions for writing tasks. It was a very effective introduction to paper 2 question 5.
An Inspector Calls: Gerald

An Inspector Calls: Gerald

A lesson resource for GCSE English Literature, An Inspector Calls focussing on Gerald. It has a list of quotations by or about Gerald in Act Two which students should sort into categories matching a list of statements. This is followed by a set of discussion points for students to work on in pairs. They are then asked to plan and write the essay: In Act Two of An Inspector Calls, Priestley presents Gerald as a dislikeable character. Discuss this statement with close reference to the play Pages 3 and 4 have the quotations which should be cut up for students to organise into groups. I found this a really useful way to consider Gerald’s role in the play in the context of patriarchy and capitalism. It also asks students to consider the subtleties of his character which make him more believable.
Skills for GCSE English Language papers 1&2

Skills for GCSE English Language papers 1&2

This is a sheet I made for students, clearly outlining the skills for each English Language paper as well as the different levels of response, e.g. Level 4 Perceptive, detailed, Level 3 Clear, relevant, Level 2 Some, attempts, Level 1 Simple, limited. It was very useful as an overview of what is expected by the two exam papers.
GCSE English Lang 2 June 21 WRITING Fast Fashion

GCSE English Lang 2 June 21 WRITING Fast Fashion

This is a PowerPoint I made to prepare students for section B of paper 2, writing to argue: Fast Fashion. It contains two media texts to analyse and use as style models as well as guidance and tasks to prepare students for writing the article. There is also some peer assessment using mark schemes which I’m including here along with the question paper and media texts. The whole thing could take two to three lessons, including the forty-five minute assessment.
Child Language Development phonology

Child Language Development phonology

Document detailing the specifics of the manner and place of articulation, for analysing the phonology of language acquisition. Very useful for developing AO1 skills (apply linguistic methods and terminology; apply different levels of language analysis) and for understanding sound production. Can also be used for the Accents and Dialects unit.