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Thank you for taking time to visit my online resources shop. Please feel free to follow and like my twitter page on @SourceaResource and my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SourceaResource/ . I'm a secondary teacher working near Northampton. I have been teaching for over 15 years specialising in sociology and religious education.




Thank you for taking time to visit my online resources shop. Please feel free to follow and like my twitter page on @SourceaResource and my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SourceaResource/ . I'm a secondary teacher working near Northampton. I have been teaching for over 15 years specialising in sociology and religious education.
Justice Lesson

Justice Lesson

Lesson on the Muslim view on justice for EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, peace and conflict: Islam Unit 3 Crime and Punishment. Contains discussion exercises exam question and relevant sources of authority.
New Right theory and the family lesson

New Right theory and the family lesson

A lesson covering the New Right view on the family ideal to use in the families and households unit for either GCSE or A Level sociology. The lesson contains a 10 mark question with a writing frame, visual discussion exercises and a debate on the single parent families. Can be used alongside a course textbook. The lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy. Please visit my online shop for lots more similar resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/JamesPearson
AQA Paper 2 Beliefs in society unit

AQA Paper 2 Beliefs in society unit

19 Resources
A bundle for the new spec AQA A Level Sociology Paper 2 Beliefs in society unit. There are 17 lessons each carefully planned to the specification containing engaging discussions, self and peer assessment opportunities, summaries and 10 and 20 mark questions with writing frames. All lessons are differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy. Saving teachers a lot of time! Please visit my online TES shop for lots more similar resources … https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/JamesPearson
Factors which affect climate Lesson

Factors which affect climate Lesson

A lesson for key stage 3 geography on the factor that impact on climate. Lesson contains discussion activities, extended wring and independent research. Fully resourced and differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Pilgrimage EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

Pilgrimage EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson on Christian pilgrimage. Based on the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1 Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 3 Living the Christian life. Lesson contains though provoking discussions, extended writing and reference to the relevant source of wisdom and authority. Lesson come fully resourced and differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy. Please visit my online shop for lots more similar resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/JamesPearson
Prayer EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

Prayer EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson the nature and importance of prayer for Christians. Used for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1: Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 3 Living the Christian life. Lesson contains engaging discussion exercises, reference to the relevant source of authority and wisdom and an opportunity to work on a four mark exam question. Lesson fully resourced by can be used in conjunction with a core textbook. The lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy. Please visit my online shop for lots more similar resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/JamesPearson
The local Church EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

The local Church EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson on the role and importance of the local Church for Christians aimed at the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1 Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 3 Living the Christian life. The lesson contains a range of activities and discussion points. Looking at the role of the local Church in the community and the religious reasons for it's importance. The lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SLO Taxonomy. Please visit my online shop for lots more similar resources at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/JamesPearson
Death and the afterlife EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

Death and the afterlife EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

A lesson on Christian and non-religious views on life after death. The lesson is aimed at the new EDEXCEL GCSE RE B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity unit 4 Matters of life and death. The lesson consists of key sources of wisdom and authority for students to interpret, engage image and group discussion exercises, an extended writing task on an argument between a Christian and a non-religious person of the question of life after death and opportunities to answer exam related questions. The lesson is fully resourced and ready to teach or easy to edit to individual styles, The lesson comes fully differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Euthanasia EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

Euthanasia EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

A lesson on the Christian views on euthanasia for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity unit 4 Matters of life and death. The lesson contains 11 activities ranging from class discussions, summary exercises, video links, extended writing and an opportunity to answer a 12 mark exam question which comes with a mark scheme and writing frame. The lesson can be used as it is, but can be easily edited to individual styles. The lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Christian responses to issues in the natural world EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4

Christian responses to issues in the natural world EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4

A lesson on the Christian responses to stewardship, environmental issues and animals right for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Religious and ethics: Christianity Unit 4 Matters of life and death. The lesson contains discussion exercises, extended righting, group work and references to relevant sources of wisdom. The lesson can be taught as it is, or is easy to edit to individual teaching styles. The lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Issues surrounding conflict lesson

Issues surrounding conflict lesson

A Lesson for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict: Islam unit 4 - Peace and conflict on issues surround conflict in Islam. Lesson comes resourced with a variety of discussion, writing task and exam practice. Lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Anticyclone Lesson

Anticyclone Lesson

Lesson aimed for Key stage 3 Geography on the topic of weather and anticyclones. Lesson fully resourced with engaging tasks and differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Forgiveness Lesson

Forgiveness Lesson

Lesson on the Muslim view on forgiveness for EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, peace and conflict: Islam Unit 3 Crime and Punishment. Contains discussion exercises exam question and relevant sources of authority.
Aims of punishment lesson

Aims of punishment lesson

Lesson on the Muslim view on the aims of punishment for EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, peace and conflict: Islam Unit 3 Crime and Punishment. Contains discussion exercises exam question and relevant sources of authority.
Treatment of criminals lesson

Treatment of criminals lesson

Lesson on the Muslim view on the treatment of criminals for EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, peace and conflict: Islam Unit 3 Crime and Punishment. Contains discussion exercises exam question and relevant sources of authority.
Evil and suffering - EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS Spec B Paper 1 -Religion and Ethics lesson

Evil and suffering - EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS Spec B Paper 1 -Religion and Ethics lesson

A lesson on evil and suffering and the Christian responses to it for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1: Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 1 Christian beliefs. The lesson contains opportunities to discuss through engaging images, an independent research opportunity, a 12 mark question with a writing frame and mark scheme for self/peer assessment. The lesson comes differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.