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Thank you for taking time to visit my online resources shop. Please feel free to follow and like my twitter page on @SourceaResource and my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SourceaResource/ . I'm a secondary teacher working near Northampton. I have been teaching for over 15 years specialising in sociology and religious education.




Thank you for taking time to visit my online resources shop. Please feel free to follow and like my twitter page on @SourceaResource and my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SourceaResource/ . I'm a secondary teacher working near Northampton. I have been teaching for over 15 years specialising in sociology and religious education.
Hajj Lesson

Hajj Lesson

Suitable for the new Spec B EDEXCEL GCSE RE 9-1 exam for Paper 2:Religion, peace and conflict. Unit 3 Living the Muslim life. Lesson is differentiated and can be used in conjunction with any relevant course textbook.
Air pressure lesson

Air pressure lesson

Lesson on air pressure suitable for key stage 3. Contains lesson activities and tasks are differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Left and right realism and crime revision lesson

Left and right realism and crime revision lesson

A lesson on recapping the two theories Right and Left Realism for Paper 3 AQA A level sociology crime and deviance section. The lesson comes fully resources with a revision activity (the card sort) and a practice 10 mark question along with a mark scheme for peer/self assessment. Lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Christian Marriage EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

Christian Marriage EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson on Christian marriage designed for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1: Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 2 Marriage and the Family. Lesson allows class discussions on marriage and has exercises designed to understand the divergent views on it and makes reference to the relevant source of authority. Lesson has opportunities to draw in an exam question. Fully differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Measuring development lesson

Measuring development lesson

A lesson on development indicators for key stage 3 geography. Lesson contains group work, discussion exercises and extended writing. Lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Islam and pacifism

Islam and pacifism

Lesson for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Education B for Paper 2: Religion, Peace and conflict: Islam Section 4 Peace and conflict. Based on the principle of pacifism in Islam. Lesson contains differentiated resources directly liked to the specification requirements. Contains exam question and relevant sources of wisdom and authority to interpret. Differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Holy War Lesson

Holy War Lesson

Lesson on Muslim views on Holy War for the new EDEXCEL GCSE Religious Studies B Paper 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict: Islam. Lesson contains differentiated activities based on SOLO Taxonomy. Can be used in conjunction with a course textbook.
Weather and climate

Weather and climate

12 Resources
A collection of 12 lessons for key stage 3 on the topic of weather and climate. Lessons come fully resourced with a range of learning activities such as image discussions, extended writing, practical work and group work. Should save you a lot of time!
Creation - EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE SPEC B - Religion and ethics: Christianity -  lesson

Creation - EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE SPEC B - Religion and ethics: Christianity - lesson

A lesson for the New EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1: Religion and ethics: Christianity unit 1 Christian belief on creation. The lesson comes fully resourced with engaging discussions of the impact of creation on Christians today, a debate around creation and evolution, an exam question and interpreting relevant sources of wisdom and authority. The lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Families EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

Families EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson based on the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1: Religion and Ethics: Christianity Unit 2 Marriage and Family - families. The lesson contains differentiated tasks enabling students to engage in class discussion, and interpret appropriate religious sources. Also opportunities for exam questions. Can be used in conjunction with a relevant course exercise book. Lesson differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Christian denominations Lesson

Christian denominations Lesson

A lesson on the different denominations in Christianity aimed at Key Stage 3 RE in the introduction to Christianity unit. Lesson comes fully resourced and includes discussion exercises, research and extended writing. Lesson differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Miracles lesson

Miracles lesson

A lesson on the miracles of Jesus aimed at Key Stage 3 RE in an introduction to Christianity unit. The lesson contains opportunities for class discussions, extended reading and extended writing through a letter. Activities are scaffolded and the lesson is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Sacraments  EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

Sacraments EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS B Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity

A lesson on the role of sacraments for the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies B Paper 1 Religion and ethics Unit 2 Living the Christian life. The lesson contains stimulating images to aid in class discussions, the relevant source of wisdom and authority and opportunity to answer exam style questions. Lesson comes fully resourced and differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Origins of the universe EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

Origins of the universe EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

A lesson on the origins and value of the universe for the new EDEXCEL GCSE RE (9-1) Paper 1 Religion and Ethics: Christianity unit 4 Matters of life and death. The lesson includes exam question, relevant references to appropriate sources of authority and evidence, engaging discussion exercises and a link to a video clip on Georges Lemaitre. Lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
Evolution EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

Evolution EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Unit 4 Matters of life and death

A lesson on evolution and the Christian responses to it. The lesson is aimed at the new EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RS Paper 1 Religion and Ethics: Christianity unit 4 matters of life and death. The lesson contains engaging discussion opportunities, extended writing exercise, interpretations of relevant sources of wisdom and authority and exam answering. The lesson comes fully resourced and is differentiated via SOLO Taxonomy.
EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity  student revision activity pack

EDEXCEL GCSE (9-1) RE Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity student revision activity pack

A revision pack containing activities for students to help with revising key material, terms and exam skills for the Paper 1 Religion and ethics: Christianity exam. Activities include summary templates for students to consolidate key learning from the four units, a checklist to rank confidence, glossary sheets of key terms for students to complete, exam skills section and a pack of specimen exam questions for student to answer. Ideally printed out as a booklet for student to complete inside and outside of lessons in the build up to revising for the exam.