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Young people and employers, connected.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Geography

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Geography

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Geography curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their geography lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific and real-life jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will find out how their human and physical geography knowledge, especially about how human processes interact with environments, would be useful for them to become a Project Manager in the Built Environment at National Grid. KS4: Students will be informed that their knowledge of the people and environment, specifically about how humans use and modify ecosystems, would enable their career as a Sustainability Strategy Manager at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing DT English History Maths Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: History

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: History

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 History curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their history lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific and real-life jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will find out how the skills they develop in asking perceptive questions and thinking critically would support them to become an Incident Support Specialist at National Grid. KS4: Students can see that critically and constructively analysing source material helps them develop the skills that they would need to become a Governance, Risk & Compliance Manager at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing DT English Geography Maths Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Maths

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Maths

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Maths curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their Maths lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific and real-life jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will be informed about how their mathematical fluency, especially in moving freely between different representations, could support them to become a Finance Business Partner at National Grid. KS4: Students can identify how solving problems through mathematical models would help build the skills that they would need to become a Senior Project Manager at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing DT English Geography History Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: English

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: English

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 English curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their English lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific and real-life jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: students will be informed about how public speaking skills would be useful as a Performance and Innovation Analyst at National Grid. KS4: students will see how being taught how to write accurately and fluently would support a career as an External Affairs and Communications Manager at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing DT Geography History Maths Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Computing

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Computing

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Computing curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their Computing lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will see how the knowledge they develop in using technology safely, responsibly and securely would support them to become a Cyber Security higher Apprentice at National Grid. KS4: Students will find out how their analytic and problem-solving skills would help them in a career as a Principal Software Engineer at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design DT English Geography History Maths Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Design and Technology

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Design and Technology

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Design and Technology (DT) curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their DT lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will see how the technical knowledge they develop, specifically to understand and use the properties of materials, would help them to become a Power Systems Engineer at National Grid. KS4: Students will be taught how the technical principles they develop, especially those in energy generation, would help them to become a Lead Safety Engineer at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing English Geography History Maths Science If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Science

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Science

These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking actual jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Science curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their Science lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific and real-life jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. KS3: Students will see how what they learn in Physics lessons regarding energy changes and transfers would support a future career as a Substation Engineer at National Grid. KS4: Students will find out about how their Chemistry knowledge regarding Earth and Atmospheric Science would support them to become an Energy Strategic Planning Lead at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Art and Design Computing DT English Geography History Maths If you’d like to access more school resources by National Grid, or if you’d like to speak to National Grid ambassadors about their role and work, sign up to the free Careers Hub platform here.
FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Art and Design

FREE National Grid Careers in the Curriculum: Art and Design

**These free Career in the Curriculum resources will help you achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 by linking jobs at National Grid to the KS3 and KS4 Art and Design curriculum. These resources help students understand how the subject-specific skills and knowledge that they develop in their Art and Design lessons will support them for future careers. We’d recommend printing these to be displayed in classrooms, presenting them at open evenings, or using them to support students when choosing their options. We understand that Gatsby Benchmark 4 can be difficult for schools to fulfill or evidence across all subjects. These resources are designed to equip teaching staff with a better understanding of specific jobs at National Grid, and how these relate to their own teaching specialisms, to share this with students. ** KS3: Students will see how the analysis and evaluation skills they are taught in Art and Design would support them to pursue a career as a Social Media Officer at National Grid. KS4: Students will find out how refining their work in Art and Design will develop experimentation and evaluation skills which they could then use as a Brand and Marketing Manager at National Grid. Resources are also available for the following KS3 and KS4 subjects: Computing DT English Geography History Maths Science If you would like to access more resources by National Grid, or speak to ambassadors from National Grid, sign up to the free Careers Hub here.
Free Cisco Internet of Things (IoT) Teacher Lesson Plan

Free Cisco Internet of Things (IoT) Teacher Lesson Plan

Cisco have developed a new series of free 1 hour STEM lessons suited for Years 7-9, as part of their Cisco Pathways programme. Centred on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR) and Internet of Things (IoT). The lessons include a mix of interactive activities and share insight into the world of STEM careers. This is lesson plan 3 of 3 in the series. This collection of resources includes 3x teacher guides, including lesson overviews, activity guides and accompanying worksheets and 3x PPT presentations. The resources are free to download. They have been designed for use with Years 7-9. They align with a range of subjects, including computer science, physics, technology, law, and engineering.
Cisco Free 1 Hour  Computing Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

Cisco Free 1 Hour Computing Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

Programme code runs on individual devices and as cloud applications, with data sent to and from machines and humans alike. These introductory activities explore the design of algorithms that span the internet of things, and consider the hardware components that comprise it. No previous programming experience is required, and no equipment is necessary – although students may wish to extend their investigations through tinkering or prototyping using low-cost computing devices.
Cisco Free 1 hour Maths Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

Cisco Free 1 hour Maths Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

This collection of mathematics teaching materials are designed to help students discover how the Internet of Things (IoT) can connect the everyday objects around us, whilst exploring a number of mathematical concepts. Single-lesson one-hour activities, as well as more extended five-hour activities, are available. No previous knowledge of IoT is required, and no additional equipment is needed.
Cisco Free 1 Hour Design and Technology Lesson Plan and Teacher Resource

Cisco Free 1 Hour Design and Technology Lesson Plan and Teacher Resource

What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and how can it help firefighting in the future? These activities explore how design can improve the equipment that fire fighters use, improving safety for both the general public and the fire fighters themselves. The single-lesson one-hour activity requires no previous experience of the Internet of things and comes with the introductory material to explore the topic with the class. The extended five-hour activity supports students to explore prototyping their own product, using their own research of fire fighting equipment to develop Internet of Things design ideas and prototypes.
Free Cisco STEM teacher resources

Free Cisco STEM teacher resources

Cisco have developed a new series of free 1 hour STEM lessons suited for Years 7-9, as part of their Cisco Pathways programme. Centred on the theme of driverless cars, the lessons include a mix of interactive activities and share insight into the world of STEM careers. This collection of resources includes 3x teacher guides, including lesson overviews, activity guides and accompanying worksheets and 3x PPT presentations. The resources are free to download. They have been designed for use with Years 7-9. They align with a range of subjects, including computer science, physics, technology, law, and engineering.
Free Cisco Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teacher Lesson Plan

Free Cisco Artificial Intelligence (AI) Teacher Lesson Plan

Cisco have developed a new series of free 1 hour STEM lessons suited for Years 7-9, as part of their Cisco Pathways programme. Centred on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR) and Internet of Things (IoT). The lessons include a mix of interactive activities and share insight into the world of STEM careers. This is lesson plan 1 of 3 in the series. This collection of resources includes 3x teacher guides, including lesson overviews, activity guides and accompanying worksheets and 3x PPT presentations. The resources are free to download. They have been designed for use with Years 7-9. They align with a range of subjects, including computer science, physics, technology, law, and engineering.
Cisco Free 1 hour  Science Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

Cisco Free 1 hour Science Lesson Plan and Teacher Resources

Science Resource The Internet of Things (IoT) is already impacting on fire safety in areas such as fire prevention, detection and suppression, and firefighter safety. Connectivity of devices allows for integration into other smart systems too, utilities management the potential for saving lives is huge.
TATA Self-Led Work Work Experience Pack 2021

TATA Self-Led Work Work Experience Pack 2021

TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) have developed a self-led, digital work experience pack based on their award winning ‘Digital Explorers’ programme. Following the success of last years live virtual work experience week, TCS have made the programme readily available for students to complete in their own time, at their own pace. What does it include? An exciting and challenging self-led virtual work experience pack A self-led digital project to design an app, set by TCS employees Access to daily activities and videos, which break the project down step by step Pre-recorded webinars; Q&A sessions with TCS employees Video talks with various STEM experts Accompanying worksheets Develop key workplace skills (problem solving, project management) Year groups aimed at Year 12 students interested in IT, computing, digital, technology, business, or project management. Also suited to Years 10, 11 and 13 students. Students can complete this in their own time, at their own pace. It does not have to be completed over 1 consecutive week – students might tap into this resource once a week for a month for example. Altogether it should take around 1 week to complete.
FREE STEM National Grid, Greener Future Lesson/Resource Pack

FREE STEM National Grid, Greener Future Lesson/Resource Pack

Download our brand-new FREE STEM Resource Pack designed from National grid focusing on Greener Future industry and Greener Skills! Year group target: Year 9+ **What’s included? ** 1 x teacher lesson plan (PDF) 1 x Activity Challenge/Resource 1 x National grid Job Stories 1 x Job Description task Our mission, needs YOU! Our electricity network is on a journey to a cleaner, greener future, with our environmental targets we have set for our network and how we are reducing the environmental impacts of our direct and indirect operations. JOIN US, in taking part in an interactive Virtual Reality Challenge, Emergency Response! Students will go underneath our London Power Tunnel and take part in a emergency response activity, alongside understanding about Greener jobs, skills and matching job descriptions to job titles. Resource pack is designed to be delivered as part of the curriculum (subject links to Science, Geography, Design and Technology, Maths and STEM) The pack is also linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks: A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Encounters with employers and employees Personal Guidance To find out more about, careers at National Grid and the London Power Tunnels - head to our website. Get in touch with Rebecca Lewis at Connectr to book in STEM workshops, WEX and other school activities. rebecca.lewis@connectr.com Feedback/Comments helps us improve best practice for schools and students. Please do get in touch to provide feedback on the resource pack. Thank you for downloading our pack, we hope you enjoy it! National Grid & Connectr teams
FREE STEM National grid lesson pack - Engineering in a new world

FREE STEM National grid lesson pack - Engineering in a new world

We’re delighted to offer you exclusive access to National Grid’s STEM lesson pack for year groups 9-13. What’s included? 1 x teacher lesson plan 1 x student pack with challenge/task (blended learning) **What does it include? ** This resource pack is designed for teachers to deliver an interactive fast-paced workshop focusing on future of energy and environment through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality. The purpose aims to inspire the next generation in rethinking about energy usage, electricity and sustainability in how technology can innovate and support the Net-Zero campaign. Students will have the chance to use their creativity skills in creating new jobs that could exist through AI, discover about Natural capital and how National Grid can protect the future from wildlife, sea life, greenhouse to sustainable environments. Gatsby Benchmark A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Encounters with employers and employees Personal Guidance
Free Cisco Extended Reality (XR) Teacher Lesson Plan

Free Cisco Extended Reality (XR) Teacher Lesson Plan

Cisco have developed a new series of free 1 hour STEM lessons suited for Years 7-9, as part of their Cisco Pathways programme. Centred on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR) and Internet of Things (IoT). The lessons include a mix of interactive activities and share insight into the world of STEM careers. This is lesson plan 2 of 3 in the series. This collection of resources includes 3x teacher guides, including lesson overviews, activity guides and accompanying worksheets and 3x PPT presentations. The resources are free to download. They have been designed for use with Years 7-9. They align with a range of subjects, including computer science, physics, technology, law, and engineering.