Simple, straightforward revision guide for AQA English Language Papers 1 and 2 focusing on how to use the language of the mark schemes to your advantage. Includes Question 5s. Can be used in tandem with any paper.
Scaffolded lesson on descriptive writing including:
SPaG advice
Step-by-step focus on the description question
Writing tips
Mark Scheme
Easily differentiated
Adaptable to other exam boards
Simple essay writing resource for Macbeth on the AQA GCSE syllabus, includes:
assessment objectives
mark scheme
timing and planning
introduction and thesis statement
essay questions with model student responses
practice questions
applicable to More and Most Able but can be adapted
Word and PDF included
Lesson on demystifying Shakespeare’s language
Includes simple tasks on the development of English and iambic pentameter
Plot of Macbeth
General context
Witches in 1.1 and sergeant’s speech 1.2 for whole class annotation
Macbeth OCR GCSE exam question
Model candidate answer
Can be adapted to all exam boards and KS3
All AQA GCSE English Literature Exam Questions 2017-2022
Exam tips and technique
Indicative content
Ideal for revision
Easily adaptable
PowerPoint and PDF versions
An extended lesson/intervention lesson on narrative and descriptive writing for AQA English Language Paper 1 based on the June 2017 Question 5 - with differentiated tasks and resources.
Detailed lesson on Macbeth Act Five focusing on the key moments
The plot of Act Five
Crucial moments from the playscript
Key Vocabulary
Mark Scheme
Exam Question
Some quick and easy resources to aid GCSE English Literature students with retrieval practise [and revision] for Macbeth
Resource includes Acts One to Five on separate documents, and the whole play on one document.
Differentiated resource for both AQA English Language Papers, section As only
Numbered sentence frames to avoid use of complex and often limiting answer formulas
Colour-coded model examples provided for all reading questions on both papers
Ideal for revision practise
Straightforward lesson on exam practice for AQA Literature Paper 1 Jekyll and Hyde includes:
Quiz with answers
Exam technique
Mark Scheme
Annotated exam extract (Good and Evil)
Some context
Chapter Breakdown
Success Criteria
Detailed plan
Model introduction and thesis statement
AQA English Literature A Level, Elements of Crime Poetry
Overview of each poem, including links, key quotes/ideas/ themes
‘Peter Grimes’
‘Ballad of Reading Gaol’
‘My Last Duchess’
‘Porphyria’s Lover’
‘The Laboratory’
Exam question
Examiner advice
Indicative content
Ideal for revision lessons
Exam practice lesson in line with Assessment Objectives.
Plot Quiz and answers
Basic plot
Form, Language, and Structure
Exam question on the importance of giving and annotated extract (Fezziwig’s Ball)
Examiner’s tips
Plan, model introduction, and model paragraph
Detailed lesson in line with Assessment Objectives.
Summary of Paper 1, Section 2 with sample exam questions
Broad Victorian context on women narrows to Rossetti
Form and structure
Analysis and alternative interpretation
Annotated poem slides
Lesson in line with Assessment Objectives. Includes:
Breakdown of question
Key terminology inc. social, class, social stratification
Examples of early studies of language and social class
Basics of Social Network Theory
Essay Preparation, Plan and Structure
Thesis and opening paragraph on “Evaluate the view that most social groups use language as a membership card.”
Detailed lesson in line with Assessment Objectives.
Summary of Paper 1, Section 2 with sample exam questions
Broad contextual overview of British Empire
Annotated poem slides
Question 7 Candidate response and Examiner’s Comment
Very detailed lesson focusing on:
Plot (inc. key scenes for Romeo and Juliet)
Key Quotes
Extract Analysis
Lesson can be split - it’s effectively two lessons - and is easily differentiated for all KS3 abilities
AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 1, Macbeth exam question lesson (2.2). It includes:
Annotated mark scheme
Question extract on the theme of Guilt
Detailed historical context- Great Chain of Being, Divine Right of Kings, Gunpowder Plot, Witchcraft
Key Vocabulary
Pre-annotated exam question (annotations can be deleted)
Colour-coded model introduction with thesis statement
Colour-coded model paragraph with examiners mark and comments (aimed at Lower ability)
Scaffolded paragraph
A lesson/lecture covering the socioeconomic conditions of the early modern - English renaissance - era. This can be taught as a masterclass to the Most Able at Year 11, or as general contextual background for an early modern A Level text. The focus in the second part is Macbeth but having personally taught many early modern texts, I know it can easily be adapted to all exam boards for GCSE and A Level.