Year 8 introduction to cells topic resource
Guided investigation where students explore the classification of different life kingdoms
included: word documents x2 powerpoint x 1
Word documents: student worksheet with summary table to complete, investigation information
Powerpoint: lesson support, starter activity, differentiated outcomes and learning goals, supporting slides with visuals
Use: student complete the starter activity, teacher guided learning goals introduced. Students use the information document to complete the summary table.
Year 12 Module 7 Infectious disease, virulent factors pathogen adaptations
Complete lesson resources
**Resources and lesson instructions. **
Slide 1: Differentiated starter activity reviewing aseptic technique
Slide 2:Lesson learning goals and success criteria -m compare the adaptations of different pathogens that facilitate their entry into and transmission between hosts (ACSBL118)
Slide 3-4: review of starter activity
Slide 5: introduction to virulent factors
Slide 6: Learning activity 1: summary table for adhesion and invasion (students complete table 1 using word doc and info cards)
Slide 7-14 : Review of learning activity 1
Slide 15-17: introduction to pathogenic adaptations for transmission introduction to learning activity 2- summary table for transmission ((students complete table 2 using word doc and info cards)
Slides 18-23: review learning activity 2
Slide 24: review lesson learning goals and success criteria.
Word documents: summary table for learning activity 1 and 2 / summary information cards.
Year 12 Module 7 Infectious Disease, Innate response
Lesson powerpoint
Lesson resources and instructions
Slide 1: Learning goals and success criteria: investigate and model the innate and adaptive immune systems in the human body (ACSBL119)
explain how the immune system responds after primary exposure to a pathogen, including innate and acquired immunity
Slide 2: analogies page: students discuss modes of defence in reference to countries (real world example) teacher led discussion to follow.
Slide 3: Stages of animal defence introduced - innate (lesson focus) and adaptive
Slide 4: Overview of innate defence methods -1st and 2nd line
Slide 5: Investigation questions for 1st line - student research/use textbooks to explore
Slide 6-9: Review answers for 1st line
Slide 10: Investigation questions for 2nd line - student research/use textbooks to explore
Slide 11-13: Review answers for 2nd
Slide 14: Review of lesson learning goals and success criteria
Year 12 Module 7 Infectious Disease Transmission of disease
Complete lesson resources
Slide 1: differentiated starter activity - identifying pathogens
Slide 2: learning goals
Slide 3-6: review of starter
Slide7-8 : introduction of main learning activity
Slide 9-37: review of main learning activity
Slide38 -47: epidemics and pandemics (covid research activity with links slide )
Slide 48: review of learning goals
Word documents
Student inquiry chart for modes of transmission with guided questions
Information cards for use completing summary chart
Year 7 Classification and Life Kingdoms
Full lesson resources provided
Covers: Criteria for life (MRS GREN) /need for classification/cells as basis for life/ difference between multicellular and unicellular life/ hierachy of multicellular life/ inquiry in classification of life kingdoms
Lesson powerpoint and instructions
Slide 1: Differentiated starter activity
Slide 2-4: Review of starter activity (teacher led)
Slide 5: Introduction to lesson goals and success criteria. Lesson goals are differentiated by outcome.
Slides 6-8: Teacher led- cells as a structure of life. Embedded (public) video
Slide 9: Introduction to life kingdoms
Slide 10: Activity: card sort- student sort examples into life kingdoms (word document provided)
Slide 11: Teacher led review of activity answers - class discussion
Slide 12: Activity: students use the questions (powerpoint slide) to discuss and share in class discussion. Analogy of working in groups vs alone to compare to unicellular life vs multicellular.
Slide 13: Teacher led review and overview of life kingdoms approach
Slide 14: Teacher led: How are multicellular organisms organised?
Slide 15: Activity instructions: student the fact pages (word document provided)to create a summary table (on slide) of the different life kingdoms
Slide 16: Review activity answers
Slide 17: Review lesson goals and success criteria.
Word documents
Kingdoms cart activity
Life kingdoms inquiry table
Life kingdoms inquiry info page
Year 7 Classification of Invertebrates
Full lesson resource
Lesson PowerPoint and instructions
Slide 1: Differentiated starter activity
Slide 2-3: Review of starter activity (teacher led)
Slide 4: Introduction to lesson goals and success criteria. Lesson goals are differentiated by outcome.
Slide 5: introduce to giant invertebrates (engagement activity)
Slide 6: Activity instructions-students use the article to explore some interesting GIANT invertebrates. Questions on slide. Information on document (word document provided- invertebrate article)
Slide 7-11: review activity answers
Slide 12: teacher led discussion of similarities and differences
Slide 13: Activity: students use the word document (provided) invertebrate info cards to complete the document (provided) invertebrate summary table
Slide 14: Review activity answers
Slide 15: embedded (public) video
Slide 16: Activity students use their completed summary table to try and identify the examples from document (provided) identify the invertebrate
Slide 17 : Review lesson goals and success criteria.
Word documents:
invertebrate article
invertebrate info cards
invertebrate summary table
identify the invertebrate
Year 12 Module 5 Heredity Hormones and reproduction
Full lesson resources
Resources and lesson instructions
Slide 1: differentiated starter activity
Slide 2: Lesson learning goals and success criteria
Slide 3-4: review of starter activity
Slide 5-7: recap of hormones (year 9) embedded UTube video
Slide 8: introduction to reproductive strategies in animal kingdom
Slide 9: introduction of reproductive hormones
Slide 10: Hormones for oestrus ( inquiry questions -used to guide annotation of diagram using information cards)
Slide 11-22 of oestrus hormones
Slide 23-28 Teacher led hormones and foetal development .
Slide 29: Review of learning goals and success criteria.
Year 12 Module 5 Heredity Mitosis
Full lesson resource
Resources and lesson instructions
Slide 1: differientiated starter activity
Slide 2: Students arrange the electro micrograph images in the correct order on word document. (engagement)
Slide 3: Lesson learning goals and success criteria. IQ 2: 2.1-2.2 How important is it for genetic material to be replicated exactly?To understand how cells replicate through mitosis
Slide 4: Introduce mitosis
Slides 5-18: teacher led overiew of process as student use electro micrograph document to annotate
Slide 19: UTube embedded summary video
Slide 20- 24 teacher led on mitosis gone wrong
** Student then complete inquiry differientiated question summary grid to consolidate
Slde 25: review learning goals and success criteria.
Year 11 Model 3 Biological Diversity Convergent vs Divergent evolution
Full lesson resources
Lesson resources and instructions
Slide 1: differentiated starter activity for evolution of Sclerophyll forests in Australia
Slide 2: lesson goals and success criteria
Slide 3: Instructions for card sort activity (see attached word document)
Slide 4-11: review of card sort activity
Slide 12-15: Teacher led discussion of convergent vs divergent evolution
Slide 16-19: student pair share examples - class discussion
Slide 21: Utube embedded summary video
Slide 22: Activity: student use examples page (see attached word document) to complete examples table
Slide 23: review of lesson goals and success criteria.