All resources
laundry sorting
communication In Print laundry sorting from dirty to clean
shopping List Chicken Tikka Masala
Simple list for students to identify money when preparing for shopping
PSHE pack
What i would like to do next
How to be in my new setting
What i enjoy
Cooking Shepherds Pie
Shopping list for shepherds pie matching coins and matching products
Making Bolognese
Making Bolognese differentiated into small groups
Sensory Circuit
Simple Sensory circuit visual aid
Preparation for work
These resources will help students prepare for work when they leave school
My qualities
My favorite subjects
Adding using symbols
simple adding worksheets
People who help us Colorful semantics
This pack includes 4 part and 3 part sentence structure people who help us
Math's through food items
Worksheet for maths
sizes shapes and weight
Math's through food
Worksheets for identifying food shapes
Math's in food
Worksheet to help students learn about weight and shapes
simple adding work sheet using symbols of food
Hygiene pack
Aided language displays LEVEL 2 for handwashing, toothbrushing, combing hair and shaving
order instructions how to brush your teeth and hand washing
Healthy and unhealthy foods
sorting symbols to healthy and unhealthy symbols
and if you eat unhealthy what happens to your body
How to make hot chocolate using symbols
Instructions how to make hot chocolate and aided language display level 2
Money and numbers
Grouping food with numbers, matching coins and grouping pennies
Cheese on toast
instructions how to make cheese on toast
aided language display level 2
Cheese on crackers
Instructions how to make cheese on crackers
Aided language display level 2
Making fruit salad
Instructions how to make fruit salad
aided language display level 2