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JRW Teacher

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(based on 1 reviews)

Teacher, son, brother, friend and runner. Associate Headteacher - Head of Secondary - Teacher of History - love learning new things.

Teacher, son, brother, friend and runner. Associate Headteacher - Head of Secondary - Teacher of History - love learning new things.
Middle Ages - Medieval period in Britain - Complete set of lessons

Middle Ages - Medieval period in Britain - Complete set of lessons

A complete set of lessons about the Middle Ages. There is also a focus on students developing the skills of evaluating sources and historical interpretations. Who should be King in 1066? Why did William win the Battle of Hastings? How did the Normans steal England and what should William be called? How did castles change and how were they defended? How were castles attacked? Why was the King whipped? Why did people go on a crusade? What was a Medieval King supposed to do and were Medieval Kings completely in charge? Why did the Barons rebel against King John? What caused the Black Death and what were the symptoms? What did people believe would cure the Black Death and how did the Black Death improve lives? What happened in the Peasants Revolt? Which was more significant: Black Death or Peasants Revolt? Why is the story of Agincourt so popular?
Romans - Complete set of lessons

Romans - Complete set of lessons

A complete set of lessons about the Romans. The lesson includes a focus on developing the skill of causation. Why did the Romans want an Empire? Why did the Romans invade Britain? Why was the Roman army so successful? Did people love or hate living in Roman Britain? Why did the Roman Empire collapse?
Industrial Revolution and Slavery - Complete set of lessons

Industrial Revolution and Slavery - Complete set of lessons

A complete set of lessons about the Industrial Revolution and Slavery. The lessons also include a focus on developing source evaluation skills. What were the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution? What was life like in the cities during the Industrial Revolution? What was life like in the factories and coal mines? What was the Triangular Slave Trade and what were its causes? What were conditions like for slaves? How was slavery abolished?
USSR and Nazi Germany - Complete set of lessons about Stalin and Hitler

USSR and Nazi Germany - Complete set of lessons about Stalin and Hitler

A complete set of lessons about Stalin and Hitler. The lessons include a focus on developing the historical skill of causation: How did Stalin control the Soviet Union? How did Stalin affect the lives of the Soviet people? Why did people vote for the Nazis? How did Hitler become a dictator? How did the terror state operate and how terrifying was it? How did the Nazis fix the economy and were the Germans better off under the Nazis? What were Nazi policies towards women and the youth? How did Nazi anti-Semitic policies develop?
USA 1910 - 1929 - Complete set of lessons

USA 1910 - 1929 - Complete set of lessons

Complete set of lessons about the USA: 1910-1929. The lessons contain a focus on developing the historical skill of interpretation. What was life like in the Jazz Age? How did prohibition lead to the rise of gangsters? How did the status of women change? What was life like for Black Americans? Why did immigration become such a major issue? What were the causes of the economic boom and bust?
Health and Medicine in Britain (Medicine through time) - complete set of lessons

Health and Medicine in Britain (Medicine through time) - complete set of lessons

Complete set of lessons about health and medicine in Britain from prehistoric times to the modern day. The lessons focus on the causes of change (and lack of) and the extent of change and improvement. What helped and inhibited medical development in prehistoric times? What contribution did Ancient Greeks make to medicine? How did the Romans improve public health? How did Islamic scholars contribute to medical knowledge and how did the Catholic church influence medical ideas? What was the most significant medical idea in the Renaissance? Why did medicine improve in the 19th century? Who was most significant - Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole? Why did the pace of innovation increase in the 20th century? Includes course notes which summarises every period
Stuarts - Complete set of lessons

Stuarts - Complete set of lessons

A complete set of lessons on the Stuarts. Includes a focus on developing the historical skill of interpretation. Was Guy Fawkes guilty? What were the causes of the English Civil War? What happened in the English Civil War and why did the Parliamentarians win? Should Charles I have been executed and what should happen after the execution? Was Cromwell a good or bad man? Which was worse - Great Fire of London or Great Plague? Why did people believe in witches and what happened to them?