This is a set of 24 different circle cards for occupation topic plus text cards so kids could match the words and the pictures, just print and laminate. Thanks.
1 - Flash cards 6.5x6.5 cm - 2 pages A4 each has 12 cards
2 - Text cards 2x6 cm -1 page A4
Here you can find the cards sets (6.5x9 cm and 9x13 cm) plus coloring pages and worksheets to occupation unit:
Occupation Unit Flash Cards
This is the personal students calendar to check the weather and mood and presence of the your students and many other fun stuff to do
This is what I do as a daily routine with my kids. I just cut the cards and put them in a bowl so kids easily get them and before the class I let them to fill the blanks so we could talk a little as a part of greetings.
The worksheets are quite easy and fun. Kids have to fill the current month, date, weather (they can draw it or just take from the bowl and stick to the sheet) and their mood and it becomes their personal daily calendar. They can use it as a cheat sheet when I talk to them about the day and weather and how they feel on daily basis.
You can make from really interesting thing - like I put the stickers (or whatever you use) on the days when kids work really hard so they can see their efforts noticed and at the end of a month the most diligent students can get something according to their work and also at the end of the months we look at the calendars and choose who the happiest/saddest/angriest etc. in the class was this month.
Also there are many decorative elements in the worksheet so kids can color and make it unique.
set of 11 printable colors flashcards, just print and laminate (yellow, blue, green, red, black, white, gray, pink, purple, brown, orange) with color by number worksheets
Details 1 ZIP file
1 Flashcards - 1 pdf file 6 pages each has 2 cards sized 21x15
2 Coloring sheet - 1 pdf file 1 page A4
3 Color by number worksheets - 1 pdf file 2 pages each has 2 pic to color sized 21x15
Hope it will be helpful to you and fun to your kids. It would be great to see feedback! Thanks!
This is a set of 6 tracing worksheets to trace the shapes and color them by number or sum. Every page the task is getting a bit harder that allows kids to practice math and get better in word recognition (colors and numbers)
1 Tracing worksheets 1 PDF 6 pages A4
This is a set of different levels of difficulty tracing worksheets to improve and help tp develop fine motor skills of your young learners.
Details 1 Zip file
1 Level 1 -1 pdf file 2 pages A4
2 Level 2 - 1 pdf 2 pages A4
3 Level 3 - 1 pdf 2 pages A4
4 Coloring sheet 1 PDF 1 A4 page
This is all about the shapes. There are - cute characters flashcards for circle, triangle, square, diamond, oval, heart, rectangle, triangle and star; - very simple story with “spot the shapes” activity in it; - “make a castle” worksheet (color and cut the shapes and glue them to the castle template) plus coloring sheets to every shape so we can practice the colors as well.
this is a set of 8 different pictures where kids need to complete the drawings connecting dot to dot in alphabetical order and then to color these pictures in circled colors.
1 Worksheets 1 PDF file 8 A4 pages
This is a set of weather flash cards with coloring sheet to each card, temperature cards (hot, warm, cold, cool), weather board poster where I tag the kids who are in charge, the date and the weather, blank tags and labels.
Details: 1 Zip file
1 Flashcards - 1 PDF file 4 pages each has 2 cards sized 21x15 cm
2 Flashcards - 1 PDF file 2 pages each has 4 weather cards sized 10x10 cm and words cards 2.5x9
3 Coloring sheets - PDF file 2 pages A4
4 Blank tags - 1 pdf file 3 pages each has 2 tags sized 18x12 cm (violet, purple, green, blue, red, orange)
5 Blank tags - 1 PDF file 3 pages each has 32 tags sized 5x3.5 cm (violet, purple, green, blue, red, orange)
6 Temperature cards - 1 pdf file A4 it has 4 cards sized 20x7 cm (hot. warm, cool, cold)
7 Temperature cards - 1 PDF file 2 pages each has 2 cards sized 21x15 cm
8 Sticker to weather board - 1PDF file A4 page )Cut and laminate. I use them with weather board and name tags
9 Weather board poster - 1 pdf file 4 pages (Print all the pages cut it out and stick them together to get the whole poster, better to laminate to use it longer, I use the magnets to keep it on the chalkboard)
This is a worksheet for learning and reviewing alphabet letters with numbers and shapes as well. Kids just need to write the proper letters in empty squares. There are two pages for uppercase and lowercase letters.
Details 1 PDF file - 2 pages A4
Hope you’ll find it helpful. Thanks
Set of 12 fruit flash cards in different size suitable for fruit topic just print and laminate to use in your classroom activities. There are editable name labels and tags where you can write or type anything and fruit icons/stickers which I use as stickers (double-sided tape or glue and it works)
1 - Flashcards 1 pdf 6 pages each has 2 cards 18x13 cm sized
2 - Flashcards 1 pdf 3 pages each has 4 cards 10x10 cm sized
3 - Fruit stickers\icons 1 pdf 2 pages each has 35 pictures sized 3.5x3.5 cm
4 - Fruit labels 1 pdf 2 pages each has 24 editable pictures sized 4.5x4.5
set of 10 vegetables flash cards, just print and laminate, with coloring sheet to each vegetable and worksheets (counting, matching, spelling etc.)
Details 1 ZIP file :
1 Flashcards big - 1 PDF file 5 pages each has 2 cards sized 21x15
2 Flashcards small - 1 PDF file 2 pages each has 5 small cards sized 9x9
3 Coloring sheets - 1 PDF file 5 pages each has 2 pics to color sized 21x15
4 Matching worksheets - 1 PDF file 2 pages A4 (match the words to the pictures)
5 Counting worksheets - 1 PDF file 2 pages A4 (find all the vegetables (circle and color them) and count)
6 Like/Don’t like worksheets - 1 PDF file 2 pages A4 (Choose the favorite and least favorite vegetables and draw them)
7 Spelling worksheets - 1 PDF file 2 pages A4 (Cut the letters and put them where they belong)
Set of 12 Vegetables flash cards in different size suitable for fruit topic just print and laminate to use in your classroom activities. There are editable name labels and tags where you can write or type anything and fruit icons/stickers which I use as stickers (double-sided tape or glue and it works)
1 - Flashcards 1 pdf 6 pages each has 2 cards 18x13 cm sized
2 - Flashcards 1 pdf 3 pages each has 4 cards 10x10 cm sized
3 - Vegetables stickers\icons 1 pdf 2 pages each has 35 pictures sized 3.5x3.5 cm
4 - Vegetables labels 1 pdf 2 pages each has 24 editable pictures sized 4.5x4.5
This is a set of 5 common Australian animals (kangaroo, koala, wombat, emu and platypus) drawing outlines isolated and with the backgrounds to color.
1 Coloring pages 1 PDF 5 A4 coloring pages
2 Sample 1 PDF 1 A4 page with colored samples
3 Coloring pages (isolated) 1 PDF 5 pages each has 2 14x20 cm outlines
set of 10 fruit flash cards to print and laminate for young learners. Plus there are coloring sheets to each fruit and worksheets in the set.
Content 1 ZIP file
-Flash cards 1 pdf file 5 pages each has 2 cards sized 14.8X21 cm
Coloring sheets 5 pdf files A4 each has 2 pictures to color
-Worksheets 3 pdf files A4 (matching and counting)
This is a set of 8 different fruits where the kids should draw the missing parts symmetrically and guess what kind of fruit it is and then color it. Simply and fun way to practice symmetry and fruits vocabulary.
1 Symmetry worksheets 1 PDF file 2 A4 pages each has 4 fruits
2 Sample 1 PDF A4 page
This is a set of 8 different vegetables where the kids should draw the missing parts symmetrically and guess what kind of vegetable it is and then color it. Simply and fun way to practice symmetry and vocabulary.
1 Symmetry worksheets 1 PDF file 2 A4 pages each has 4 vegetables
2 Sample 1 PDF A4 page
Alphabet worksheets. Tracing worksheets. Tracing letters.
Printable alphabet worksheets to help kids with the letters formation and writing skills. Basic skills practice through getting familiar with alphabet upper and lower case letters. First kids have to follow the lines and trace the letters and than to complete the lines writing the letters on their own.
1 - Tracing worksheets 1 PDF file 13 pages each has 2 letters
2 - Upper case letters guide 1 PDF 13 pages each has 2 letters
3 - Lower case letters guide 1 PDF 13 pages each has 2 letters
4 - Lines Template 1 PDF A4 page. (Laminate it and write over it using erasable marker so you can use it many times)
Set of 12 fruits and 12 vegetables printable flash cards to print and laminate you can use in your classroom activities, plus there are editable labels and stickers ( I use double sided tape or glue) to each card to decorate the classroom according to the topic.
1 Flash cards 2 pdf files 12 pages each has 2 cards sized 18x13 cm
2 Flash cards 2 pdf files 6 pages each has 4 cards sized 10x10 cm
3 Labels 2 pdf files 4 pages each has 24 editable pictures sized 4.5x4.5 cm
4 Stickers/icons 2 pdf files 4 pages each has 35 pictures sized 3.5x3.5 cm
This is a set of numbers worksheets (from 1 to 10) where kids need to write, color and spot the numbers. There are two types of worksheets here where kids need to recognize the numbers and the words. It’s simple and fun way to make young learners familiar with the numbers and review them.
Details - 1 zip file
1 Number worksheets (spot by numbers) - 1 pdf - 10 A4 pages each has 1 number to work with
2 Number worksheets (spot by words) - 1 pdf - 10 A4 pages - same -
Hope these worksheets will be helpful. Thanks.