Ms H's ShopAverage Rating4.57(based on 10 reviews)I've worked across KS2, particularly interested in the explicit teaching of reading fluency.Edit shopAdd a resource
Kate162Magic multiples starter(0)Year 5 resource to teach the 'tricks' for recognising multiples of 3,4,6 and 9. I used with my class as a starter one each day when doing multiplication.
Kate162Drawing dots onto a first quadrant from coordinates(1)Differentiated resource made for Year 4 position and direction block. The HA draws a smiley face :-)
Kate162Plot a shape onto a first quadrant from coordinates(4)Made for a Y4 class, building on knowledge of quadrilaterals and triangles. Differentiated.
Kate162Symmetry Mastery Challenge Yr 4(5)Colour 1 more square to make a shape with a line of symmetry. I made this as a challenge for Yr 4 geometry: symmetry.