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Kiwilander's Shop

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I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ




I have been a teaching principal in a small rural school for the last 3 years. Before this I have over 10 years teaching experience teaching students ranging in age 5 through to 12 and have loved every minute. “Students are engaged, motivated and keen to succeed. They take responsibility for their learning and increasingly know about themselves as learners. They stay on task, work well together and help each other. Positive and respectful interactions between students underpin learning”. Educ
STEM Math Murder Mystery Case#54 A Math Challenge

STEM Math Murder Mystery Case#54 A Math Challenge

This murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve addition math puzzles to solve a murder. Students will need to gather evidence by completing charts, Interview witnesses by sorting through addition equations and compare data to narrow the suspects. Finally they will narrow it down to two suspects, with a final hundred chart puzzle to uncover the truth. Who is the Math Mystery Murderer!!! Enjoy
Multiple Maze Factors to 12

Multiple Maze Factors to 12

These factor mazes are great activities that your students will enjoy and provide a fun way for your students to learn their timetables. There are 11 mazes included (up to x12, but not 1)) where students find the path to the finish line by following the correct factors. Answer keys are included.
CSI: Math Murder  Mystery: The Missing Lunchbox - Fractions

CSI: Math Murder Mystery: The Missing Lunchbox - Fractions

This CSI themed fraction activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve fraction problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who stole the lunch? This case includes Clue 1: Calculating fractions of a whole number. Clue 2: Ordering fractions from biggest to smallest Clue 3: Simplifying fractions Clue 4: Improper fractions to proper fractions Clue 5: Addition of fractions Answer sheets are included Can your class solve all of the clues? Enjoy
STEM Student Role Cards and Posters

STEM Student Role Cards and Posters

Student Roles for you STEM challenges This resource is perfect for your STEM projects. The students are given clear roles and are taught to work in teams to successfully complete their work. Included are: Captain Encouragement Testing Officer Collections Manager Chief Communicator To make the lanyards I laminate each sheet,cut therm out, punch a hole in the top of each and tie a piece of string around each to fit around your students necks. I like/prefer to use colored ribbon with the corresponding colored lanyard. Just looks nicer and the kids love it!!! If you need other roles for your challenges, let me know and I will make them for you. Enjoy
CSI: Math Murder Mystery -The Missing Teacher - Multiplication and Division

CSI: Math Murder Mystery -The Missing Teacher - Multiplication and Division

This CSI themed multiplication and division activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who is the missing teacher? This case includes multiplication and division problems up to their 12 times table. Answers are included Please remember to follow me. Enjoy If you are interested in this product and your students enjoy STEM I have additional resources that will complimet this one.
Matariki - Mu Torere (A Traditional Maori Board Game)

Matariki - Mu Torere (A Traditional Maori Board Game)

Mu torere is said to be the only native board game of the Maori. It is played on the points and centre of an 8-pointed star, by two players with four pieces each. The object of the game is to block your opponent so they cannot move. Mu Torere is the perfect game to celebrate Matariki, or Waitangi Day, especially if it is raining. I also put the boards in my math game area for my math rotations and early finishers. I have included 2 different game boards. First ,the traditional star board and the other being more of a wheel design (My students seem to prefer this one) Further I have included some counters for it (Or just use your plastic ones). Oh yes I have included instructions on how to play. Simply print, cut and laminate for a long lasting resource. I laminate the game board on one side and the instructions on the other.
Skip Counting by 2  (1-100 number cards)

Skip Counting by 2 (1-100 number cards)

These Polka Dot Number Cards 1-100 can be used to teach skip counting in 2's. The number cards can either be used as a wall display, flash cards or group and individual games. The cards have been designed to make it easy for students to recognize the multiples of 2, with them being green and the other numbers blue. There are 6 cards per page. Simply print, laminate and cut. I have included extra cards so you can make your own.If you would like other colors or designs please message me and I am happy to make them for you. Enjoy.
CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Zombie Attack

CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Zombie Attack

This CSI themed Math Murder Mystery activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person/animal is left. The problems in this math mystery focus on Grade Three “Operations & Algebraic Thinking” and “Number & Operations in Base Ten”. This case includes Clue 1: Multiply 1-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range of 10-90 Clue 2: Dividing up to 10 times-tables. Clue 3: Adding 3-digit numbers with regrouping. Clue 4:Rounding to the nearest 10’s Clue 5: Dividing up to 10 times-tables Answer sheets are included
Scientific Method Poster and Anchor Charts

Scientific Method Poster and Anchor Charts

This resource pack contains 24 scientific method vocabulary posters. Each poster has an explanation of the term and a picture or diagram to illustrate the word to the student. Each poster is written in a student friendly voice for easy understanding. These posters make excellent anchor charts and look fantastic on your wall. Words included are: Scientific Method, Hypothesis, Control group, Variables, Problem, Data, materials, Procedure, Observation, Conclusion, Science, Classifying, Fair test, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Zoology, Geology, Geography, Astronomy, Bar chart, Pie chart, Line graph, Stem and leaf. If you would like any words added please contact me and i am happy to do so. Enjoy.
STEM Geometry 1:  A Math Murder Mystery

STEM Geometry 1: A Math Murder Mystery

This murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve geometry puzzles and questions to solve a murder. Students will need to gather evidence by completing charts, Interview witnesses by sorting through geometry shapes and compare data to narrow the suspects. Finally they will narrow it down to two suspects, with a final hundred chart puzzle to uncover the truth. Who is the Geometry Math Mystery Murderer!!! Enjoy Categ
CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Who Stole Time  - Telling the Time

CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Who Stole Time - Telling the Time

This CSI themed telling the time activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who Stole Time? This case includes: Clue 1: Converting form analogue to digital Clue 2: Addition and subtraction of time Clue 3: Addition and subtraction of time Clue 4: Reading a clock face Clue 5: Counting up in 15 minute intervals Answers are included Please remember to follow me. Enjoy
STEM Marble Roller Archery: An Engineering and Math Challenge

STEM Marble Roller Archery: An Engineering and Math Challenge

This STEM activity is a great group activity for your students. It combines both engineering and statistics. The students need to work together to complete the challenge given. SCIENCE: Students will use skills in the scientific method: observing, communicating, comparing, organizing, and relating. TECHNOLOGY: Students can document learning through the use of digital technology. ENGINEERING: Students will devise and implement a strategy to construct Marble Roller Device. MATH: Students will explore measurement, graphing, statistics, patterns, and build mathematical knowledge through problem solving
CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! Haunted Halloween

CSI Math Murder Mystery - HELP! Haunted Halloween

This CSI Halloween themed math murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who is it? This case includes Clue 1: Making 100 Addition Clue 2: Coordinates using 1 quadrant Clue 3: Addition and subtraction using +10, -10, +100 and -100 Clue 4: Subtraction of single digit from double digits Clue 5: Subtraction from 100 Answer sheets are included
CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Geometry Wars - Perimeter and Area

CSI: Math Murder Mystery - Geometry Wars - Perimeter and Area

This CSI themed Math Murder Mystery activity will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve perimeter and area problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. There are two versions. One in American Customary and the other in Metric. This case includes Clue 1: Correct calculation for perimeter and area. Clue 2: Perimeter of various shapes. Clue 3: Calculate the missing length from the perimeter. Clue 4: Area of quadrilaterals Clue 5: Area maze Answer sheets are included
CSI Math Murder Mystery - Fortnite Edition

CSI Math Murder Mystery - Fortnite Edition

This CSI Fortnite themed math murder mystery will engage students by taking them on a journey to solve Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction problems and puzzles. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who stole the lunch? This case includes Clue 1: Division Maze Clue 2: Multiplication of 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s Clue 3: Multiplication up to x12 Clue 4: Addition of 4-digit numbers Clue 5: Addition and Subtraction Snake Answer sheets are included
Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 CSI Math Mystery The Missing Rugby Ball

Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 CSI Math Mystery The Missing Rugby Ball

A fun Commonwealth Games 2022 CSI Math Mystery that includes multiplication and division activities, problems, and puzzles to celebrate the Birmingham event. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Where is the missing rugby ball? This case includes Multiplication and Division Cryptogram True or False Multiplication Problems Multiplication and Division Sequence Place Value Addition with 10 more 100 more and 1000 more Solving Multiplication and Division Problems This math mystery is the perfect fit for any classroom learning about rugby, or simply wanting to get involved in the World Cup in France 2023, Rugby Sevens, Super 15, or the Commonwealth Games. Whether you are an All Black, Wallaby, Lions supporter, or a Springbok come and enjoy the fun. Can your class solve all of the clues? Enjoy
Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 CSI Math Mystery The Missing Gold Medal

Commonwealth Games Birmingham 2022 CSI Math Mystery The Missing Gold Medal

A fun Commonwealth Games 2022 CSI Math Mystery that includes multiplication and division activities, problems, and puzzles to celebrate the Birmingham event. Students narrow down the suspects by completing the math activities and marking them off from the suspect list until one person is left. Who stole the Gold Medal? This case includes Solving Division Problems Place value with 1000’s, 100’s and 10’s True or false multiplication problems Multiplication and division sequence Multiplication and division cryptogram Answer sheets are included Can your class solve all of the clues? Enjoy and please remember to follow me.
CSI Math Mystery - Help! Back to School

CSI Math Mystery - Help! Back to School

This CSI Back to School themed math mystery activity will capture your students imagination. This is a great, fun and engaging resource to practice multiplication, division, addition, and mapping skills with your students . Students follow the clues to solve the mystery and discover where the alien teacher is from. This adventure includes Clue 1: Mapping Using Coordinates Clue 2: Subtracting 2 digit numbers from one hundred Clue 3: Multiplication Maze Clue 4: Addition of single digit number to double digit numbers (with regrouping) Clue 5: Multiplication matching puzzle (questions like 5x60) I have also included a bonus word search fro early finishers. Answer sheets are included with these activities.
Double and Half Loop Game

Double and Half Loop Game

This is an adaptation from the classic game "I have...who has...". This brilliant game is a tried and tested game in helping students to remember their doubles and halves. It is perfect for either starting you math lesson by activating the students brains or reinforcing their learning after a math lesson. I have included 3 different loop games that are color coded to make it easy to pack up and sort through them. Simply print, laminate and reuse. Enjoy
Addition to make 10, 20 and 100 Summer Number Search

Addition to make 10, 20 and 100 Summer Number Search

Knowing the combinations that make 10, 20 and 100 is an essential skill for students. These engaging number searches provide meaningful practice for your students. The early finishers love to create their own puzzles and challenge their friends. Included in this pack is 5 x Make 10 number searches 5 x Make 20 number searches 3 x Make 100 number searches 3 x Make 10 with 3 numbers, number searches 1 x Template to create more number searches 5 x Bonus Make 10 number searches Enjoy...I know my class does.