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AQA GCSE Music New Specification British Music AoS 4
Relating to the new specification GCSE Music for AQA. Area of Study 4 - Western Classical Tradition since 1910. Covers Malcolm Arnold and his "Tam O'Shanter Overture", Benjamin Britten and his works, "War Requiem" and "Peter Grimes", Peter Maxwell Davies and "The Yellow Cake Revue" and John Tavener with "The Whale" and "The Lamb". Two tasks - one halfway through to try to make sounds musically and second one at the end to develop one of these ideas into a piece. Learning outcomes at the beginning for schools that require this.

PSHE Transition and Development Scheme Of Work for Year 7
Scheme of work for five lessons for Year 6 to Year 7 Transition (aimed at Year 7, half term 1). Has mind-maps to show prior knowledge and progress at the end of the unit. 5 lessons (1 - prior knowledge, 2 - problems you may come across and ways of solving them, 3 - current skills and qualities, 4 - development of skills and qualities, 5 - what have I learnt?). We have lessons for 20 minutes a week in form time, but with more discussion, this could go on for 30 minutes, or children could write down their ideas and then discuss them as a class.

Christmas Lesson for All!
Seven round Christmas lesson, including word-search, crossword, Christmas film quiz, 2017 quiz, anagrams, name the Christmas song in pictures and Christmas songs quiz. Answers included for all and worksheets with answer sheet at front included as well. Keeps classes busy for an hour. Suitable for Key Stages 2-4 (Years 6 - 11). Can easily be left as cover during seasonal events.
Happy Christmas!

Computer Game Music AQA GCSE Music New Specification
Presentation on Computer Game Music for the new specification AQA GCSE Music. Covers features of early and modern computer game music, with an example of each, ways of developing motifs and a task for pupils to make their own game music with a suggested clip in notes or develop their ideas to help with composition. On a blue background to help some dyslexic pupils. Learning outcomes on each slide for schools that follow this policy. Wider listening link included. Took about an hour and a half with composition task. Images removed for copyright reasons.

Minimalism - AQA GCSE Music, New Specification, Area of Study 4
Presentation on Minimalism to fit with new spec GCSE Music AQA - Area of Study 4 (Western Classical Tradition Since 1910). Covers roots of minimalism, John Cage, Steve Reich, Terry Riley and John Adams, and the suggested listening. Lists of features of minimalism and techniques used, with practical task at the end where students are given a melodic cell and told to develop in minimalistic style with suggested techniques. This was originally done on GarageBand, but could be done as a class ensemble. Learning objectives included.

Features of Pop Music - AQA GCSE Music
Features of Pop Music presentation to fit in with AQA GCSE Music New Specification - Area of Study 2 - Pop Music. 10 slides. Learning objectives displayed on each slide for schools that follow this policy. Slides cover types of voice and vocal techniques, effects and technology, popular instruments and their roles, rock 'n' roll, basic features of rock music, 1960s British Pop and Modern Pop.

Caribbean Music - AQA GCSE Music - New Specification
Presentation on Caribbean Music for the new specification of GCSE Music AQA - AoS 3. Pictures of unfamiliar instruments and YouTube clips for different styles of music are included. Presentation covers Context, Instruments, Steel Pans, Calypso Context, Features of Calypso, Mento, Son, Merengue and Zouk. Learning outcomes and key words are included for schools that require this.

AQA GCSE Music Salsa and Samba New Specification
Presentation for AQA GCSE Music New Specification on Salsa and Samba music (Area of Study 3 - Traditional Music. Contains audio clips of examples and some pictures of instruments etc. Learning objectives included. Looks at context of Salsa, Clave rhythms, Salsa structure, Samba key features, Samba beat, Instruments and Call and response.

Broadway Musicals 1950s to Present Day Powerpoint AQA GCSE Music
Broadway Musicals 1950s-Present Day presentation. Links to AQA GCSE Music New Specification. Covers brief context of musicals, styles of musicals, types of voice and song, cross genres with books and films, themes and influences and lyrics. Task at the end for pupils to cover a song from a musical themselves. Including pupils making the musical number (we did a medley from "We Will Rock You"), took two hours. Suggested YouTube links are at the bottom of "Types of Song" page. Lesson objectives are at the bottom of each slide for schools that follow this policy.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Analysis AQA GCSE Music New Specification
PowerPoint and homework/class time essay task for 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds'. Fits with AQA GCSE Music New Specification. Learning outcomes on second slide for school's that need these. Analysis includes context, structure, melody, instruments, tonality and harmony, rhythm and metre, chorus, accompaniment and technology used. YouTube links and pictures removed for copyright reasons, but can be added easily. Took about two hours in class with written task as well.

AQA GCSE Music Contemporary British Folk Music New Specification
Presentation describing key features of Contemporary British Folk Music for the new specification of AQA GCSE Music (Area of Study 3). Lesson outcomes are included, as are some brief context, rhythm and tempo, timbre, traditional folk instruments, modern instruments, melody, structure/form and texture and then an example of this. On blue background for dyslexic pupils or those with Irlam's.

"With A Little Help From My Friends" - AQA GCSE Music AoS2 - Set Work Analysis
Presentation and short test/revision/homework activity for AQA Music GCSE New Specification, Area of Study 2 - The Beatles "With A Little Help From My Friends". This, with the class performance and pupils making notes, lasted about 3 hours with the test in class at the end. Learning objectives are on the bottom of each slide so they do not need to be displayed on a board for schools that follow this policy. Chords and lyrics are not included for performance, or YouTube links to earlier works for copyright reasons, but are easily available online.

Revision GCSE Music Edexcel Miles Davis
GCSE Music (Edexcel old specification) for Miles Davis - keywords and definitions, card sort and structure sheet.

AQA Music Extended Listening Questions - Cover/Learning at Home
Extended listening questions for Areas of Study 2 and 3 on AQA GCSE Music new specification (8271). Questions one and two give the student some elements of music to listen for on a provided YouTube link and gives an “expert” tip on how to apprach this. Question three asks the students to compare how elements are used between the two extracts.
Preparation for questions 9 and 10 in the listening exam, but also helpful to set as cover and listening practice while learning at home.

Edexcel GCSE Music Old Specification Comparison of Set Works Tasks
Edexcel GCSE Music Old Specification - Comparison of Set Works. As Edexcel have exhausted all essay options, the specification does mention it could give a comparison question between set works in Section B instead. Looking at multiple elements of music across two set works or one elements across various areas of study. Small presentation explaining situation and one approach to it, with two activity sheets to help students plan their ideas. Mix and match extension task for students to make their own comparison questions and write these as practice.

Rag Desh Revision/Key Info Edexcel GCSE Music Old Specification
For anyone whose students struggle with Rag Desh (Edexcel GCSE Music Old Spec). A few sheets to remind students about structure, key words, common questions and then a card sort to be cut up and used to match key words/instruments with their definition and role.

AQA Prologue/Little Shop Of Horrors Analysis
A PowerPoint with the analysis of Prologue/Little Shop Of Horrors, relating to the new AQA set works, starting teaching 2020. Each section has an edited audio from the Off-Broadway performance, showing which part is being analysed at that time. Also includes building major, minor, 7th, 6th and Sus4 chords, which are all then referred to later in the analysis. This includes information from the AQA teachers guide, as well as the CGP and Rhinegold revision guides. No activities are included, just the actual analysis.

AQA Feed Me (Git It) Analysis (Little Shop of Horrors)
A PowerPoint with the analysis of Feed Me (Git It), relating to the new AQA set works, starting teaching 2020. Each section has an edited audio from the Off-Broadway performance, showing which part is being analysed at that time. This includes information from the AQA teachers guide, as well as the CGP and Rhinegold revision guides. No activities are included, just the actual analysis.

AQA Mushnik and Son Analysis (Little Shop Of Horrors)
A PowerPoint with the analysis of Mushnik and Son, relating to the new AQA set works, starting teaching 2020. Each section has an edited audio from the Off-Broadway performance, showing which part is being analysed at that time. This includes information from the AQA teachers guide, as well as the CGP and Rhinegold revision guides. No activities are included, just the actual analysis.

AQA Mozart Clarinet Concerto Analysis
A PowerPoint with the analysis of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A major (K. 622), relating to the new AQA set works, starting teaching 2020. Each section has an edited audio relating to that specific section, showing which part is being analysed at that time. This includes information from the AQA teachers guide, as well as the CGP and Rhinegold revision guides. No activities are included, just the actual analysis.