Approximately four lessons worth of work:
Lesson 1
Look cover write check on Key tenses, opinions and PALM technique for speaking exam
Lesson 2
Self assessment on the above
Lesson 3
Revising key vocabulary of and giving opinions about films, tv and books
Lesson 4
Speaking practice - this includes a recorded text that pupils use as a model for pronunciation . This is embedded in the booklet!
Writing practice with model
All answers included at the end
This booklet contains lessons/revision on the following
¿Qué hay en tu casa?
Vocabulary and writing practice
¿Te gusta tu casa?
Key adjectives, see- opinions and reading practice
¿Qué haces para ayudar en casa?
Household chores in three tenses and listening practice
¿Cómo era tu casa en el pasado?
Revision of imperfect and 90 word task
All answers are included too at the end of the booklet.
Enjoy :)
Revision pack for end of year
Lesson 1:
Revision of top phrases for year 9
Lesson 2:
Revision of il faut/il ne faut pas
Lesson 3:
Tea break tasters of languages courtesy of University of Manchester
Lesson 4:
Why learn languages?
Careers focus with videos from creative multilingualis
Enjoy :)
A booklet for 150 word tasks
Some key verbs, essential for all writing
Some key ‘snazzy’ opinions’
Lots of practice questions and mark scheme
Lesson looking at how to describe town in the past and make comparisons to now.
Mentions the imperfect tense but only teaches set phrases to use.
Includes reading activity.
Lesson focused on describing house in the past
Looks at imperfect tense.
Suggested mini white board activies
Writing with model.
All answered provided!
Enjoy :)
Lesson following on from my previous two lessons (qué hay en tu casa/te gusta tu casa)
Includes worksheet on chores in three tenses, listening from GCSE bitesize and fun speaking game to get the pupils to speak spontaneously.
Three full lessons on Mi casa with ppoints and resources
Qué hay en tu casa
tu gusta tu casa
Qué haces para ayudar en casa
Based on GCSE Spanish AQA but could be used for high attaining KS3.
School closure booklet
Ideal for KS3/KS4 and focuses on describing photos for the speaking exam
Variety of activites and answers included.
First page (RAG rating) follows on from my first booket - this can just be deleted if you don’t have that.