A resource intended for students to write about their opinion- in this pack they are writing about the theatre, texting and also writing a review and a play script.
*Do NOT buy this resource if you purchased the previous Macbeth resource. This is an updated, adapted version.*
This is a 26 slide resource which should be printed, laminated and used as either single task, pair or group work when studying Shakespeare's Macbeth. It has been designed with second language learners in mind- from Year 8-10, students who are studying English in the mainstream curriculum but who may sit the IGCSE English as a Second Language. It is however, suitable for first language speakers also, perhaps at core level or in Years 7-9 rather than Years 10/11.
It is, if you like, a 'pre-IG' resource. It certainly won't get your students an 'A' or a 'B' but they may enjoy the activities!
Get your hubble bubble on.......
This bundle contains activities for Tutor time / homeroom/ form time. There are growth Mindset task cards, a presentation and discussion on Ramadan,200 fun quiz questions and a set of discussion cards.
Price normally £15.90, reduced to £10 !
(A saving of 37%)
The contents of this Powerpoint presentation are as follows:
Author background
Background of setting- Venice
Famous speeches and translations
Discussion and writing prompts
Adapting a scene for modern day
Translated court scene
Cut out mask template
This is a 12 page resource with crossword, wordsearch, poems and poetry prompts
( Shakespeare and Dickinson) and short story prompts for summer (‘Ariel’s Song’) , all with a summer theme. Ideal for a summer workbook or a summer school short unit in English or Language Arts. (Upper KS2 and above).
This GCSE English study pack contains 20 pages with :
Synopsis- overview of Venice of the day
Shakespearisms- phrases we get from Shakespeare
Character list
Match the character with the description
Plot summary
15 question quiz
Character study templates – Antonio, Shylock, Portia
Two notable speeches- analysis and questions to make you think.
Staging the play- questions and plans
Make a poster template
This resource looks at Shakespeare's sonnets and features numbers 18 and 130. Ideal for GCSE English Literature. It contains:
Pre reading Questions Bio
What is a sonnet- structure?
Two sonnets (18 / 130 ) and translations
Parodies- examples and how to write one templates
Shakespeare quiz
Two questions for analysis
This is a 60 slide supplementary resource for English KS3 teachers using the Oxford International Approach series (book 2 Units 1,2). Topics are ‘Crossing Rivers’ and ‘Communication’. It contains vocabulary work, poetry, writing, drama and discussion work to accompany the two units.
This is an updated speaking resource. It contains a Talking Time PowerPoint presentation of speaking prompts for group or whole class activities, and a separate Talking Cards resource to print, laminate and use for individual speaking practice in pairs. There are also two speaking practice board game templates.
This is ideal for any ESL class, IGCSE English as a Second Language Oral component resource, or simply to get all students of any age talking!
Perfect for KS2 up.
15 discussion cards for students to get to know a little more about each other.
Great, stimulating, fun activity- can be done in pairs, groups or even as interview or whole class activity.
Useful in assembly , homeroom, tutor time, SEN/ ESL/IGCSE English as a Second Language classes especially.