All resources

Stop Go Animation Background (foldable)
Blank and Cinematic foldables for use in Stop Go Animations or Puppet Shows. These can be printed onto A4 or A3 paper.

Spelling Homework and Test Booklet (6 weeks) Word Doc
6 week booklet to help with spelling homework organisation and tracking. This resource includes both homework and tests to allow parents/carers to keep track of how their child is progressing in weekly spelling tests. This resources includes 12 weeks worth of:
tracking sheet for activities and test scores
spelling pattern and word list
lined page for sentences
blank page for other activities (e.g. pyramid writing, rainbow writing etc.)
spelling tests
These can be used with any year group and can be printed as A4 workbook or as an A5 size booklet.

Spelling Homework and Test Booklet (12 weeks) PDF
12 week booklet to help with spelling homework organisation and tracking. This resource includes both homework and tests to allow parents/carers to keep track of how their child is progressing in weekly spelling tests. This resources includes 12 weeks worth of:
tracking sheet for activities and test scores
spelling pattern and word list
lined page for sentences
blank page for other activities (e.g. pyramid writing, rainbow writing etc.)
spelling tests
These can be used with any year group and can be printed as A4 workbook or as an A5 size booklet.

Spelling Homework and Test Booklet (6 weeks)
6 week booklet to help with spelling homework organisation and tracking. This resource includes both homework and tests to allow parents/carers to keep track of how their child is progressing in weekly spelling tests. This resources includes 12 weeks worth of:
tracking sheet for activities and test scores
spelling pattern and word list
lined page for sentences
blank page for other activities (e.g. pyramid writing, rainbow writing etc.)
spelling tests
These can be used with any year group and can be printed as A4 workbook or as an A5 size booklet.

Probability Game
A fun game for practical and independent learning about probability and chance. This game can be played individually or as part of a pair/larger group. The pack contains three pre-filled dice nets and one blank along with a recording sheet for each colour combination option. Including blank copies means that learners can create a game that matches their interests (the blanks are also available as a separate listing) or that they can experiment with the different colours used.
This is a digital resource so will need to be printed - the blank option allows for black and white printing. It also needs some assembly - a great opportunity for consolidation of cube nets.
This pack includes files for both US and American English spelling (color/colour).

CVC Word Strips - Pack 2
This pack contains resources to practise identification and writing of vowel sounds, initial sounds and end sounds using 10 CVC words.
There are five sets of word strips included in this pack. Each strip contains a picture representing the word and space for each sound (sized as per standard letter sizing to develop good writing habits).
Strips included in this pack include:
Letter Identification and Blending
Missing Vowel Sound
Missing Initial Sound
Missing End Sound
No sounds
This pack contains different words from my other CVC Word Strip packs.

CVC Word Strips - Pack 1
This pack contains resources to practise identification and writing of vowel sounds, initial sounds and end sounds using 10 CVC words.
There are five sets of word strips included in this pack. Each strip contains a picture representing the word and space for each sound (sized as per standard letter sizing to develop good writing habits).
Strips included in this pack include:
Letter Identification and Blending
Missing Vowel Sound
Missing Initial Sound
Missing End Sound
No sounds
This pack contains different words from my other CVC Word Strip packs.

The Mystery of the Missing Tools (Escape/Breakoutbox Game)
The school bell is broken and the janitor has misplaced their toolbox - can your pupils solve the puzzles to find the toolbox and save playtime? Included in this pack:
A full breakout box game which can be run with one group or multiple groups
Instructions and walkthrough for the game
Suggestions for different ways to organise the game
Box templates to enhance the game
This game is not linked to the curriculum but aims to develop teamwork and cooperative skills.

Bloom's Reading Cubes
Templates for developing young readers’ abilities to differentiate between different types of thinking, based on Bloom’s revised Taxonomy.
This pack contains:
• 12 colour coded templates with questions
• 6 colour coded blank templates
• 1 blank template
I recommend that these templates are printed onto card.
Please note that this resource has been created using English (UK).

Bloom's Reading Cubes and Bloom's Activity Cubes - bundle
Templates for developing young readers’ abilities to differentiate between different types of thinking, based on Bloom’s revised Taxonomy.
This pack contains:
• 24 colour coded templates with a variety of multi-sensory activities (inc. written)
• 12 colour coded blank templates
• 1 blank template
I recommend that these templates are printed onto card or photo paper.
Please note that this resource has been created using English (UK).

Bloom's Activity Cubes
Templates for developing young readers’ abilities to differentiate between different types of thinking, based on Bloom’s revised Taxonomy.
This pack contains:
• 12 colour coded templates with a variety of multi-sensory activities (inc. written)
• 6 colour coded blank templates
• 1 blank template
I recommend that these templates are printed onto card or photo paper.
Please note that this resource has been created using English (UK).
Now available as a bundle with my Bloom’s Reading Cubes Resource!

Teacher's Binder (not digitally editable)
This is a downloadable item designed for printing before use. There are no editable options on this item.
The templates includeed are as follows;
Personal and school information
Class information and routine
Parent/Carer contact information
School/Home contact log
Annual Overview information (literacy, numeracy and interdisciplinary x 4 terms)
Termly overview (x4 with space for 10 weeks)
Weekly overview with priorities, resources and to do lists
Weekly Extra curricular recording page
Recording template (with space for 33 names)
Parent consultation sheet
Please note that the language is UK English.

Poetry Circles (Literacy Circles)
This resource contains all you need to successfully run Poetry Circles in your classroom including:
Guidance on use of Poetry Circles
Task cards
Organisation of tasks and order of poems
Booklet cover page
Activity page per task
Reflection Page
Suggeted anthologies for younger learners
All you need to add is the poems :)

CVC Word Strips - Pack 3
This pack contains resources to practise identification and writing of vowel sounds, initial sounds and end sounds using 10 CVC words.
There are five sets of word strips included in this pack. Each strip contains a picture representing the word and space for each sound (sized as per standard letter sizing to develop good writing habits).
Strips included in this pack include:
Letter Identification and Blending
Missing Vowel Sound
Missing Initial Sound
Missing End Sound
No sounds
This pack contains different words from my other CVC Word Strip packs.

All Shop Resources
This bundle is growing quickly - updates are expected over the next few weeks. Get it now before the price rises.
Get a whopping £15.15 worth of resources for £5.00- that’s a discount of a huge 67%! The bundle currently includes a brand new probability game; brand new poetry circles; an escape room game; bloom’s reading question cubes; bloom’s reading activity cubes and whole class grouping cards.

Spelling Homework and Test Booklet (12 weeks) Word Doc
12 week booklet to help with spelling homework organisation and tracking. This resource includes both homework and tests to allow parents/carers to keep track of how their child is progressing in weekly spelling tests. This resources includes 12 weeks worth of:
tracking sheet for activities and test scores
spelling pattern and word list
lined page for sentences
blank page for other activities (e.g. pyramid writing, rainbow writing etc.)
spelling tests
These can be used with any year group and can be printed as A4 workbook or as an A5 size booklet.

Grouping Cards - Great for Classroom Management
A fantastic resource for managing groupings quickly and easily in the classroom. Print straight onto card (or onto paper and laminate) and these cards will last for years. I recommend counting the cards as they are collected back in and storing using a binder clip when not in use.
Why use Grouping Cards?
Using grouping cards allows you to select random pairings and groups to allow learners to work with a variety of others, whether as partners or in a group as large as 8. Use of these cards is completely random when used correctly.
How to use Grouping Cards?
Shuffle and distribute the cards to learners.

Times Tables Fortune Tellers (Cookie Catchers)
This pack contains 10 completedfortune tellers and one blank template. The completed fortune tellers concentrate on consolidation of times tables and develop into multiplying tens numbers.
An ideal resource for whole class multiplication practice and active/games based maths learning.

CVC Word Strips Bundle
This pack contains resources to practise identification and writing of vowel sounds, initial sounds and end sounds using 30 CVC words.
There are five sets of word strips included in this pack. Each strip contains a picture representing the word and space for each sound (sized as per standard letter sizing to develop good writing habits).
Strips included in this pack include:
Letter Identification and Blending
Missing Vowel Sound
Missing Initial Sound
Missing End Sound
No sounds
This is a growing pack that will include cvcc and ccvc words in the future.

The Mystery of the Missing Tools (Escape/Breakoutbox Game including blanks)
The school bell is broken and the janitor has misplaced their toolbox - can your pupils solve the puzzles to find the toolbox and save playtime? Included in this pack:
A full breakout box game which can be run with one group or multiple groups
Instructions and walkthrough for the game
Suggestions for different ways to organise the game
Blanks of the individual activities for adaptation/differentiation
Box templates to enhance the game
This game is not linked to the curriculum but aims to develop teamwork and cooperative skills.