Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.
Learning by Questions is an online learning platform that provides pupils with national curriculum aligned questions and immediate feedback to supercharge their learning. LbQ's SATs Springboard is here to help teachers make the most of the run up to the SATs examinations this Spring Term. Try out some of our resources below, or head to www.lbq.org/sats to read more.
Year 3 Statistics Interpret & Present Bar Chart Data
This Year 3 Maths Statistics Read and Interpret Data Using Bar Charts Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to read and interpret data using bar charts.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
LbQ’s High Frequency Words Question Sets teach the spelling and meaning of the National Curriculum High Frequency Words within the context of a traditional tale. Level 1 questions are multiple choice and the pupils identify the correct spelling. In Level 2, the pupils spell the words correctly.
Year 3 Subtraction 3 Digits Column Method
This Year 3 Maths Subtraction Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to subtract numbers with up to three digits using the formal written column method.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can calculate the mean, median, mode, range and outliers of a data set.
The questions in this resource is suitable for all KS3 students.
Prerequisites: Students should have calculated the mean before in KS2.
Terminology: mean, mode, median, range, average, spread, data, frequency, bi-modal
Answers on slide 9.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Statistics Interpret Time Graphs
This Year 4 Statistics Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to read and interpret continuous data in a time graph.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Geometry Compare & Classify Shapes
This Year 4 Geometry Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Geometry Recognise 3D Shapes
This Year 3 Maths Geometry Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recognise 3D shapes and describe their properties.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Addition Add Amounts of Money
This Year 3 Maths Addition Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to add amounts of money in both pounds and pence.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Measurement Area of Rectilinear Shapes
This Year 4 Measurement Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Fractions Count Up and Down
This Year 4 Fractions Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to count up and down in a range of simple fractions.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can use direct proportion to convert between currencies and calculate exchange rates.
Prerequisites: Students can recognise multiplicative links between numbers. Students can solve problems using direct proportion.
Terminology: currency, conversion, exchange rates
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can calculate the percentage change between two amounts.
Prerequisites: A calculator is required for this Question Set. Students should be able to calculate a percentage of an amount and increase and decrease an amount by a percentage.
Terminology: percentage, fraction, increase, decrease
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 7 Multiplication Brackets and Powers
This Year 7 Multiplication Brackets and Powers Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to evaluate expressions using the correct order of operations.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Objective: I can interpret data in line graphs, pie charts, bar charts and pictograms.
The questions in this resource are suitable for all KS3 students.
Prerequisites: Students can interpret diagrams including pie charts, bar charts, line graphs and pictograms.
Terminology: scale, axis, units, sector, percentage, proportion.
Answers on slide 9.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Subtract Fractions with the Same Denominator
This Year 4 Fractions Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to subtract two or more fractions with the same denominator.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Decimals Convert Tenths & Hundredths to Decimals
This Year 4 Convert Tenths & Hundredths to Decimals Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 4 Fractions Add Fractions with the Same Denominator
This Year 4 Fractions Add Fractions with the Same Denominator Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to add two or more fractions with the same denominator.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Fractions Count Up and Down in Tenths
This Year 3 Maths Fractions Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to count up and down in tenths using fractions.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 3 Fractions Fractions of a Set of Objects
This Year 3 Maths Fractions Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to recognise, write and find fractions of a set of objects, including fractions with numerators greater than 1.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.
Year 8 Percentage Increase an Amount by a Percentage
This Year 8 Increase an Amount by a Percentage Question Set covers the national curriculum objective to increase an amount by a percentage.
Registering for an LbQ account will give you access to the questions included in this resource and many 1,000s more. These 5 questions are a small selection from a much bigger Question Set of the same topic; they can be used as a teaching starter, plenary or activity for pupils. It is designed to provide teachers a taste of what our content is all about.
LbQ Maths Question Sets are based around the principles of mastery and have been developed by teachers and subject matter experts. Each Question Set targets a curriculum objective, though some objectives need more than one set, and has been guided by the White Rose Maths curriculum breakdown.