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Signs of Spring Checklist
I take my children on a ‘Signs of Spring’ walk and get them to jot down things they can see for example daffodils, berries, birds etc. You could take them on clipboards or use it as a piece of writing to do when you get back from the hunt!

Construction Model Plan
I put these model plans in my construction area and encourage the children to draw and label their plan before creating with the mobilo/bricks etc. I get them to think about the shapes they are using, number of parts and labelling which brings the specific areas learning to their play.

I can see...ng, nk, qu, x
Get the children to write what they can see to embed the learning of sounds: ng, x, nk, ng.

When I grow up I will be...
A ‘people who help us’ themed writing sheet to write about what you will be when you grow up for EYFS.

Valentines theme fine motor board
Get the children to decorate the hearts with beads, buttons, pompoms, anything you like to support with fine motor skills!

Dinosaur Fine Motor Bead Board
Print in A3 and laminate and get children to decorate/bead around the outlines of the dinosaurs as fine motor activity

My Creation Design
I enhance my ‘Creative Area’ with this resource to encourage children to think through what they are making before they make it. I then get them to count and label the parts they would use and reflect on their design.

Birthday cards to 5
Birthday cards with ages on from 1-5. I use these in my role play ‘home’ area to promote subitising, number writing, literacy and celebrations.

Valentines Day letter template
Putting love letter resources in your writing area of Valentines week is a great way to encourage writing to loved ones!

Someone I love... writing template
A writing template for the children to write about someone they love.

I can see... ay, igh, ee
Spot the words with ‘ay’, ‘igh’ and ‘ee’ in. We follow ‘Read, Write, Inc’ so these match the sounds taght in ‘Set 2’.

Phonics Bingo Game
Phonics ‘Bingo’ game with words and visuals to support learning of sounds ‘sh’, ‘j’, ‘r’ and ‘v’.
Teacher sounds out the words and children find the word/picture on their board and cross it out. First to cross out all their pictures wins!

Dinosaur Fact File
Use this template to get your children to write a ‘Fact File’ about their favourite dinosaur.
For my lowers I would get them to name the dinosaur or write a simple phrase or word answer and for my highers I would challenge them to write a few sentences.

Dinosaur Fossils
Get the children to create their own ‘Dinosaur Fossils’ in the playdough using different texture tools, cutters and shells.