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River Management

River Management

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - The costs and benefits of the following management strategies: * Hard engineering - dams and reservoirs, straightening, embankments, flood relief channels * Soft engineering - flood warnings and preparation, flood plain zoning, planting trees and river restoration.
Major UK city - Birmingham's Importance

Major UK city - Birmingham's Importance

This lesson is the first part of the major UK city you must cover in the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson aims to cover the following element from the specification: - The location and importance of the city in the UK and the wider world - Impacts of national and international migration on the growth and character of the city NOTE = When it refers to a page number please use the factfile attached.
Holderness Coast

Holderness Coast

This lesson aims to allow students to gain an understanding of what is happening at the Holderness Coastline. It looks at the erosion taking place and the impact this is having on the local area. This is then followed by looking at the management strategies that Holderness has implement and the impact this has caused. By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following key questions: - What is happening at the Holderness Coastline? - How is this causing problems for the villages? - How are they protecting the Holderness coast?
Transportation and Depositional Landforms

Transportation and Depositional Landforms

This lesson aims to allows students to gain an understanding of longshore drift, deposition, and depositional landforms. By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following questions: - What other processes occur at the coast? - Why does sediment get deposited along the coast? - What is longshore drift and how does it work? - What other landforms are formed at the coast and how are they formed?


This lesson aims to get students to gain an understanding of the different types of waves and to understanding the factors influencing tides. By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following key questions: - What causes tides? - How are waves different? - Why do waves break?
Flood Risk and Hydrographs

Flood Risk and Hydrographs

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: How physical and human factors affect the flood risk - precipitation, geology, relief and land use. The use of hydrographs to show the relationship between precipitation and discharge.
Depositional Landforms - Rivers

Depositional Landforms - Rivers

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - Characteristics and formation of landforms resulting from deposition - levees, floodplains and estuaries.
Sustainable Rainforest Management

Sustainable Rainforest Management

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Living World. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - Value of tropical rainforests to people and the environment. - Strategies used to manage the rainforest sustainably – selective logging and replanting, conservation and education, ecotourism and international agreements about the use of tropical hardwoods, debt reduction. NOTE - When it refers to page numbers please refer to the information provided.
Erosional Landforms - Rivers

Erosional Landforms - Rivers

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - Characteristics and formation of landforms resulting from erosion - interlocking spurs, waterfalls and gorges.
Erosional and Depositional Landforms - Rivers

Erosional and Depositional Landforms - Rivers

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - Charactersistics and formation of landforms resulting from erosion and deposition - meanders and ox-bow lakes.
Tropical Rainforests Characteristics

Tropical Rainforests Characteristics

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Living World. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - The physical characteristics of a tropical rainforest. - The interdependence of climate, water, soils, plants, animals and people. - How plants and animals adapt to the physical conditions. - Issues related to biodiversity. NOTE - When it refers to page numbers please refer to the fact file provided.
A Systems Approach - AQA A Level

A Systems Approach - AQA A Level

This lesson is based around the new AQA A Level specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Water and Carbon Cycles. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: – Water and carbon cycles as natural systems. Systems in physical geography: systems concept and their application to the water and carbon cycle inputs – outputs, energy, stores/components, flows/transfers, positive/negative feedback, dynamic equilibrium Any pages referenced are from the Oxford physical textbook. Please note I do not own the rights to any of the images used in this powerpoint.
Major UK City - Birmingham's Challenges

Major UK City - Birmingham's Challenges

This lesson is the first part of the major UK city you must cover in the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson aims to cover the following element from the specification: How urban change has created challenges: • social and economic: urban deprivation, inequalities in housing, education, health and employment • environmental: dereliction, building on brownfield and greenfield sites, waste disposal • the impact of urban sprawl on the rural–urban fringe, and the growth of commuter settlements.
Tourism in Thailand

Tourism in Thailand

This lesson is the fifth in a sequence of lessons for the topic Asia. This lesson aims to get students to think about the following: How tourism in Thailand has changed over time The link between tourism and GDP Why people visit Thailand The impacts of tourism on Thailand


This lesson is the eight and last lesson in a sequence of lessons for the topic Asia. This lesson aims to get students to think about the following: What it feels like to work in a sweatshop What the conditions are like in a sweatshop
Where is Asia?

Where is Asia?

This lesson is the first in a sequence of lessons for the topic Asia. This lesson aims to get students to think about the following: Where Asia is located. The countries that make up Asia and a brief history of Asia What the most influential countries are What the key regions are and their characteristics.


This lesson is the fourth in a sequence of lessons for the topic Asia. This lesson aims to get students to think about the following: What a monsoon is Monsoon formation Impacts of a monsoon
Aral Sea

Aral Sea

This lesson is the third in a sequence of lessons for the topic Asia. This lesson aims to get students to think about the following: Why the Aral Sea is Shrinking What the impacts of the shrinking sea are How we could manage the shrinking sea
Asia End of Unit Assessment and Feedback

Asia End of Unit Assessment and Feedback

This is an analysis and evaluation style assessment for my unit of work titled Asia. This lesson comes with the assessment, mark scheme, marking grid and action points for students to complete as part of the feedback.
UK Physical Geography

UK Physical Geography

This lesson aims to get students use to the location of the different mountain regions and the main Rivers located across the UK. This is used mostly for year 7's but can also be adapted to use with the new AQA GCSE Physical Landscapes Topic.