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Little Tots Learning

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My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion. I specialize in educational resources for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.




My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion. I specialize in educational resources for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
Money Clip Art

Money Clip Art

Money Clip Art. I'm excited to share this fabulous freebie with teachers and parents. This Money Clip Art introduces a SPLENDID image collection well-suited for classroom projects, math, blogs, websites, and more. This BUNDLE contains 35 high-quality COLOR Money Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files. This Money Clip Art set includes: 1 dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar, 20 dollar, coin roll, Dutch mark and border, Franc, money bag, US penny, dime, nickel, quarter, half-dollar, yen, yen border, yen background, and more. TERMS OF USE: Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning. This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. If you are interested in classroom or personal clip art, please contact me at littletotslearning1160@gmail.com. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic
Geometry Math Games

Geometry Math Games

Geometry Games. Are you looking for geometric math games? CHECK-OUT these activities for your students. The purpose for this set of cards is to help students understand the various angles and geometric figures by means of several games. Before beginning these games, cut the cards on the along the dotted lines. To the left, you have the definition of each geometric figure and angle. To the right, you have the geometric figures and angles. These Geometry Math Games include: directions - two variation of games, and 20 definition/geometric figures. Bonus: I’ve included a board game that you can include as another option for your students in math centers. Currently, I use these geometric games with my clients. I had them laminated for longer use. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Playing Cards Clip Art

Playing Cards Clip Art

Playing Cards Clip Art. Looking for playing card images? You can use these playing cards clip art for your personal or classroom resources. This PACK contains 65 high-quality COLOR and B/W Playing Cards Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files. This Playing Cards Clip Art set includes: All fours suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) along with bridge club, poker, nines, and a hand of nothing. TERMS OF USE: Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning. This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at littletotslearning1160@gmail.com. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Math Symbols Clip Art

Math Symbols Clip Art

Math Symbols Clip Art. Do you need Math Clip Art Symbols to SPICE up your math presentations for your students or add some interest to your worksheets? Create worksheets, flashcards, posters, games, newsletters, and more with this bundle. This BUNDLE contains 67 high-quality black and white Math Symbols Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files. Math Symbols Clip Art set includes: -math element -absolute -implies -angle -square root -approximate equal -at sign -congruent -divide -add -subtract -multiply -divide -empty set -there exists -greater than -less than -equal -number sign -parallel -percent -perpendicular -pi -subset -product -right angle -shapes -and more... TERMS OF USE: Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning. This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at littletotslearning1160@gmail.com. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Measurement Clip Art

Measurement Clip Art

Measurement Clip Art. How many times a day do you and your students measure or estimate things? Learning to measure and evaluate the quantity, distance, or volume of things is part of everyday life. This PACK contains 21 high-quality COLOR and B/W Measurement Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files. This Measurement Clip Art set includes: bushel, centimeter, decaliter, decameter, decimeter, mile, millimeter, ounce, foot, gallon, hectoliter, hectometer, kiloliter, kilometer, liter, meter, peck, quart, yard and more... TERMS OF USE: Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning. This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at littletotslearning1160@gmail.com. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
3rd Grade Math Homework - 3rd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

3rd Grade Math Homework - 3rd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

3rd Grade Homework - 3rd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets. Are you searching for 3rd grade math homework for the entire year? Giving students this 3rd grade homework resource that involves drill and practice will reinforce the skills they’ve been taught in class. This 3rd Grade Math Homework - 3rd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets include: #1 - 192 pages of common core aligned math homework sheets #2 - This resource covers the entire year of 3rd grade Benefits of this resource: #1 - your students/child will get continuous review on the concepts for their grade level #2 - homework can be done with little or no help from home, because it is a review of what has already been taught #3 - there are different kinds of problems: multiple choice, computation, shore answer, oral language (poems), comparisons and opportunities to illustrate their thinking with pictorial representation #4 - they can be used as pre- and post tests #5 - The variety of problems and format on each page is just enough to keep the concepts fresh in the students' minds ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Fifth Grade Daily Math Review: 140 Day Bundle {CCSS Aligned}

Fifth Grade Daily Math Review: 140 Day Bundle {CCSS Aligned}

Fifth Grade Daily Math Review. Provide your fifth grade students/child with 10 to 15 minutes of daily math practice specifically developed to meet common core! This Fifth Grade Daily Math Review resource includes: • 140 day of daily review math practice • Answer keys Skills & Topics Covered: The 36 weeks of grade-specific skill practice covers: • Operations fluency • Fractions • Decimals • Algebraic reasoning • Measurement and data • Geometry • Word problems ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
4th Grade Math Homework - 4th Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

4th Grade Math Homework - 4th Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

4th Grade Math Homework - 4th Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets. Are you searching for 4th grade math homework for the entire year? Giving students this 4th grade homework resource that involves drill and practice will reinforce the skills they’ve been taught in class. This 4th Grade Math Homework - 4th Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets include: #1 - 192 pages of common core aligned math homework sheets #2 - This resource covers the entire year of 4th grade Benefits of this resource: #1 - your students/child will get continuous review on the concepts for their grade level #2 - homework can be done with little or no help from home, because it is a review of what has already been taught #3 - there are different kinds of problems: multiple choice, computation, shore answer, oral language (poems), comparisons and opportunities to illustrate their thinking with pictorial representation #4 - they can be used as pre- and post tests #5 - The variety of problems and format on each page is just enough to keep the concepts fresh in the students' minds ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
Math Word Wall 5th Grade BUNDLE

Math Word Wall 5th Grade BUNDLE

Math Word Wall for 5th Grade Common Core Standards. Mathematics vocabulary word wall cards provide a display of mathematics content words and associated visual cues to assist in vocabulary development. The cards should be used as an instructional tool for teachers and then as a reference for all students, particularly English learners and students with disabilities. There are a total of 197 math vocabulary word cards included and three blank (editable) cards, so that you can add in any words or definitions you may need. Each card has three sections: Section 1 is only the word. This is to be used as a visual aid in spelling and pronunciation. It is also used when students are writing their own “kid-friendly” definition and drawing their own graphic. ****************************************************************************** Section 2 has the word and a graphic. This graphic is available to be used as a model by the teacher. ****************************************************************************** Section 3 has the word, a graphic, and a definition. This is to be used for the Word Wall in the classroom. I hope these Common Core Math Vocabulary Word Wall Cards save you a ton of time and look beautiful in your classroom! Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Interactive Math Notebook and Problem Solving (Grades 1-5)

Interactive Math Notebook and Problem Solving (Grades 1-5)

Interactive Math Notebook and Problem Solving (Grades 1-5). Math Interactive Notebooks for lower and upper elementary (primary) grades. This product will change your way of thinking and teaching math problem solving. My Interactive Math Notebooks are not meant to be a replacement for your curriculum. Instead, they are meant to complement your curriculum – getting students to think about, interact with, and reflect on the major concepts they are studying. This resource can fit a spiral notebook or a composition book This Problem Solving Interactive Notebook (Grades 1-5) includes: Each card has three sections: “I Do” - Teacher Models, “We Do” - Teacher and Student Collaborative, and “You Do” - Student Completes Independently #1 - 36 - 1st grade math problem solving cards #2 - 36 - 2nd grade math problem solving cards #3 - 36 - 3rd grade math problem solving cards #4 - 36 - 4th grade math problem solving cards #5 - 36 - 5th grade math problem solving cards #6 - Answer keys included for all grade levels Please see the thumbnails and preview for these Interactive Math Notebooks: Problem Solving before purchasing this product. @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
October 2nd Grade Math, Literacy, and Science

October 2nd Grade Math, Literacy, and Science

October 2nd Grade Math, Literacy and Science. This educational resource contains lots of Halloween themed FUN and ENGAGING activities for your 2nd grade students/child. These October 2nd Grade Math, Literacy and Science includes: -lesson plans and activities ELA: -Pumpkin Introduction -Pumpkin Sequencing -Pumpkin Vocabulary and Writing Math: -Pumpkin Base Ten -How Many Pumpkins Tall Are you? -Pumpkin rolling Contest -Bar Graph Science, Social Studies, and Field Trip: -Pumpkin Growth -Field Trip Preparation - Internet Activity -Field Trip to a Pumpkin Farm -Plant Pumpkins, See What Happens ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
Fraction Printables

Fraction Printables

Fraction Printables. This Fraction Printables Packet is FULL of FUN Fraction Activities for your students or child. All the activities in this packet can be used for centers or whole group instruction. These Fraction Printables are PERFECT for complementing your fractions unit. These Fraction Printables include: #1 - Student Notes #2 - Introduction to Fractions #3 - Reducing Fractions #4 - Ordering Fractions #5 - Multiplication and Division of Fractions #6 - Addition and Subtraction of Fractions #7 - Fraction Poster #8 - Answer Keys ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Decimals Unit

Decimals Unit

Decimals Unit. This common core aligned Decimal Unit contains everything you need to supplement your 5th or 6th grade decimal instruction! This Decimals Unit includes: This Decimals Unit includes: SKILL 1: Representing Decimals and Place Value SKILL 2: Graph Decimals on a Number Line SKILL 3: Comparing Decimals SKILL 4: Ordering Decimals SKILL 5: Decimal Addition SKILL 6: Decimal Subtraction SKILL 7: Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences SKILL 8: Review 1 SKILL 9: Decimal Multiplication by Whole Numbers SKILL 10: Decimal Multiplication by Tenths SKILL 11: Decimal Multiplication by Hundredths SKILL 12: Decimal Multiplication and Area Model SKILL 13: Decimal Multiplication by Power of 10 SKILL 14: Estimate Decimal Products SKILL 15: Review 2 SKILL16: Decimal Division with Whole Numbers SKILL17: Decimal Division by Tenths SKILL18: Decimal Division by Hundredths SKILL 19: Decimal Division and Area Model SKILL 20: Decimal Division by Power of 10 SKILL 21: Estimate Decimal Quotients SKILL 22: Review 3 SKILL 23: Impact of Multiply/Divide by 0 & above SKILL 24: Decimal Word Problems SKILL 25: Review 4 Extension Activities Decimals Unit Test Decimal Take-Home Packet Answer Keys for skills and take-home packet ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
5th Grade Daily Math Review BUNDLE

5th Grade Daily Math Review BUNDLE

5th Grade Daily Math Review BUNDLE. This 5th Grade Math BUNDLE is intended to give students/child a thorough review of fifth grade math. This resource contains 191 pages of review for the common core math standards for 5th grade. The 5th Grade Math standards included: #1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking Write and interpret numerical expressions. Analyze patterns and relationships. #2 - Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand the place value system. Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths. #3 - Number and Operations—Fractions Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions. #4 - Measurement and Data Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. Represent and interpret data. Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. #5 - Geometry Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. #6 - Mathematical Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
3rd Grade Math Centers - Math Games

3rd Grade Math Centers - Math Games

3rd Grade Math Centers - Math Games. Tons of highly ENGAGING story-problem mats, puzzles, and board and card games. Independent practice for individuals, partners, and small groups. This 3rd Grade Math Centers - Math Games include: -Introduction Multiplication Centers: -Story Problem Cards and Mats -Multiplication Puzzles -Times Track Board Game -Monkey Multiplication Board Game -Multiplication Concentration Card Game -Fact Family Rummy Card Game Division Centers: -Story Problem Cards and Mats -Dinosaur Division Board Game Who’s Missing? -Board Game Division Swat! Card Game Divide and Go Fish Card Game -Division Puzzles -Division Triominoes Fraction Centers: -Take the Cake Board Game -Super Shopper Board Game -Measuring Concentration Card Game -Fraction War Card Game -Fraction Boxes Card -Fraction Bingo Game -Pizza Party Card Game -Fraction Pie Board Game ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
Money Worksheets: Counting Money Worksheets

Money Worksheets: Counting Money Worksheets

Money Worksheets: Counting Money Worksheets. ENJOY these cool money counting worksheets and activities for kids. This resource will help you teach your class or child how to identify and count US coins! This resource is filled with challenging, yet fun activities to supplement a money unit for students in grades 1-3. These Money Worksheets: Counting Money Worksheets include: -identifying coins (half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies) -adding like coins -adding mixed coins -subtracting mixed coins multiplying mixed coins -money poster (1) - Identification and Value (You could make a transparency of the money poster, and use overhead coins to help the children learn how to count coins). -student reference chart (1) - Identification and Value -printable coin manipulatives (half-dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny) -student activity cover page (1) -money activity printables (54) -coin sort (1) - Coin Exploration -money task cards (20) I’ve included many common core money activities which require more than simply counting coins. Students must use mathematical reasoning and show multiple ways to solve problems in most of the activities. I’ve also included multi-step problems. Great for morning work, seat work, or math centers. I hope you and your students/child ENJOY this common core money unit! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Follow Little Tots Learning
2nd Grade Math Homework - 2nd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

2nd Grade Math Homework - 2nd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets

2nd Grade Math Homework - 2nd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets. Are you searching for 2nd grade math homework for the entire year? Giving students this 2nd grade homework resource that involves drill and practice will reinforce the skills they’ve been taught in class. This 2nd Grade Math Homework - 2nd Grade Spiral Math Review Worksheets include: #1 - 192 pages of common core aligned math homework sheets #2 - This resource covers the entire year of 2nd grade Benefits of this resource: #1 - your students/child will get continuous review on the concepts for their grade level #2 - homework can be done with little or no help from home, because it is a review of what has already been taught #3 - there are different kinds of problems: multiple choice, computation, shore answer, oral language (poems), comparisons and opportunities to illustrate their thinking with pictorial representation #4 - they can be used as pre- and post tests #5 - The variety of problems and format on each page is just enough to keep the concepts fresh in the students' minds ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Math Word Wall 2nd Grade  BUNDLE

Math Word Wall 2nd Grade BUNDLE

Math Word Wall for 2nd Grade Common Core Standards. Mathematics vocabulary word wall cards provide a display of mathematics content words and associated visual cues to assist in vocabulary development. The cards should be used as an instructional tool for teachers and then as a reference for all students, particularly English learners and students with disabilities. There are a total of 141 math vocabulary word cards included and six blank (editable) cards, so that you can add in any words or definitions you may need. Each card has three sections: Section 1 is only the word. This is to be used as a visual aid in spelling and pronunciation. It is also used when students are writing their own “kid-friendly” definition and drawing their own graphic. ****************************************************************************** Section 2 has the word and a graphic. This graphic is available to be used as a model by the teacher. ****************************************************************************** Section 3 has the word, a graphic, and a definition. This is to be used for the Word Wall in the classroom. I hope these Common Core Math Vocabulary Word Wall Cards save you a ton of time and look beautiful in your classroom! If you are looking for this product at other grade levels, you can find them here: Math Word Wall (4th Grade) Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
Math Word Wall 4th Grade BUNDLE

Math Word Wall 4th Grade BUNDLE

Math Word Wall {4th Grade}. Teaching fourth grade this year? This resource is for teachers and parents with students in 4th Grade and can be used in your classroom or home to help students visualize math concepts. There are a total of 287 math word wall cards included. This product includes posters for the following standards: Number and Number Sense Place Value Decimal Place Value Less Than Greater Than Equal To Mixed Number Equivalent Fractions Fraction: Models for one-half/one-fourth Fraction: Models for two-thirds Fraction: Models for three-eighths Computation and Estimation Fraction: Addition Fraction: Subtraction Addition Subtraction Multiply: Product Divide: Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient Multiplication: Factors and Array Model Multiplication: Number Line Model Division: Number Line and Array Models Factor Measurement Balance Scale: Weight/ Mass Scale: Weight/ Mass Ounce Pound: Ounces Ton: Pounds Gram Kilogram: Grams Ruler: Centimeter and Inch Millimeter: Centimeter Inches, Feet, and Yards Meter: Centimeters and Millimeters Mile: Yards Measurement (continued) Cup: Ounces Pint: Cups and Ounces Quart: Pints, Cups, and Ounces Gallon: Ounces Liter Geometry Point Line Ray: Endpoint Line Segment: Endpoint Angle Endpoint Vertex Intersecting Lines Parallel Lines Perpendicular Lines Rotation: Congruent Figures Reflection: Congruent Figures Translation: Congruent Figures Polygons: Triangle, Quadrilateral, and Pentagon Polygons: Hexagon, Heptagon, and Octagon Polygons: Nonagons and Decagon Quadrilaterals Rectangle: Right Angle Square: Right Angle Triangle: Side and Vertex Sphere Cube Rectangular Prism: Vertices Square Pyramid Cylinder Cone Not teaching 4th grade? These posters would be perfect review references for students in upper and lower grades. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic Little Tots Learning
4th Grade Daily Math Spiral Review

4th Grade Daily Math Spiral Review

4th Grade Daily Math Spiral Review. This resource contains 180 pages of review specifically written for the common core math standards for 4th grade. Repetition rules when it comes to mastery! This 4th Grade Daily Math Spiral Review includes: #1 - 180 days of review sheets #2 - Answer Keys #3 - Fourth Grade Common Core Math Standards (benchmark, day, and item) The skills covered in this product: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: -Interpreting multiplication -Meanings for multiplication -Problem solving using multiplication -Problem solving using missing factors -Problem solving using division -Problem solving with 3-digit numbers -Multi-step word problems -Using variable equations to solve word problems -Prime v. composite numbers -Factors -Problem solving with factors -Problem solving with prime v. composite numbers -Number patterns -Shape patterns Numbers and Operations in Base 10: -Place Value -Base 10, Number Names & Expanded Form -Greater than, less than, equal to -Rounding -Adding and Subtracting multi-digit whole numbers -Adding and Subtracting problem solving -Multiplication up to 4-digits -Multiplication Problem Solving -Division with and without remainders -Division Problem Solving Geometry: -Identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines -Triangles: right, acute and obtuse -Triangles: equilateral, isosceles, scalene -Quadrilaterals: identify parallel and perpendicular lines -Lines of symmetry Measurement and Data: -Measurement Units -Measurement Conversion Tables -Distance Word Problems -Time Word Problems -Volume Word Problems -Money Word Problems -Perimeter of rectangles -Area of squares and rectangles -Perimeter of rectangles -Area Word Problems -Area v. Perimeter Word Problems -Line Plots -Angles and Circles -Measuring Angles with a Circle -Measuring Angles with a Protractor -Solving for Unknown Angles Number and Operations-Fractions and more… This product can be used for morning work, homework, or even as a math center. ***Please see the thumbnails and preview for this resource before purchasing this product.*** @Little Tots Learning This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online. Enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store! Ms. Blajic