Does Edward Jenner deserve credit for defeating Vaccination?
Engaging card sort led enquiry looking at how Jenner discovered vaccination but also whether he deserves credit. Easy to follow, logical steps, concise to learning objectives. Used in observation graded outstanding.
High quality KS3 lesson bundle on various topics from the two World Wars. Includes full written detailed plans.
- WW1 recruitment lesson
- Hitler rise to power
- Causes of WW2
- Persecution of Jewish people through time
- Holocaust SOW
- WW2 Britain home front.
69% saving.
A 7 lesson fully resources no textbook needed overview of the US Civil War, focusing on long term causes, short term causes and the impacts.
Built to fit in exactly with American West: Expansion and Consolidation GCSE AQA unit.
Great workbook/booklet walking students through the developments in surgery from 1840 to the present day. Made for AQA 'Britain, Health and the People', suitable for all GCSE medicine units.
Also perfect for a revision guide / revisiting the material in a slightly different way.
Fantastic booklet for students to work through to comprehensively cover the native Americans. Perfect for AQA 'American West: Expansion and Consolidation'.
**You can adapt to suit textbook you have, this is built around the white American west textbook (the American west 1840-1895 Shepard and Martin) and the green textbook (SHP American West Willoughby). **
A KS3 or KS4 overview of the steps Hitler took to become Fuhrer of Germany, from the Enabling act to the death of Hindenburg. Includes storyboard activity.