Hi Everybody! Here’s a pack full of Year 3-level (yet differentiated for ability) resources that are focussed on grammar and writing. They’re Egypt themed, too!
I hope this helps. Any questions, shoot them my way.
Hi everybody.
Here’s a resource for you to use at your leisure. It’s an Egyptian themed piece of work pitched at a LA Year 4/HA year 3 ability cohort. It is differentiated and focuses on comparing masses and multiples of masses in kg and g.
Perfect for cross-curricular learning steeped in ancient Egyptian context!
Here is a set of differentiated Egyptian-themed word problems for addition.
The children can collect the gems based on how many questions they collect!
Dear All,
Here’s a small resource that involves sorting angles between acute, right and obtuse.
I set it as a homework, but it’s editable for use in lessons too.
Hello all!
Here’s a 3-way differentiated resource for getting children into groups of understanding using column subtraction. I use this with my year 3 and 4 children, and they love getting into role to complete it.
The task involves children interviewing for three different jobs in Ancient Egyptian society: High priest, Scholar or Pharaoh. The job they get depends on their answers to the questions- you can discuss that, whilst there was a heirarchy, without people in every role, society wouldn’t exist.
A pack of resources that includes two comprehension activities based around Erik The Viking book by Terry Jones. There’re also some grammar activities.
Planning and write-up sheet for a setting description focussing on scents, sights and sounds.
This work is based on The Uncommoners: The Crooked Sixpence by Jennifer Bell.
This is a sheet that I used for homework with my high-ability Year 3 cohort. It involves the children using maths language or talk for maths sentence starters to explain their reasoning as to whether questions, such as the following, are true or false.
When you simplify 3/9, the new fraction is 1.5/4.5.
The numerator is the total number of parts.
Children can choose which questions they answer, giving them more ownership and allowing for self-differentiation.
LO: To explain answers with mathematical evidence.
Here is a quick and easy isolated gramma rlesson on commonly-misspelled words.
There’s a task on of/off, our/are and a challenge, matching activity for to/too.
It’s differentiated in regards of expectation too!
Hello, fellow teachers!
Here’s a pack of resources for teaching past and present tenses using simple and progressive forms.
There is a differentiated resource for converting between them, including challenges and extensions.
There is also a powerpoint presentation for inputting the lesson!
Hello Fellow Teachers,
Here is an apocalypse adventure-themed, home learning project that will be used whilst the children are off school- it’s perfect for distance learning due to the tasks being able to be completed independently. This resource spreads across 6 tasks (could be set weekly or daily) which last for an hour-long each. The tasks included follow these learning objectives:
LO: To write dystopian narrative
LO: To write anon-chronological research report
LO: To write a fictional recount
LO: To write an instruction text
LO: To use non-verbal communication to portray character emotion
LO: To write in 3rd person, past tense
This task would work great for high-ability KS2 (Key Stage 2) or Key Stage 3 (KS3) children.
I upload my tasks as both an editable .docx / Word document, and as a PDF in case the alignment doesn’t work on your computers.
If you’re looking for other home-learning projects, here are links to the other resources I’ve put together for my KS2 children.
LKS2 Space themed:
UKS2 Space themed:
Detective themed:
Romans & Celts themed:
Recognising Right Angles – Complete 1 Week Unit of Work
This download includes a complete maths unit on right angles and the relationship to quarter and half turns. Children will identify 90 degree (90°) angles discreetly and in shapes. Main worksheets are differentiated for three levels of ability. Everything you need to teach the whole unit is included.
This download includes:**
Interactive Teaching PowerPoint for guiding children’s learning
3 activities for recognising right angles (discrete and contextualised)
Two fonts to edit resources with
Access to a free border!
My Distance Learning Projects:
Perfect for whilst we’re away from school or for homework, these independent projects can help to develop your children’s writing skills in a variety of areas.
Information Texts: Space-Themed Independent Project
Play Scripts and Diaries: Island-Themed Independent Project
Research Skills: Romans & Celts-Themed Independent Project
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Cardinal directions, degrees of turn, clockwise & anticlockwise – 1 Week Unit of Work
This download includes a maths unit on directions and turns, which is made up of 3 tasks. Children will identify 90 degree (90°) turns discreetly and in context of navigating a maze. They will also be exposed to north, south, east and west and their relationship to 90, 180, 270 and 360 turns. The main worksheets are differentiated for three levels of ability.
This download includes:
Recognising Types of Turn worksheet (differentiated 3 ways & answers included)
Navigating a maze worksheet (differentiated 3 ways)
Treasure Hunt Challenge (children must guide a character through a map to collect a pirate’s treasure)
Two fonts to edit resources with
Access to a free border!
My Distance Learning Projects:
Perfect for whilst we’re away from school or for homework, these independent projects can help to develop your children’s writing skills in a variety of areas.
Information Texts: Space-Themed Independent Project
Play Scripts and Diaries: Island-Themed Independent Project
Research Skills: Romans & Celts-Themed Independent Project
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Romeo & Juliet Introductory Guided Reading Packet – Predictions, vocabulary choice, Shakespeare quotes and prepositional phrases.
This download includes a Guided Reading packet with 4 independent activities suitable for children aged 7-11. Children will make predictions for the text based on a front cover and blurb, analyse Shakespearean quotes and relate them to modern sentiments, analyse the effect vocabulary choice has on emotion of the reader and find prepositional phrases in the text. Everything you need to deliver the objectives above is included.
This download includes:
6-page PDF document of the guided reading packet (inc. title & quote answer page)
6-page editable .docx Word document version of the guided reading booklet
Space for teacher marking/comments/assessment at the bottom of each page
Learning Objectives clearly stated on each page with clear progression
Word banks and sentence starter suggestions for prediction task
Two fonts to edit resources with
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
Ancient Egypt Themed Skip Counting Board Games- All Times Tables (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) covered! Thematic Learning.
This resource contains 4 differentiated board games that focus on like times tables and have clear progression to the trickier tables. Children must count forwards and backwards in a given times table and use their working memory to hold numbers and manipulate them mentally. There are written tasks at the bottom of each board game worksheet too to further concrete children’s retention of the times tables.
Included in this download:**
4 board games in an Ancient Egypt Theme on a single PDF file for ease
Editable versions of the board games as a .docx Word Document file
2 fonts to edit resources with
I hope this resource helps you to save time and save stress.
Thank you and happy teaching!
Miss Austin
**A cute, dragon-themed short division activity with a challenge to extend high-ability children. Answer sheet included.
I’m currently teaching a How To Train Your Dragon unit, and this activity is to contextualize math skills for the children. This product would be great for any book or class theme that is fantasy-based, or just for making your math lessons more immersive!
The children must solve seven 3 digit ÷ 1 digit short division questions and match the warrior with their appropriate dragon.
Included in this download:
Matching worksheet PDF
Answer sheet PDF
.docx version of all sheets for easy editing
2 fonts to edit resources with
Access to a free border and dragon clip art (not to be used commercially)
Similar products:
X Dragon-Themed Grid Method Multiplication Matching Activity
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 1
X How to Train Your Dragon English Unit- Week 2
I hope this resource saves you time and stress, and allows you to concentrate on what matters- the actual teaching!
Stay happy,
Miss Austin
Used when writing descriptions or a sequel to the novel How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, this resource allows children to be creative when writing at length. PDF & Word document versions provided for layout and editing purposes.
How to Train Your Dragon is an incredible book to study, and this 2-pack of resources allows children the space to write their own sequel, present their work neatly and even design their own front and back cover.
This resource could be used as a write-up sheet for character descriptions, as a book layout for writing a sequel or prequel to the story or for writing an in-depth book review.
Other How to Train Your Dragon resources:
X How To Train Your Dragon: Entire 6-week English Unit Pack
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 1
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 2
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 3
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 4
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 5
X How To Train Your Dragon: English Unit Week 6
X How To Train Your Dragon: Book Review
COVID-19 has flummoxed us all, and it is vital that we ensure none of the children in our care get left behind in any facet of English language learning. This Recovery Curriculum document outlines key, end-of-year expectations for Year 4 in line with the National Curriculum strands for English.
In this document, Year 3 expectations are included in the left-hand column and act as prerequisites to tick off before a child moves on to the Year 4 expectation. This acts as a net to catch any gaps that may have manifested due to the time off in lockdown during the academic year of 2019-2020.
How do I use this product?
I will be sticking these into the back of the children’s books and ticking them off when completed.
They could also be assigned to a child digitally to save on paper and needless touching of joint resources.
Alternatively, these could be used holistically for an entire class, or for emerging, expected & exceeding groups.
In this download:
PDF version of the A4 table
National Curriculum strands are referenced for each expectation
.docx Word Document version of the A4 table to edit to address particular needs or school-wide focuses
1 font to edit Word document with
Looking for the rest of Key Stage 2 English recovery expectations?
Year 3
Year 5
Year 6
Entire KS2 Recovery Curriculum Expectations