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Lleo I's Shop

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Welcome to my Tes Shop. I'm passionate about making good quality teaching and revision resources at the cheapest prices possible. My resources are written specifically for the Grade 9-1 GCSE Exams and the new style A-Level Exams and are designed to help students develop their knowledge. I'm always interested in feedback, so please leave a review.




Welcome to my Tes Shop. I'm passionate about making good quality teaching and revision resources at the cheapest prices possible. My resources are written specifically for the Grade 9-1 GCSE Exams and the new style A-Level Exams and are designed to help students develop their knowledge. I'm always interested in feedback, so please leave a review.
Bayonet Charge Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

Bayonet Charge Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

An annotated copy of ‘Bayonet Charge’ by Ted Hughes in a colourful format. This revision sheet includes: Poems to compare ‘Bayonet Charge’ to Themes within the poem Context about both the poem and the poet Techniques used and their effects Structure Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Remains Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

Remains Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

An annotated copy of ‘Remains’ by Simon Armitage in a colourful format. This revision sheet includes: Poems to compare ‘Remains’ to Themes within the poem Context about both the poem and the poet Techniques used and their effects Structure Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Tissue Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

Tissue Annotated Poem - GCSE Power and Conflict

An annotated copy of ‘Tissue’ by Imtiaz Dharker in a colourful format. This revision sheet includes: Poems to compare ‘Tissue’ to Themes within the poem Context about both the poem and the poet Techniques used and their effects Structure Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992: African Americans Timeline

Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992: African Americans Timeline

A detailed timeline on African American’s Civil Rights from 1865-1972. This timeline has been designed for students studying the Civil Rights from 1865-1972 unit within the OCR A Level history specification. Included are 2 formats of timeline: One is organised by different themes, for example Presidents, Supreme Court and African American leaders. The other is a full timeline from 1865-1972. This resource has been written for OCR, but will be useful to all students studying Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.


5 Resources
A detailed set of 4 sheets and a question bank with revision checklist. This allows students to learn the content needed for the Russia section of the OCR exam. This resource has been written for OCR, but will be useful to all students studying Russia around the period of 1894-1941. This is a bundle and offers excellent value for money. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Question bank- Aaron Copland: Saturday Night Waltz & Hoedown from Rodeo

Question bank- Aaron Copland: Saturday Night Waltz & Hoedown from Rodeo

A detailed question bank for the Aaron Copland set work, perfect for students sitting the 9-1 GCSE Exams. This resource covers a large list of 2 and 8 mark questions on both Saturday Night Waltz & Hoedown from Rodeo. This resource has been written for students following AQA exam board, but will be useful to all students studying Aaron Copland: Saturday Night Waltz & Hoedown from Rodeo. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop
The Civil War & Lenin Mindmap

The Civil War & Lenin Mindmap

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying the ’ Russia 1894–1941’ module for A Level history. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for The Civil War & Lenin topic and is specifically designed for the OCR exam board but is useful for any student studying Russia from 1894 to 1941. This resource covers: The Constituent Assembly Lenin’s Decrees The Civil War White forces Foreign intervention The Red Army War Communism Reasons for Bolshevik victory/White defeat Murder of the Tsar Red Terror The Kronstadt Rising The NEP Constitution and government Strengths and weaknesses of Lenin as leader. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Pitt the Younger Timeline

Pitt the Younger Timeline

A detailed timeline of Pitt the Younger between 1780-1806. This resource covers: Royal support The 1784 election Reform of finance, administration & trade The impact of the French Revolution Radical threats Whig splits 1790–1794 Anti-radical legislation 1794–1801 This resource has been written for the OCR Pitt to Peel AS/A Level Specification, but will be useful to all students studying Pitt the Younger between 1780-1806. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
The Rule of Tsar Nicholas Mindmap 1

The Rule of Tsar Nicholas Mindmap 1

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying the ’ Russia 1894–1941’ module for A Level history. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for the first half of The Rule of Tsar Nicholas topic and is specifically designed for the OCR exam board but is useful for any student studying Russia from 1894 to 1941. This resource covers: Character, attitude and abilities of Nicholas II Political, economic and social problems of Russia in 1894 Opposition, liberals, populists and Marxists National minorities The influence of Pobedonostsev Witte The Russo-Japanese War; Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Foreign Policy Timeline

Foreign Policy Timeline

A detailed timeline of Foreign Policy 1783–1830. This resource covers: Ending isolation 1783–1789 French Revolution to 1793 Pitt as War Minister 1793–1806 (Blue water strategy, Coalitions, Peace of Amiens) War with Napoleon – blockades, coalitions and the Peninsular campaign Castlereagh 1812–1822 Canning 1822–1827 This resource has been written for the OCR Pitt to Peel AS/A Level Specification, but will be useful to all students studying Foreign Policy 1783–1830. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Lord Liverpool & The Tories 1812-1830

Lord Liverpool & The Tories 1812-1830

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying the ’ From Pitt to Peel 1783–1853’ module for A Level history. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for the Lord Liverpool and the Tories 1812–1830 topic and is specifically designed for the OCR exam board but is useful for any student studying From Pitt to Peel 1783–1853. This resource covers: Liverpool and the radical challenge 1812–1822 The Corn Law 1815 Peterloo Government policy on law and order The Gagging Acts and the Six Acts 1819 Tory governments 1815–1830 Liverpool, Canning and Wellington as Prime Ministers Huskisson on trade and finance Peel at the Home Office Repeal of the Combination Laws and Test and Corporation Acts Catholic Emancipation. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Lord Liverpool & the Tories 1812–1830 Timeline

Lord Liverpool & the Tories 1812–1830 Timeline

A detailed timeline of Lord Liverpool & the Tories 1812–1830. This resource covers: Liverpool and the radical challenge 1812–1822 The Corn Law 1815 Peterloo Government policy on law and order The Gagging Acts and the Six Acts 1819 Tory governments 1815–1830; Liverpool Canning and Wellington as Prime Ministers Huskisson on trade and finance Peel at the Home Office Repeal of the Combination Laws and Test and Corporation Acts Roman Catholic Emancipation This resource has been written for the OCR Pitt to Peel AS/A Level Specification, but will be useful to all students studying Lord Liverpool & the Tories 1812–1830. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Rasputin & Alexandra Notes

Rasputin & Alexandra Notes

A detailed set of notes on Rasputin & Alexandra . This resource covers: Who Alexandra & Rasputin were Why the Tsar left them in control of Russia Conclusion of whether Alexandra & Rasputin led to the Tsar’s abdication This resource has been written for OCR, but will be useful to all students studying Rasputin & Alexandra . Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.


4 Resources
A detailed set of 4 mindmaps to allow students to learn the content needed for the ‘From Pitt to Peel 1783–1853 (British Period Study: British Government in the Age of Revolution 1783–1832)’ section of the OCR exam. Included are 4 mindmaps: Pitt the Younger Lord Liverpool and the Tories 1812–1830 Foreign Policy 1783–1830 Parliamentary reform and the Great Reform Act 1832 This resource has been written for OCR, but will be useful to all students studying From Pitt to Peel 1783–1853. This is a bundle and offers excellent value for money. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
A Level Core 2 Further Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A Level Core 2 Further Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying for A Level Further Mathematics. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for A Level Core Further Maths (Year 2 of Core) and is specifically designed for the edexcel exam board but can be used for any A Level further maths exam. This resource covers: Complex Numbers Series Methods in Calculus Hyperbolic Functions Polar Coordinates Differential Equations …and much more. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
A Level Further Pure Further Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A Level Further Pure Further Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying for A Level Further Mathematics. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for the FP1 module of Further Maths and is specifically designed for the edexcel exam board but can be used for any A Level further maths exam. This resource covers: Conics Inequalities The t-formulae Taylor Series Methods in Calculus Numerical Methods Reducible Differential Equations …and much more. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
The 1917 Revolutions Mindmap - Russia 1894–1941

The 1917 Revolutions Mindmap - Russia 1894–1941

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying the ’ Russia 1894–1941’ module for A Level history. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for The 1917 Revolutions topic and is specifically designed for the OCR exam board but is useful for any student studying Russia from 1894 to 1941. This resource covers: The impact of the First World War 1914–1917 Nicholas’ leadership Rasputin Criticism in the Duma The events of March 1917 Kerensky, the Provisional Government and Petrograd Soviet Return of exiles and the April Theses July Days Kornilov Revolt Events of November 1917 The roles of Lenin and Trotsky. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Pitt the Younger Mindmap

Pitt the Younger Mindmap

A detailed mindmap on Pitt the Younger. This resource covers: Royal support The 1784 election Reform of finance, administration and trade The impact of the French Revolution Radical threats Whig splits 1790–1794 Anti-radical legislation 1794–1801 This resource has been written for the OCR Pitt to Peel AS/A Level Specification, but will be useful to all students studying Pitt the Younger. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
Foreign Policy 1783–1830 Mindmap

Foreign Policy 1783–1830 Mindmap

A detailed mindmap on Foreign Policy 1783–1830. This resource covers: Ending isolation 1783–1789 French Revolution to 1793 Pitt as War Minister 1793–1806 (Blue water strategy, Coalitions, Peace of Amiens) War with Napoleon – blockades, coalitions and the Peninsular campaign Castlereagh 1812–1822 (Vienna Settlement, Congress diplomacy) Canning 1822–1827 (Holy Alliance, Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Greek Question to 1830). This resource has been written for the OCR Pitt to Peel AS/A Level Specification, but will be useful to all students studying Foreign Policy 1783–1830. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.
A Level Pure Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A Level Pure Maths Mindmap - Edexcel

A detailed mindmap to help any student studying for A Level mathematics. This mindmap covers all of the key facts needed for the pure papers of the exam (Year 1 & Year 2) and is specifically designed for the edexcel exam board but can be used for any A Level maths exam. This resource covers: The discriminant Trigonometric identities Vectors Differentiation Integration Logarithms The Binomial expansion Proof by contradiction Series Numerical methods Partial fractions Radians …and much more. Check out the rest of the series and other great resources in my Tes Shop.