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12. Stopping Distances

12. Stopping Distances

• Definitions of: stopping distance, thinking distance, braking distance • Factors that affect thinking and braking distance • Explanation of how braking distance is affected by different factors • Typical speeds and a breakdown of their stopping distances including thinking and braking distances • Knowledge recall • Application questions • Differentiated worksheets for Higher and Foundation students with answers • Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Physics
AQA Combined Science Biology Paper 2 2022 Exam Revision

AQA Combined Science Biology Paper 2 2022 Exam Revision

AQA Paper Biology 2 Foundation Paper major focus areas for the exam: • 4.5.3 Hormonal control in humans • 4.6.1 Reproduction • 4.7.1 Adaptations, interdependence and competition • 4.7.2 Organisation of an ecosystem Higher Paper major focus areas for the exam: • 4.5.3 Hormonal control in humans • 4.7.2 Organisation of an ecosystem • 4.7.3 Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on an ecosystem Required practical activity: measuring population size of a common species in a habitat investigating the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species using sampling techniques
Using Resources - 3. Lifecycle Assessments

Using Resources - 3. Lifecycle Assessments

• Usefulness of Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) • Stages of a LCA • Comparisons of LCAs • Problems with LCAs • Knowledge recall questions • Application questions • Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers • Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Chemistry
AQA Combined Science Physics Paper 2 2022 Exam Major Focus Content Revision

AQA Combined Science Physics Paper 2 2022 Exam Major Focus Content Revision

Exam Major Focus Content (FOUNDATION) • 6.5.1 Forces and their interactions • Describing motion along a line • Forces, accelerations and Newton’s Laws of motion • Forces and braking • 6.6.2 Electromagnetic waves • 6.7.1 Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields • 6.7.2 The motor effect Exam Major Focus Content (HIGHER) • 6.5.1 Forces and their interactions • Describing motion along a line • Forces, accelerations and Newton’s Laws of motion • 6.5.5 Momentum • 6.6.2 Electromagnetic waves • 6.7.2 The motor effect • Required practical activity 21: investigating how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends on the nature of that surface.
Waves - 3. Refraction

Waves - 3. Refraction

Definition of refraction How refraction affects a wave Definition of optical density Drawing light ray diagrams Refraction using wave front diagrams Knowledge recall questions Application questions, I do, you do, we do Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/ Physics
Using Resources - 2. Reuse and recycling

Using Resources - 2. Reuse and recycling

Reasons for reuse and recycling and their benefits Methods used in reuse and recycling Knowledge recall questions I do, We do, You do tasks Extended writing and application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Chemistry
11. Inertia and Newton’s Third Law

11. Inertia and Newton’s Third Law

Definition of inertia (Higher only) Calculating inertial mass (Higher only) Newton’s Third Law Description and explanation of the forces involved Application questions Differentiated worksheets for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Physics
4. Calculating forces

4. Calculating forces

Powerpoint lesson Lesson worksheets (Higher and foundation with answers) Working out a resultant force using scale drawings An object at equilibrium Resolving a force using a scale grid model questions and application questions Suitable for AQA, OCR, EDEXCEL, IGCSE specifications
7. Distance-Time Graphs

7. Distance-Time Graphs

drawing a distance-time graph describing the motion of an object using a distance-time graph calculating the speed of an object using a distance-time graph explanation of the types of curves (horizontal, rising, descending) Application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Physics
AQA Combined Science Physics Paper 1 Exam Revision Powepoint

AQA Combined Science Physics Paper 1 Exam Revision Powepoint

Covers: major exam focus content and RPAs 14 +16 Foundation Tier topics: Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes National and global energy resources Current, potential difference and resistance Changes of state and the particle model Atoms and nuclear radiation Higher Tier topics: Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes Energy transfers Changes of state and the particle model Particle model and pressure Atoms and isotopes Atoms and nuclear radiation Required practical activity 14: an investigation to determine the specific heat capacity of one or more materials Required practical activity 16: use circuit diagrams to construct appropriate circuits to investigate the I–V characteristics of a variety of circuit elements, including a filament lamp, a diode and a resistor at constant temperature.
C9 1. Evolution of the Atmosphere

C9 1. Evolution of the Atmosphere

• Gases present in our current atmosphere • Comparison and contrast of Earth’s early atmosphere to our current one • Theory of evolution of the atmosphere • Knowledge recall questions • Application questions • Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers • Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Chemistry
Waves - 5. EM waves: Uses and their Dangers

Waves - 5. EM waves: Uses and their Dangers

Radio waves: their production, properties and uses EM waves: their uses, suitability and associated dangers Knowledge recall questions I do, we do, you do tasks Application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/ Physics
AQA Combined Science Chemistry Paper 2 2022 Exam Revision - UPDATED  with RPAs

AQA Combined Science Chemistry Paper 2 2022 Exam Revision - UPDATED with RPAs

major focus of the content of the exam (FOUNDATION): • 5.6.1 Rate of reaction • 5.6.2 Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium • 5.7.1 Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock • 5.8.1 Purity, formulations and chromatography • 5.9.1 The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere • 5.9.3 Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources • 5.10.1 Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water major focus of the content of the exam (HIGHER): • 5.6.1 Rate of reaction • 5.6.2 Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium • 5.7.1 Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock • 5.8.1 Purity, formulations and chromatography • 5.9.1 The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere • 5.10.1 Using the Earth’s resources and obtaining potable water RPA 11: investigating how changes in concentration affect the rates of reactions RPA 12: Using paper chromatography to separate and differentiate between coloured substances
C9 2. Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

C9 2. Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

Main greenhouse gases in our atmosphere The role of greenhouse gases Explanation of how human activities have affected greenhouse gases Effects of climate change Knowledge recall questions Application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Chemistry
8. Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

8. Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

Definitions of speed, velocity and acceleration Calculating change in velocity Displacement Calculating acceleration Explanation of the curve for acceleration Constant Acceleration calculations Application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Physics
5. Forces and Elasticity

5. Forces and Elasticity

Hooke’s Law Definitions of elastic and inealstic deformation Explanation of the relationship between extension and force Explanation of Force/extension graphs Required Practical with sample results Application questions Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/Physics
3. Resultant Forces and Work done

3. Resultant Forces and Work done

Powerpoint lesson Lesson worksheets (Higher and foundation with answers) definition of resultant force interpreting force diagrams free body diagrams definition of work done application of work done equation Suitable for AQA, OCR, EDEXCEL, IGCSE specifications
Waves 2. RPA: Investigating Waves

Waves 2. RPA: Investigating Waves

Measuring the wave speed using a ripple tank, equipment list and method sample results provided for the investigation Calculating the wave speed using a string , equipment list and method sample results provided for the investigation Suggested improvements for the investigations Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/ Physics
Waves 1. Transverse and Longitudinal waves

Waves 1. Transverse and Longitudinal waves

Waves and energy transfer Definitions of amplitude, frequency, wavelength, period and rest position Different types of waves and their oscillations Calculating Period of a wave Calculating wave speed Knowledge recall questions Application questions, I do, you do, we do Worksheet for Higher and Foundation students with answers Suitable for AQA, CIE, EDEXCEL, OCR Combined Science/ Physics