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DrMeg Morinho's Shop

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Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.




Hello! Welcome to my shop. Please take a moment to browse. You’ll find high quality biology resources that are fun, engaging and pupil-led. As a teacher I've implemented the things I've always wanted in my lessons, into my resources. That is, resources of excellent quality that truly impact learning. As we know, efficiency is paramount therefore my full-lessons incorporate mark-schemes too, all ready to go! Leaving you with more time to focus on being present for your students.
Oxygen & carbon dioxide transport Year 12 biology NEW A-level spec. for OCR or AQA - FREE SAMPLE

Oxygen & carbon dioxide transport Year 12 biology NEW A-level spec. for OCR or AQA - FREE SAMPLE

This resource is a free sample to give you an idea of the quality of my teaching resources. The resource contains 17 PowerPoint slides that alternate between student activity and teacher delivery which creates a whole lesson that is student focused. There are a variety of activities all included in the PowerPoint and it all easily exists in one file but in case you prefer printing activities from separate files I have included them as individual pdfs. The PowerPoint has all the answers/mark schemes imbedded within, allowing pupils (and teachers!) to easily refer to the answers for either peer or self-assessment. The resource is applicable to both the AQA and OCR exam boards for AS level biology. The resource will enable students to achieve the following learning objectives: Recall the role of haemoglobin in transporting oxygen & carbon dioxide Describe the changes in the dissociation curve at different carbon dioxide concentrations Explain the effect that an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide has on haemoglobin (Bohr effect) I hope you get some use out of it. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
The Eye - Biology GCSE Kaleidocycle

The Eye - Biology GCSE Kaleidocycle

2 x Hexagonal Kaleidocycles. One for fun (!) and one for summarising everything you need to know about the eye including: 1) Structure of the eye 2) Accommodation 3) Myopia 4) Hyperopia Once made pupils can be instructed to talk about each hexagonal face of the kaleidocycle and teach each other about the eye.
2016 OCR AS biology crosswords: Exchange & Transport, Natural Selection & Evol'n, Transport in Plant

2016 OCR AS biology crosswords: Exchange & Transport, Natural Selection & Evol'n, Transport in Plant

2016 OCR AS biology specification. Crosswords and companion answer sheets. These can be used as a starter, plenary or revision activity. Each crossword is designed to incorporate all key words on each topic. There is a crossword for each of the topics: exchange & transport; natural selection & evolution; transport in plants. A great group activity is to print the crosswords in A3 format, with the grid and clues separate/side-by-side, and have groups of 3/4 AS level pupils competing against each other to complete it.
Tissue fluid, lymph A-level worksheet, exam qs & answers

Tissue fluid, lymph A-level worksheet, exam qs & answers

This revision resource is designed for OCR A-level Biology but is equally suitable for other boards. This resource contains: a worksheet for the topic on Transport in Animals: Tissue fluid, Lymph and Exchange at the capillaries model answers for the worksheet information card exam questions mark scheme. This resource is easily differentiated by students choosing to use the information card or completing the worksheet independently. The model answer sheet/key is included for either peer/self assessment. Students that finish early can be looking to extend their understanding by completing the exam questions with mark schemes. The worksheet and information slides are very detailed therefore it is recommended that they be printed in A3 for use. I have included pdf versions in addition to the powerpoint files as powerpoint, opened in different versions, can cause some formatting issues. The powerpoint files are there so that you can edit the resources, if you wish to do so. Topics include: Arterioles and venules; The Formation of Tissue Fluid; The Formation of Lymph; The lymphatic system; Reabsorption of tissue fluid. Other individual worksheets and exam questions are available to complete this series of lessons on Mass Transport. There is also a Bundle that includes all 5 worksheets with corresponding information sheets and exam questions. Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful. Leave three reviews and I will send you a fourth resource of similar value free via email. If you have any issues please contact me at MEstEstEst@gmail.com Thank you.
Structure of the Heart A-Level worksheet, exam qs & answers

Structure of the Heart A-Level worksheet, exam qs & answers

This revision resource is designed for OCR A-level Biology but is equally suitable for other boards. This resource contains: a worksheet for the topic on Transport in Animals, Blood vessels and The Structure of the Heart model answers for the worksheet information card to support completing the worksheet exam questions mark scheme. This resource is easily differentiated by students choosing to use the information card or completing the worksheet independently. The model answer sheet/key is included for either peer/self assessment. Students that finish early can be looking to extend their understanding by completing the exam questions with mark schemes. The worksheet and information card are very detailed therefore it is recommended that they be printed in A3 for use. I have included pdf versions in addition to the powerpoint files as powerpoint, opened in different versions, can cause some formatting issues. The powerpoint files are there so that you can edit the resources, if you wish to do so. Topics include: Blood vessels - arteries, capillaries and veins; The Composition of Blood; The Structure of the Heart; Coronary vessels; Septum; Valves; Chordae tendinae; Direction of blood transport; Risk Factors and Structural differences between the left and right side. Other individual worksheets and exam questions are available to complete this series of lessons on Mass Transport. There is also a Bundle that includes all 5 worksheets with corresponding information cards and exam questions. Please leave a review if you find my resources helpful. Leave three reviews and I will send you a fourth resource of similar value free via email. If you have any issues please contact me at MEstEstEst@gmail.com Thank you.
B2.19 Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis AQA GCSE biology

B2.19 Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis AQA GCSE biology

Simple student led lesson plan (PowerPoint) that is activity based to achieve the following learning objectives: Last updated 14 September 2023. Recall the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis Analyse scientific data Draw conclusions from qualitative and quantitative information Differentiated activities included. Exam Question and mark scheme included. Suitable for AQA, Edexcel and OCR exam boards. Photosynthesis adaptations of the leaf
KS3 Photosynthesis - testing a leaf for starch

KS3 Photosynthesis - testing a leaf for starch

This lesson plan in presentation form is suitable for higher level groups (some activities could be omitted to suit a low ability set) to achieve the following objectives: 1) state the word equation for photosynthesis - starter: list as many words to do with photosynthesis; extension - produce a description of photosynthesis from the key words 2) explain the process of photosynthesis - gap fill exercise with word bank included (answers provided in the powerpoint); two homework ideas: ideas to support the claim "photosynthesis is essential for life", anatomy of a plant - identify where the reactants and products of photosynthesis occur in the plant. 3) use appropriate methods during practical work - method sheet included (Testing a leaf for starch Practical sheet - final.doc); practical equipment and set up explained, questions on the practical given for pupils to complete - extension questions included.
B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.1 Plant and animal cells Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology This lesson includes a powerpoint with activities to deliver the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the function of components of plant and animal cells 2) Describe how cells can be studied in detail using the light microscope Activity list 1) An illustrative starter activity in labelling a plant and animal cell - the worksheet for this is included in the powerpoint as a hidden slide - just print! Choose whether you will include the word bank or not. 2) Cloze activity (word.doc) to describe the functions of components of each cell and included in the powerpoint for easy planning. 3) Who am I? Oral activity for pupils to practise what they have learnt before writing. 4) Series of questions with extension included. All answers to questions provided in the powerpoint. 5) Practise Exam style questions can be completed in class and peer reviewed or completed as a homework task.
B2.17 Anaerobic Respiration GCSE Biology

B2.17 Anaerobic Respiration GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (PowerPoint) and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Recall that the process of anaerobic respiration releases less energy than aerobic respiration 2) Recall the word equation for anaerobic respiration 3) Explain why heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise 4) Define excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC 5) Calculate heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output, using the equation 6) Explain why, during vigorous exercise, muscle cells start to respire anaerobically 7) Explain why heart rate and breathing rate remain high after exercise Exam questions - answers included in the PowerPoint. Differentiated exercises included with challenge questions.
B2.21 Water Transport GCSE Biology

B2.21 Water Transport GCSE Biology

Lesson Plan (PowerPoint) and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe how root hair cells are adapted to take up water by osmosis 2) Define osmosis 3) Describe how water, glucose and mineral salts are transported through a plant 4) Explain how the loss of water vapour from the leaves drives transpiration Differentiated tasks included. Exam question included in word doc however formatting may be preferred by just printing the PowerPoint slide.
B2.7 Mitosis and meiosis GCSE Biology

B2.7 Mitosis and meiosis GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (presentation) with activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the division of a cell by mitosis 2) Describe the division of a cell by meiosis 3) Compare and contrast the two types of cell division
B2.6 Genetic Engineering Year 11 Edexcel Biology

B2.6 Genetic Engineering Year 11 Edexcel Biology

Lesson plan (presentation) with activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the process of genetic engineering 2) Describe case studies of GMOs (e.g. golden rice and insulin) 3) Explain the ethical considerations of GMOs
B2.9 Stem cells GCSE Biology

B2.9 Stem cells GCSE Biology

Lesson plan and presentation with activities included to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe embryonic stem cells as undifferentiated cells - interactive mini-white board starter; definitions of totipotency and pluripotency 2) Identify the advantages, disadvantages and risks of cloning mammals - activity to use revision guide/textbook to identify applications of the technology, extension activity to describe the ethical issues involved for each 3) Evaluate the risks in adult and embryonic stem cell research - for versus against task where pupils must argue their reasoning Plenary task is a gap fill (slide in powerpoint - just print!) with a word bank that encompasses all three learning objectives above. Answers are provided in the presentation.
B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology

B2.2 Inside bacteria Year 11 Edexcel GCSE Additional Science - Biology This lesson includes a powerpoint with activities to deliver the following learning objectives: 1) Describe the function of components a bacterial cell including chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, flagella and cell wall 2) Demonstrate an understanding of how changes in microscope technology have enabled us to see cells with more clarity and detail than in the past, including simple magnification calculations Activity list 1) An illustrative starter activity to label a microscope - the worksheet for this is included in the powerpoint as a hidden slide - just print! Choose whether you will include the word bank or not. 2) Magnification calculation exercise (table 1 in powerpoint) using objective and eyepiece lens magnifications 3) Calculations of the magnification of specimens under the microscope - differentiated task with more difficult calculations using different units that must be converted. 4) Series of questions with extension question included. All answers to questions provided in the powerpoint. All questions are also provided in the worksheet with space for pupils to write answers - just print! (B2.2 Inside Bacteria ws.doc) 5) Cloze activity (provided in the powerpoint) to explain the importance of the electron microscope.
B2.3 DNA GCSE Biology

B2.3 DNA GCSE Biology

Powerpoint prepared to the Year 11 GCSE Additional Science (Biology) specification on DNA to achieve the following objectives: 1) Define what a gene is - starter task: rearrange the order of keywords; 2) Describe the structure of DNA - cloze activity on the structure of DNA (lower and higher ability choices); activity making DNA from post-it notes; quick questions which apply understanding of the structure (answers provided in the powerpoint); extension work on the genetic code, codons; longer answer questions 3) Explain the ethical issues raised about the uses of DNA technology - exam style question with model answer (extended writing piece).
B2.12 Enzymes GCSE Biology

B2.12 Enzymes GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (Presentation) and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe enzymes as biological catalysts 2) Demonstrate an understanding that enzymes catalyse chemical reactions occurring inside and outside living cells, including: a) DNA replication b) protein synthesis c) digestion Answers to the exam questions are included in the powerpoint for peer/self-assessment
B2.10 Protein Manufacture GCSE Biology

B2.10 Protein Manufacture GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (presentation) and activities to achieve the following objectives: 1) Describe the order of bases in a section of DNA decides the order of amino acids in a protein 2) Describe the stages of protein synthesis including transcription and translation 3) Explain how mutations at the DNA level can affect the protein produced
B2.18 Photosynthesis GCSE Biology Leaf structure and adaptations

B2.18 Photosynthesis GCSE Biology Leaf structure and adaptations

Simple student led lesson plan (PowerPoint) incorporating activities to achieve the following learning objectives on the adaptations of plants for photosynthesis: Last updated 14 September 2023 Recall the word equation for photosynthesis Describe the structure of the leaf Explain how the leaf is adapted for photosynthesis Differentiated activities included. Exam style questions included. Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis Required GCSE Biology practical investigation
B2.8 Clones GCSE Biology

B2.8 Clones GCSE Biology

Lesson plan (presentation) and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Describe cloning as being an example of asexual reproduction 2) Describe the stages of cloning 3) Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of cloning
B2.4 Extracting DNA GCSE Biology

B2.4 Extracting DNA GCSE Biology

Lesson plan and activities to achieve the following learning objectives: 1) Plan an investigation 2) Explain how your method will test the hypothesis 3) Explain why you have chosen your range of data or observations