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Welcome to the M Teaching Peaks store! With over 20 years of classroom experience across multiple states and countries, we offer a diverse range of products designed to boost student engagement, consolidate taught concepts, and promote classroom discussion. Enjoy exploring our store!




Welcome to the M Teaching Peaks store! With over 20 years of classroom experience across multiple states and countries, we offer a diverse range of products designed to boost student engagement, consolidate taught concepts, and promote classroom discussion. Enjoy exploring our store!
Social Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Social Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Immerse your students in the fascinating world of social psychology with our captivating Social Psychology Series. Explore a collection of 8 carefully crafted case studies, each designed to illuminate pivotal concepts within the dynamic field of human behavior and social interactions. Tailored for students eager to delve into the complexities of social dynamics, these case studies offer rich insights into key principles and theories essential for understanding the intricacies of human behavior in various social contexts. The case studies include: The Asch Conformity Experiment (Concept - Social Influence (Conformity, Compliance & Obedience)) First Impressions Matter (Concept - Social Perception) The Attitude Effect (Concept - Attitudes) Unleashing the Power of Collaboration (Concept - Group Dynamics) Nurturing Connections (Concept - Interpersonal Relationships) The Employment Dilemma (Concept - Prejudice and Discrimination) The World of Advertising (Concept - Persuasion) The Heroic Act of Altruism (Concept - Altruism and Prosocial Behavior) This resource contains: 8 case studies (one for each concept) 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions (per case study) complete with answer sheet 10 essential vocabulary words per case study, along with definitions for students to match. These are taken from the original reading centers and are included as a bonus. Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This versatile resource is ideal for educators seeking an engaging and effective teaching tool. Additionally, teachers can utilize this resource as an independent work packet, allowing students to work on it individually, or they can provide it to substitute teachers to maintain continuity in learning during their absence. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the texts, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: The Marshmallow Test Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: The Marshmallow Test Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Marshmallow Test. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Developmental Psychology: Marcia's Identity Status Theory Reading Activity

Developmental Psychology: Marcia's Identity Status Theory Reading Activity

**Welcome to the 5-step Reading Comprehension Series on Developmental Psychology. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of human development, from infancy to adulthood. ** Discover key concepts, theories, and factors that shape our physical, cognitive, and socioemotional growth. Get ready to enhance your reading comprehension skills and gain insights into the intricate processes of human maturation. Each stage builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is both engaging and effective. Let’s continue with Marcia’s Identity Status Theory. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested on their comprehension with six multiple-choice questions, ensuring that they understand the material before moving on. In Stage 4, students explore a case study, again reading independently or in a group. Finally, in Stage 5, students are tested once more with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the case study. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 1 case study 12 multiple-choice comprehension questions (6 per reading) complete with answer sheets Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for educators looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Set 1

Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Set 1

Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards – Set 1 is a set of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses. The questions can be used as: Task cards to be placed around the room For small group discussion For individual or small group research For summative assessment For assessment revision or formative assessment For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses. Theorists in set 1: Freud, Marcia, Piaget, Zimbardo, Chomsky, Bowlby, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson Theories in set 1: Psychoanalytic theory, 4 statuses of identity formation, attachment theory, theory of cognitive development, egocentrism, language acquisition device, defense mechanisms, hierarchy of needs, stages of moral development, bystander effect, theory of mind, stages of psychosocial development Experiments in set 1: The marshmallow test, The Stanford prison experiment, Asch conformity experiment This resources contains: 23 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card) Student recording sheet Answer key Enjoy!
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Bundle

Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Bundle

2 Resources
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards Bundle are two sets of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses. The questions can be used as: Task cards to be placed around the room For small group discussion For individual or small group research For summative assessment For assessment revision or formative assessment For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses. Theorists in set 1: Freud, Marcia, Piaget, Zimbardo, Chomsky, Bowlby, Maslow, Kohlberg, Erikson Theorists in set 2: Pavlov, Bandura, Erikson, Bronfenbrenner, Milgram, Harlow, Skinner, Freud, Piaget, Festinger, Vygotsky, Ainsworth Theories in set 1: Psychoanalytic theory, 4 statuses of identity formation, attachment theory, theory of cognitive development, egocentrism, language acquisition device, defense mechanisms, hierarchy of needs, stages of moral development, bystander effect, theory of mind, stages of psychosocial development Theories in set 2: Social learning theory, classical conditioning, stages of psychosocial development, ecological systems theory, operant conditioning, the broken windows theory, cognitive dissonance, model of psychosexual development, assimilation and accommodation, schemas, zone of proximal development, psychoanalytic theory, attachment Experiments in set 1: The marshmallow test, The Stanford prison experiment, Asch conformity experiment Experiments in set 2: The little Albert experiment, Pavlov’s dog, the Bobo doll experiments, the Milgram experiment, Harlow’s monkeys, the Skinner box, the strange situation This bundle contains: 46 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card per set) Student recording sheets Answer keys Enjoy!
Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Set 2

Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments - Task Cards Set 2

Classic Psychology Theories and Experiments Task Cards – Set 2 is a set of multiple-choice styled questions that cover the topics most often taught in introductory or first year psychology courses. The questions can be used as: Task cards to be placed around the room For small group discussion For individual or small group research For summative assessment For assessment revision or formative assessment For a diagnostic assessment for 2nd year or more advanced psychology courses A foundation for educators to develop a unit plan from since the theories, theorists and experiments covered are consistently taught in most, if not all, introduction to psychology courses. Theorists in set 2: Pavlov, Bandura, Erikson, Bronfenbrenner, Milgram, Harlow, Skinner, Freud, Piaget, Festinger, Vygotsky, Ainsworth Theories in set 2: Social learning theory, classical conditioning, stages of psychosocial development, ecological systems theory, operant conditioning, the broken windows theory, cognitive dissonance, model of psychosexual development, assimilation and accommodation, schemas, zone of proximal development, psychoanalytic theory, attachment Experiments in set 2: The little Albert experiment, Pavlov’s dog, the Bobo doll experiments, the Milgram experiment, Harlow’s monkeys, the Skinner box, the strange situation This resources contains: 23 cards (22 task cards, 1 title card) Student recording sheet Answer key Enjoy!
Behavioral Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Behavioral Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Immerse yourself in the world of human behavior with our Behavioral Psychology Case Studies Explore a series of 8 case studies, each crafted to illuminate fundamental concepts within the captivating field of behavioral psychology. Tailored for students seeking to unravel the intricacies of decision-making and cognitive processes, these studies offer rich insights into the dynamic interplay of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The case studies include: Emma and the Ice Cream Truck (Concept - Classical Conditioning) Time Management (Concept - Operant Conditioning) Improving Classroom Participation (Concept - Reinforcement) Reducing Procrastination Behavior (Concept - Punishment) Reducing Nail Biting Behavior (Concept - Extinction) Chelsea and the Piano Lesson (Concept - Observational Learning) Identical Twins (Concept - Stimulus Discrimination) The Noisy Neighborhood (Concept - Habituation and Sensitization) This resource contains: 8 case studies (one for each concept) 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions (per case study) complete with answer sheet 10 essential vocabulary words per case study, along with definitions for students to match Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This versatile resource is ideal for educators seeking an engaging and effective teaching tool. Additionally, teachers can utilize this resource as an independent work packet, allowing students to work on it individually, or they can provide it to substitute teachers to maintain continuity in learning during their absence. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the texts, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Evolutionary Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Evolutionary Psychology Case Studies: Reading Comprehension & Sorting Activities

Step into an enlightening exploration with our captivating Evolutionary Psychology Case Studies. Delve into a collection of 8 case studies, each carefully crafted to illuminate pivotal concepts within the field of evolutionary psychology. Tailored for students eager to explore the intricacies of human behavior and cognition from an evolutionary perspective, these studies offer rich insights into key principles and theories essential for understanding the adaptive mechanisms that shape our minds and behaviors in today’s world. The case studies include: The Peppered Moth (Concept - Natural Selection) Darwin’s Finches (Concept - Adaptation) Unveiling the Ancestral Trail (Concept - Ancestors of Humans) Tracing the Journey (Concept - Homo sapiens Evolution) Bird Songs (Concept - Mate Selection) Artificial Light (Concept - Evolutionary Mismatch) The Emperor Penguin (Concept - Parental Investment) The Evolutionary Basis of Fear (Concept - Basis of Emotions) This resource contains: 8 case studies (one for each concept) 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions (per case study) complete with answer sheet 10 essential vocabulary words per case study, along with definitions for students to match Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This versatile resource is ideal for educators seeking an engaging and effective teaching tool. Additionally, teachers can utilize this resource as an independent work packet, allowing students to work on it individually, or they can provide it to substitute teachers to maintain continuity in learning during their absence. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the texts, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Evolutionary Psychology & Biology: Fun & Engaging Task Cards Assessment Activity

Evolutionary Psychology & Biology: Fun & Engaging Task Cards Assessment Activity

Ready to challenge your students’ knowledge of Evolutionary Psychology while getting them up and moving about? This versatile resource is perfect for assessing prior knowledge, measuring understanding of recently taught concepts, or evaluating learning outcomes effortlessly, all while offering a refreshing departure from the usual routine. Featuring 25 multiple-choice task cards covering 5 categories: Natural Selection Adaptation Ancestors of Humans Homo sapiens Evolution Evolutionary Mismatch Also included is: 1 student sheet for recording answers 1 answer sheet for easy grading High-quality PNG files, ideal for projecting on a class screen for whole-class engagement. To get started with these cards, follow these steps: Print out the cards and laminate them for durability. Then, cut them into individual cards for ease of use. Next, provide each student with a worksheet. This will allow them to record their answers and keep track of their progress. Distribute the cards around the classroom or set them up in a designated learning center. Students can then choose where to start and work their way through the cards in any order they wish. After completion, check/review answers. Other delivery options: Maximize the versatility of the PNG files by opting for digital display instead of printing. Display the cards individually on your laptop or projector and have students respond either individually, in pairs, or teams. You can choose to reveal answers after each question or at the end according to your preference. Experience interactive fun with the “4 corners” game, where students move to designated corners based on their answer choices until only one remains. Perfect as a first-day, ice-breaker activity! For long-lasting use, consider laminating the cards to preserve their quality, ensuring they remain a valuable resource in your teaching toolkit for years to come. Best Wishes!
Psychology: Robbers Cave Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Psychology: Robbers Cave Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Robbers Cave Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Bobo Doll Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: Bobo Doll Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Bobo Doll Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Rosenhan Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: Rosenhan Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Rosenhan Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Stanford Prison Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Psychology: Stanford Prison Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s begin our journey with the Stanford Prison Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Asch Conformity Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Psychology: Asch Conformity Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Asch Conformity Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: False Memory Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: False Memory Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the False Memory Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Kitty Genovese Case Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: Kitty Genovese Case Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Kitty Genovese Case. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: The Strange Situation Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: The Strange Situation Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Strange Situation. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Little Albert Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Psychology: Little Albert Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Little Albert Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Milgram Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Psychology: Milgram Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity Center

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with the Milgram Experiment. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!
Psychology: Harlow's Monkeys Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Psychology: Harlow's Monkeys Experiment Reading Comprehension & Sort Activity

Welcome to the Experiments in Psychology Series. In this reading comprehension series, we will embark on an enlightening exploration of groundbreaking psychological experiments and studies. Join us as we examine the methodology, findings, and ethical considerations of these thought-provoking studies. Each stage of this series builds upon the previous one, guiding readers through a structured learning process that is designed to be engaging and impactful. Let’s continue our journey with Harlow’s Monkeys. In Stage 1, students prepare for the informational text by matching ten key vocabulary words with their definitions, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the text. In Stage 2, students dive into the informational text, reading it independently or with a partner, small group, or center. In Stage 3, students are tested with six multiple-choice questions that assess their comprehension of the text. This resource contains: 1 informational text 10 essential vocabulary words with definitions 6 multiple-choice comprehension questions complete with answer sheet Answer strips for students to write their answers on (optional) This resource is perfect for teachers looking for an engaging and effective teaching tool, or for individual learners looking to develop their comprehension skills. To ensure that this resource can be used time and time again, we recommend that the text, assorted vocabulary matches, and comprehension question and answer sheets be laminated for durability. This will help to preserve the quality of the resources, making them a valuable long-term addition to your teaching toolkit. All the very best!