20 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-claro-1-unit-4-1-donde-vivo-yo-12582554]
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases using conjugations of VIVIR
2 x slides with 10 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
20 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-claro-1-unit-4-2-me-gusta-mi-casa-12582544
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases giving a range of opinions and reasons
2 x slides with 10 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
20 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from sentence builder PASA PASA A MI CASA found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-claro-1-unit-4-3-pasa-pasa-a-mi-casa-12582546
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases describing a house
2 x slides with 10 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
2 x slides with 10 Spanish Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
30 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from GREETINGS & HOW ARE YOU? sentence builder https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-greetings-and-how-are-you-beginner-12634177
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases - positive feelings
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases - negative feelings
2 x slides with 30 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences - positive feelings
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences - negative feelings
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
15 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from PERSONALITY & HEIGHT sentence builder https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-french-appearance-and-personality-beginner-12542904
1 x slide with 15 French Sentence Stealer phrases - Personality & height
1 x slide with 15 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 15 French Mind Reader sentences - Personality & height
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
30 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from PETS sentence builder https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-pets-beginner-12634187
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases - singular animals and adjectives
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases - plural animals and adjectives
2 x slides with 15 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences - singular animals and adjectives
1 x slide with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences - plural animals and adjectives
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
15 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-appearance-and-personality-beginner-12634203
2 x slides with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases
2 x slides with 15 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
2 x slides with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
15 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-spanish-birthdays-beginner-12634149
2 x slides with 15 Spanish Sentence Stealer phrases
2 x slides with 15 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
2 x slides with 15 Spanish Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
15 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from PETS sentence builder https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-french-pets-beginner-12542910
1 x slide with 15 French Sentence Stealer phrases
1 x slides with 15 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 15 French Mind Reader sentences
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
30 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from the sentence builder on HAIR & EYES https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-french-hair-and-eyes-beginner-12542901
1 x slide with 15 French Sentence Stealer phrases describing HAIR
1 x slide with 15 French Sentence Stealer phrases describing EYES
2 x slides with 30 French Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 30 French Mind Reader sentences - HAIR
1 x slide with 30 French Mind Reader sentences - EYES
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
30 sentences to play Sentence Stealer & Mind Reader.
All sentences taken from ÇA VA? sentence builder https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-builder-french-a-va-beginner-12542879
1 x slide with 15 FRENCH Sentence Stealer phrases - positive feelings
1 x slide with 15 FRENCH Sentence Stealer phrases - negative feelings
2 x slides with 30 English Sentence Stealer translations of the above
1 x slide with 15 FRENCH Mind Reader sentences - positive feelings
1 x slide with 15 FRENCH Mind Reader sentences - negative feelings
Instructions/ideas for use in the classroom
This bundle includes the following sentence stealers and mind readers
Ayudo en casa
Me gusta mi casa
Pasa pasa a mi casa
Donde vivo yo
En mi dormitorio
Worksheet includes:
Match up
Listening for detail
Sentence Bingo
Activities inspired by Gianfranco Conti EPI teaching
To be used alongside the sentence builder in my resources
Worksheet includes:
Memory squares
Listening for silent letters
Listening for missing words/chunks
Listening slalom
Activities inspired by Gianfranco Conti EPI teaching
To be used alongside the sentence builder in my resources
Conti-style sentence builder used for the teaching the topic of food and drink using the 3rd person
Numbered vocabulary
Silent letters highlighted & underlined
Covers different meal times
First person vocabulary
Useful connectives
Worksheet includes:
Vocab Quiz
Reading comprehension grid (4 texts)
Activities inspired by Gianfranco Conti EPI teaching
To be used alongside the sentence builder in my resources
Worksheet includes:
Split the sentence
One pen one die
Translation tasks
Activities inspired by Gianfranco Conti EPI teaching
To be used alongside the sentence builder in my resources
Worksheet includes:
Gapped sentences
Rock climbing translation
Activities inspired by Gianfranco Conti EPI teaching
To be used alongside the sentence builder in my resources