High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
This resource has been designed to help GCSE Food students to answer a long answer question, in preparation for their written exam. It is a total of x8 sides of A4. This resource is a great learning aid throughout the revision period and is suitable for all exam boards studying food.
**What are the students be tasked with - **
Students are introduced to the question, tasking them to - analyse and evaluate a student’s lunchbox against Healthy Eating Guidelines - this question has been broken down, highlighting the key words students need to consider when answering their own question.
Students will then write their own answer to the question.
Using the marking criteria and mark scheme students will self mark their own answer.
Students have been provided with 2 model answers. The first, a low ability answer (awarded 3 marks) and the second, a higher ability answer (12 marks) - they will then read the answers and mark using the marking criteria and mark scheme. They will then provide a mark for each and a comment.
Students are then presented with the model answers, this time showing them fully marked and comments to show improvements. (this time marked by a teacher)
Students find this resource really beneficial, as they can read a model answer of high quality and one with lower marks. They can see where they can pick up marks throughout an answer and the importance of including maximum subject knowledge and the correct use of grammar and spelling.
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Complete Food Lesson BUNDLE
EDUQAS Coursework and Exam PREP BUNDLE
AQA Courseowork and Exam PREP BUNDLE
Exam Questions with Model Answer BUNDLE PPTs
This PPT focusing on Ethical and Environmental Factors that affect Food choices. This double lesson is suitable for KS4 students studying Food and other cross-curricular subjects with this topic in mind. The aims of the lesson are:
Learning Objectives:
To define the three key term; Local, Fair Trade and Organic Produce.
To describe why Intensive Farming is more popular than Organic Farming?
To discuss the Fair Trade standards and how this affects consumers food choices.
The PPT slides are colourful and the reliable content is presented clearly. The lesson is structured with starter, main and plenary and helps students to learn through topical information, videos and Q&A. The lesson is sub-divided so students can understand the following - Local, Fair Trade and Organic Produce.
You may also find this resource beneficial: Factors affecting Food Choices - Personal, Social & Economical
You may find this lesson helpful Factors affecting Food Choices - Religion & Culture
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Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Remote Learning and Cover Lesson focuses on Food Safety Mock Questions; suitable for KS4 students. This Powerpoint features 22 mock questions with model answers relating to Food Safety.
With any cover lesson, the cover teacher needs content that is complete and clear for the lesson to run smoothly - this is what this Powerpoint achieves! - All questions are presented clearly with animations that reveal all of the model answers. All model answers highlight where marks can be awarded for both the long and short answer questions.
Questions you may consider -
What will students learn and take away from this lesson?
Students will familiarise themselves to a range of exam questions, they will understand how to answer the questions (reading the model answers provided), how to pick up marks for short and long answer questions and learn valuable subject knowledge along the way.
How will students learn this content during their cover lesson?
Each question has a quality model answer, which appears using animation. These model answers highlight where marks can be picked up and contains reliable subject knowledge relating to each question.
Is the Powerpoint presented clearly?
Yes the Powerpoint is presented clearly, as it aims to be student friendly. Any specialist or non-specialist can deliver these questions, as all questions feature a model answer.
Could this lesson be followed independently as a remote learning task for students?
Yes, this lesson is very easy to navigate. All mock questions and model answers are featured in the Powerpoint.
You may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Remote Learning and Cover Lesson focuses on Food, Nutrition and Health; suitable for KS4 students. This Powerpoint features 17 mock questions with model answers relating to Food, Nutrition and Health.
With any cover lesson, the cover teacher needs content that is complete and clear for the lesson to run smoothly - this is what this Powerpoint achieves! - All questions are presented clearly with animations that reveal all of the model answers. All model answers highlight where marks can be awarded for both the long and short answer questions.
Questions you may consider -
What will students learn and take away from this lesson?
Students will familiarise themselves to a range of exam questions, they will understand how to answer the questions (reading the model answers provided), how to pick up marks for short and long answer questions and learn valuable subject knowledge along the way.
How will students learn this content during their cover lesson?
Each question has a quality model answer, which appears using animation. These model answers highlight where marks can be picked up and contains reliable subject knowledge relating to each question.
Is the Powerpoint presented clearly?
Yes the Powerpoint is presented clearly, as it aims to be student friendly. Any specialist or non-specialist can deliver these questions, as all questions feature a model answer.
Could this lesson be followed independently as a remote learning task for students?
Yes, this lesson is very easy to navigate. All mock questions and model answers are featured in the Powerpoint.
If may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Remote Learning and Cover Lesson focusing on Food Science Mock Questions; suitable for KS4 students. This Powerpoint features 23 mock questions with model answers relating to Food Science.
With any cover lesson, the cover teacher needs content that is complete and clear for the lesson to run smoothly - this is what this Powerpoint achieves! - All questions are presented clearly with animations that reveal all of the model answers. All model answers highlight where marks can be awarded for both the long and short answer questions.
Questions you may consider -
What will students learn and take away from this lesson?
Students will familiarise themselves to a range of exam questions, they will understand how to answer the questions (reading the model answers provided), how to pick up marks for short and long answer questions and learn valuable subject knowledge along the way.
How will students learn this content during their cover lesson?
Each question has a quality model answer, which appears using animation. These model answers highlight where marks can be picked up and contains reliable subject knowledge relating to each question.
Is the Powerpoint presented clearly?
Yes the Powerpoint is presented clearly, as it aims to be student friendly. Any specialist or non-specialist can deliver these questions, as all questions feature a model answer.
Could this lesson be followed independently as a remote learning task for students?
Yes, this lesson is very easy to navigate. All mock questions and model answers are featured in the Powerpoint.
You may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Food Remote Learning and Cover Lesson focuses on Food Provenance Mock Questions; suitable for KS4 students. This Powerpoint features 26 mock questions with model answers relating to Food Provenance.
With any cover lesson, the cover teacher needs content that is complete and clear for the lesson to run smoothly - this is what this Powerpoint achieves! - All questions are presented clearly with animations that reveal all of the model answers. All model answers highlight where marks can be awarded for both the long and short answer questions.
Questions you may consider -
What will students learn and take away from this lesson?
Students will familiarise themselves to a range of exam questions, they will understand how to answer the questions (reading the model answers provided), how to pick up marks for short and long answer questions and learn valuable subject knowledge along the way.
How will students learn this content during their cover lesson?
Each question has a quality model answer, which appears using animation. These model answers highlight where marks can be picked up and contains reliable subject knowledge relating to each question.
Is the Powerpoint presented clearly?
Yes the Powerpoint is presented clearly, as it aims to be student friendly. Any specialist or non-specialist can deliver these questions, as all questions feature a model answer.
Could this lesson be followed independently as a remote learning task for students?
Yes, this lesson is very easy to navigate. All mock questions and model answers are featured in the Powerpoint.
You may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
This Food Homework Sheet is suited for key stage 3 students studying food. It has been tried and tested with year 7, year 8 and year 9 classes.This homework sheet is hugely versitile as it is great for differentiation and allows students to navigate their own learning journey; by choosing the homework they would enjoy completing during their food rotation. Learning which is enjoyable.
Theory homework Tasks with the flexibility for students to complete 2 home based cooking practicals if you would like a homework sheet with no cooking and** JUST theory** head to - KS3 Food Homework Sheet - All Theory!
To support with differentiation - x5 additional homework template sheets have been provided where necessary. This will help support those students who benefit from a more structured worksheet, clear tasks with examples. The class teacher or LSA may choose to discuss the different tasks with the student before they take the sheet home - and support them by highlighting the homework they plan to complete. This will help them to only focus on the selected boxes.
Students are encouraged to complete a minimum of 3tasks for their homework. Once complete each box will be coloured in, until a row of 3 is revealed. (this can be adapted to meet students/class needs)
If may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
This Food Cover Work is suited for key stage 3 students studying food. It has been tried and tested with year 7 and year 8 students; but would also be effective with year 9 classes too. The resource includes four tasks and is double sided. It is easily taught by a non-specialist as part of a cover lesson.
Students will explore the Eatwell Guide (video included). They will then categories a list of salad ingredients into the right food groups and identify the nutritional benefit for each. Next students have been asked to identify the salad ingredients they wish to include in their own salad jar. Following on from this, they will then sketch, annotate and explain how their salad jar meets the Eatwell Guide.
Students were very engaged throughout this lesson!
Try before you buy - A lesson with 5* Reviews
Types of Eggs
Interested in purchasing more lessons, coursework and revision resources from this authorMade for teachers Shop. Then why not try before you buy with this great 5* lesson. Fellow teachers have reviewed stating that they purchased further lessons off the back of this resource - saving them lots of time!
Other helpful resources:
If may also be interested in:
Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
This Food Homework Sheet is suited for key stage 3 students studying food. It has been tried and tested with year 7, year 8 and year 9 classes.This homework sheet is hugely versitile as it is great for differentiation and allows students to navigate their own learning journey; by choosing the homework they would enjoy completing during their food rotation. Learning which is enjoyable.
All homework tasks are theory based if you would like a homework sheet with the opportunities for students to cook at home then head over to this adapted homework sheet - KS3 Homework Sheet including some flexibility for homebased cooking
To support with differentiation - x8 additional homework template sheets have been provided where necessary. This will help support those students who benefit from a more structured worksheet, clear tasks with examples. The class teacher or LSA may choose to discuss the different tasks with the student before they take the sheet home - and support them by highlighting the homework they plan to complete. This will help them to only focus on the selected boxes.
Students are encouraged to complete a minimum of 3tasks for their homework. Once complete each box will be coloured in, until a row of 3 is revealed. (this can be adapted to meet students/class needs)
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Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
These Food Worksheets are suited for key stage 3 students studying food. They have been tried and tested with year 7, year 8 and year 9 classes. The x4 worksheets focus on Analysing a Daily Food Diary against the Eatwell Guide.
Students are firstly introduced to the Eatwell Guide and asked to catagorise a list of foods into the right food groups. Students will learn the nutritional benefits of the food groups and analyse a sample daily food plan. From this, they will create their own food plan and analyse it against the Eatwell Guide; making healthier food choice suggestions. As an extension, a worksheet has been provided tasking students to create a healthy daily food plan from the influence of a receipt. The receipt provides a list of foods for the students to creatively create their meals and snacks.
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Made for teachers Shop
Complete Food Lesson Bundle
Food Coursework and Exam Preparation Bundle
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Nea 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Design Technology Mini Project, Remote Learning and/or Cover Lesson; suitable for KS3 students. This 15 page DT mini project will help students to understand the Design Process and build a successful project folder. This resource is made up of 15 template pages for your students to complete and is ideal for KS3 students, preparing them for what to expect in GCSE.
Students will be introduced to a range of sections of the Design Process, including:
Mind Mapping
Design Problem & Design Brief
Analysis & Synthesis
Initial Ideas & Developing Ideas
Planning - Flowcharts. Time Chart & Sketch Sequence Drawing
Making a Model
Testing & Evaluating
Marketing my Product
This mini project has been scaled back a little, with a few less pages than the larger alternative, which can be found here - Shop
This has been tried and tested with KS3 lessons, with great feedback from students and teachers. Other design briefs, cover lessons and lessons can be found here - Shop
Revision, Cover Lesson and/or Remote Learning Design Technology Worksheets, suitable for KS3 and GCSE students. These sheets focus on Design Solutions and features 7 mock questions totaling to 15 Marks.
This resource contains x3 sides of A4. This is divided into:
Mock Questions spread over x2 sides
Answer sheet
Questions include:
1 mark - 4 mark answers.
They ask students to define, state and explain
7 questions
15 marks
These mock questions are tried and tested. Students can complete the questions independently, self mark using the answer sheet and then re-write any questions to improve them. This task is great for revision, as students are practising writing model answers and can keep their model answers for the revision period.
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DT Bundle - Quiz and Worksheets
DT Project - 31 Template Pages - Understand the Design Process -
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DT KS3 Mini Project - Magnetic Wrist Band
DT Lesson Bundle
This 15 page DT mini project will help students to understand the Design Process and build a successful project folder. This resource is made up of 15 template pages for your students to complete and is ideal for KS3 students, preparing them for what to expect in GCSE.
Students will be introduced to a range of sections of the Design Process, including:
Mind Mapping
Design Problem & Design Brief
Analysis & Synthesis
Initial Ideas & Developing Ideas
Planning - Flowcharts. Time Chart & Sketch Sequence Drawing
Making a Model
Testing & Evaluating
Marketing my Product
This mini project has been scaled back a little, with a few less pages than the larger alternative, which can be found here - Shop
This has been tried and tested with KS3 lessons, with great feedback from students and teachers. Other design briefs, cover lessons and lessons can be found here - Shop
Design Technology Remote Learning and Cover Lesson resource focusing on Milling, Turning Lathe, CAD/CAM; suitable for KS3 and GCSE students.This lesson is a complete lesson and covers all areas students need to know on the topic.
The lesson is structured and divided into starter, main and plenary. With any cover lesson, the cover teacher needs content that is complete and clear for the lesson to run smoothly - this is what this lesson has been designed to do. - with all answers included to activities and answers!
Questions you may consider -
What will students learn and take away from this lesson?
Students will investigate the process of using a Milling and Lathe Machine, name wood turning tools and their function; and explain the use of CAD/CAM when using the Lathe/Milling machine.
How will students learn this content during their cover lesson?
Subject knowledge content, videos, discussions, worksheet, mock question with answer and visual imagery.
Is the Powerpoint presented clearly?
Yes the Powerpoint is presented clearly, as it aims to be student friendly. Any specialist or non-specialist can deliver this lesson as the answers to specialist questions are provided.
Could this lesson be followed independently as a remote learning task for students?
Yes, this lesson is very easy to navigate. All the learning content can be accessible in the PPT.
This lesson focuses on Fibre and Water in our diet and is suitable for GCSE students studying Food. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson. It Is structured into starter, main and plenary and comes with learning objectives.
This lesson is clearly presented and includes reliable subject knowledge. Students can approach learning via reliable content, videos, Q&A and discussions.
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Made for teachers
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DT Lesson Bundle
This lesson focuses on Die Casting and Sand Casting and is suitable for GCSE students. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson (as all tasks are clear with printables and answers). The lesson includes:
The starter introduces them to an exam style question based on Die Casting - students will be given a hand out explaining the command words which will appear in their exam. They will them highlight the command words and key information in the mock question itself. (this will come in handy later on in the lesson)
Information about the Die Casting and sand casting process - images and videos
Two hand outs -
The first task asks students to answer an exam style question relating to Die Casting - They will be given time to answer the question.
The second hand out shows a model answer to the question along with the mark scheme. They will be asked to mark the model answer using the mark scheme and reflect. They will they go back to their answer and mark in the same way reflecting after.
Plenary - Students will identify the pro’s of each casting process.
You might be interested in purchasing this lesson as part of a bundle, the link is provided here: DT lessons x7 BUNDLE
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DT Lesson Bundle
These 3 lessons focus on Healthy Eating, Planning a Meal for a Teenager, Food Practical and Sensory Testing. The 3 lessons are whole lessons and are divided into starter, main and plenary and suitable for KS4 students. Reliable content, video, worksheets, reference to GCSE Food cooking skills marking criteria, examiner marking criteria, dietary meal planning guidance, word banks and supportive resources will help students gain knowledge in these areas; and prepare them for planning and cooking a meal for a specific audience. These lessons are well presented to be both student and teacher friendly and each include their own lesson plan.
Below outlines each lessons Learning Objectives -
**Lesson 1: ** Theory
To understand the importance of eating a variety of different foods from the Eatwell Guide.
To plan a savoury meal for a teenager.
To write a dovetailed time plan showing timings, logical method and special points.
Lesson 2: Practical
To prepare, cook and serve a healthy savoury product suitable for a teenager.
To showcase a range of technical skills when preparing and cooking a suitable savoury dish.
To demonstrate and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
To demonstrate a good working routine in the food room.
To explain how the dish meets the requirements of the new Eatwell Guide.
Lesson 3: Theory
To understand why sensory testing is carried out and experiment with different types of sensory tests.
To use a word bank and tasting chart to carry out sensory testing.
You may also find these of interest:
Question with Model Answer - Exam Prep! - Healthy Eating Guidelines
AQA Coursework and Exam Prep!
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GCSE Questions with Model Answers
This lesson focuses on 3D printing and is suitable for KS3 and GCSE students. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as part of a cover lesson (as all tasks are clear with printables and answers). The lesson includes information about the 3D printing process, CAD/CAM, videos, prototypes and how 3D printing has helped in other industries (Health and Food). Students have the task to answer a practice question within the lesson. The PPT includes the model answer to the GCSE mock question and encourages students to self reflect and improve their answer.
Made for teachers Shop
Art Worksheets Bundle
D&T Worksheets Bundle
Food 100 Mark Mock Paper
Food Lessons, NEA, Exam Prep Bundle
This lesson focuses on the ‘Nutrients at different life stages’ and is suitable for GCSE students studying Food. This complete whole lesson can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist. The lesson is clearly structured as starter, main and plenary, reliable subject knowledge, tasks with answers are included.
What’s included:
Theory lesson:
Starter - Questioning student existing knowledge of the nutrients required at each life stage - answers included.
Main - Watching a video & answering questions on nutrients (question sheet and answers included), PPT slides dedicated to the 6 life stages (including pregnancy), task for students to plan a daily diary with a fact sheet included for students to refer to - the fact sheet includes cooking abilities and a stretch and challenge task. You will find 2 task sheets here - they are differentiated - one for higher ability and the other for lower ability.
Plenary - Discuss a question based upon a particular life stage.
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Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)
Here you have one lesson suitable for GCSE Food students. The lesson focuses on Organic Food & Drink. The students will recall their prior knowledge answer the 12 mark question then self assess against the model answer and mark scheme. This lesson is a full lesson including a starter, main and plenary with all necessary printables. It can be delivered by a specialist or non-specialist as all answers and guidance has been provided. Great resources to prepare students for their written exam - can be used for all exam boards.
What the students are asked to do:
The students are provided with the Question, they are then encouraged to recall their prior knowledge on the topic and answer the question under timed conditions. Students will then explore the topic of Planning a Menu for residents in a residential home (later adulthood) by creating a mind map and discussing the facts page provided. A model answer of the question has been included to help assist students to peer and self assess their answer.
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EDUQAS Food Preparation and Nutrition NEA 1 & 2 Coursework Guidance & Exam/Mock Questions Preparation
Food Written Exam/Mock Questions and Revision suitable for all exam boards (Larger Bundle
GCSE Food Exam/Mock Questions with Model Answers BUNDLEsuitable for all exam boards (smaller Bundle)