The resources have been mainly developed for Post 16 learners in Colleges and Community Learning environments.
They include:
Functional Skills Maths resources: Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1, Level 2 plus GCSE Maths resources.
All of the PowerPoints are animated to enhance the learning experience.
All of the Worksheets, handouts and Information sheets are colourful and in pdf format.
Graphics, images, animations are licensed to me by Presenter Media.
The resources have been mainly developed for Post 16 learners in Colleges and Community Learning environments.
They include:
Functional Skills Maths resources: Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1, Level 2 plus GCSE Maths resources.
All of the PowerPoints are animated to enhance the learning experience.
All of the Worksheets, handouts and Information sheets are colourful and in pdf format.
Graphics, images, animations are licensed to me by Presenter Media.
Formulae Worksheet (with answers)
Evaluate expressions and make substitutions in given formulae
Understand and use simple formulae and equations
involving one- or two-step operations
maths GCSE numeracy Functional Skills Level 2
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Addition, animated and interactive PowerPoint (exercises and crossword included)
Addition Methods PowerPoint - addition by partitioning, addition by place value
Addition Methods worksheets and crossword to accompany the presentation (pdf format)
Addition Crossword (zip file)
To play the crossword correctly - happy_add.png, sad_add.png, plus.png and AddMethodsCW_160624.htm should all be in the same folder
4 Rules - Subtraction (Functional Skills Entry/L1)
Subtraction animated and interactive PowerPoint (exercises and crossword included)
1 Subtraction Methods PowerPoint - subtraction by counting on, subtraction by partitioning,
subtraction by decomposition
2 Subtraction Methods worksheets and crossword to accompany the presentation (pdf format)
Subtraction Crossword (zip file)
To play the crossword correctly - happy_sub.png, sad_sub.png, minus.png and 4rules_SubMethodsCW_160624.htm should all be in the same folder
4 Rules - Multiplication (Functional Skills Entry/L1)
Multiplication, animated and interactive PowerPoint (exercises and crossword included)
Multiplication Methods PowerPoint - multiplication using the grid method, long multiplication
Multiplication Methods worksheets and crossword to accompany the presentation (pdf format)
Multiplication Crossword (zip file)
To play the crossword correctly - happy_mult.png, sad_mult.png, times.png and MultMethodsCW_160624.htm should all be in the same folder
4 Rules - Division (Functional Skills Entry/L1)
Division animated and interactive PowerPoints (exercises and crossword included)
Division Methods PowerPoint - Division by chunking, short division, long division
Division Methods worksheets and crossword to accompany the presentation (pdf format)
Division Crossword (zip file)
To play the crossword correctly - happy_div.png, sad_div.png, divide.png and DivMethodsCW_160624.htm should all be in the same folder
Functional Skills Workbook - Number E2 - 2 page Sample
4 rules
Number Patterns
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 2 Entry 3
Full version available here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
GCSE surds animated PowerPoint
Simplifying surds
What is a surd?
The 4 general Rules
4 exercises (with answers)
Exercises on pdf (with answers)
maths numeracy GCSE
Functional Skills Entry 3
Nine (9) short tests which can be used for diagnostic purposes or/and as a check on learning.
They are suitable for Functional Skills Entry 3 learners.
Place value/Rounding
Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000 in words and figures
Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100
Addition and Subtraction
Add and subtract using three-digit whole numbers
Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20
Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers
Recall multiplication facts
Divide two-digit whole numbers by single-digit whole numbers and interpret remainders
Read, write and understand decimals up to two decimal places
Add and subtract decimals up to two places in practical contexts
Solve problems with and without a calculator and interpret +,-,x,÷ and =
Use a calculator to calculate using whole numbers and decimals to solve problems
Estimation/simple Algebra
Use estimation in solving problems
Understand simple algebra problems
Read, write and understand decimals up to two decimal places
Add and subtract decimals up to two places in practical contexts
Read, write and understand common fractions in words and figures
Recognise and use equivalent forms
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 3
2 page sample here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
The game is best printed on card or it could be laminated.
Cut out and shuffle.
Great as a starter.
Learners can decide for themselves how to arrange the 48 cards.
Perfect for discussion of negative numbers and temperature.
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 3 Level 1 Level 2
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Division animated and interactive PowerPoints (exercises and crossword included)
Division Methods PowerPoint - Division by chunking, short division, long division
Division Methods worksheets and crossword to accompany the presentation (pdf format)
Division Crossword (zip file)
To play the crossword correctly - happy_div.png, sad_div.png, divide.png and DivMethodsCW_160624.htm should all be in the same folder
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 3 Level 1
Inequalities Worksheets (GCSE)
Representing inequalities on a number line (with answers)
Solving inequalities (with answers)
maths GCSE
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Horse Race Game - working in pairs
Print out the Game boards and cut out the horses.
Print out the numbers allocated to each horse (1 for each pair)
Print out the Sample spaces
Worksheet included
Probability experiment
Throwing a dice group activity - working in pairs
Skills Developed
Use and apply mathematics in practical tasks
A positive attitude to mathematics, including confidence and enjoyment
Methods of computation
Data Handling
Engage in experimental work in order to appreciate some of the principles which govern random events
Ability to read and write numbers
Ability to use addition and subtraction facts
Ability to recognise and understand fractions
Data Handling
Ability to perform experiments in probability
Ability to list all possible outcomes of an event
Ability to recognise whether outcomes are certain/impossible
The knowledge that the sum of probabilities of all possible outcomes of an event is 1
The use of a sample space to tabulate 2 independent and combined events
Ability to calculate the related probability
maths GCSE numeracy Functional Skills Level 2
Probability Horse Race 2 available here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Forming algebraic equations and using them to solve word problems
Useful for L2 and Foundation GCSE practice
There are 6 questions
Includes fully worked answers
maths GCSE numeracy Functional Skills Level 2
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Colourful worksheets
Working out areas
Sketching a plan of a room
Interpreting tables
Costing paint, wallpaper and carpet
FS L1 L2
maths numeracy Functional Skills Level 1 Level 2
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Nine (9) short tests which can be used for diagnostic purposes or/and as a check on learning.
They are suitable for Functional Skills Level 2 learners.
Place Value/Negative numbers
Read, write, order and compare in words and figures positive and negative numbers of any size
Numerical relationships/Estimation
Recognise Multiples,Factors ,Primes
Estimate numbers of any size
Ratio and Proportion
Calculate ratio and direct proportion
Evaluate expressions and make substitutions in given formulae
Use fractions to order and compare amounts or quantities
Identify equivalencies between fractions, decimals and percentages
Evaluate one number as a fraction of another
Fractions 4 Rules
Use fractions to add, subtract, multiply and divide amounts or quantities
Round decimals up to three decimal places
Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals up to three places
Order and compare percentages and understand percentage increase and decrease
Find percentage parts of quantities
Evaluate one number as a percentage of another
Solve problems with and without a calculator involving positive and negative numbers
Solve problems with or without a calculator efficiently using whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages
maths numeracy Functional Skills Level 2
2 page sample here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
12 pages
Colourful Worksheets
Aimed at FS E3/L1- homework or checking learning
Charts tables Diagrams
Loan repayments, interest
Temperature - Celsius Fahrenheit
Fares chart
Collecting Data
Raw data
Displaying Data
Bar chart
Pie chart
Processing Data
Dice activity
Sample Space
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 3 Level 1
2 page sample here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Make Clocks - Analogue and Digital
Make your own clocks
3 different designs of analogue clocks
1 with numbers on face
1 digital clock
Instructions included
Brass paper fasteners and scissors needed
Cut out and enjoy
I have used these with Entry level learners and also in Family Learning
Loved by adults and children alike
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Find the shape names in the puzzle
Learners need to recognise each of the 2D shapes
Extra twist. There is a shape word in the puzzle which is not in the shape list.
Ideal as a starter
numeracy maths Functional Skills Entry 3 Level 1 Level 2
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Explanation of Direct and Inverse Proportion including examples
Stepped instructions for solving questions involving Direct and Inverse Proportion
The DEMO video shows an accelerated version of the PowerPoint.
maths numeracy GCSE
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
Place value / Rounding
Count, read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1000 in words and figures
Read, write and understand decimals up to two decimal places
This is a 2 page sample.
Full version available here
All Mandymaths_TES resources are here
maths numeracy Functional Skills Entry 3