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Hamlet Plot Storyboard

Hamlet Plot Storyboard

Simple plot storyboard for Hamlet which breaks the plot down into 20 plot points to help students gain a basic understanding of the narrative.
Jekyll and Hyde Character Revision

Jekyll and Hyde Character Revision

A revision sheet revising 5 key quotations for the 6 main characters in Jekyll and Hyde. Also includes a blank version without the analysis of the quotations so that students can have a go at analysing the quotations themselves. Alternatively, the blank template can be used to check how much they can recall. Also includes a context revision sheet.
Power and Conflict Revision Workbook

Power and Conflict Revision Workbook

A free student workbook version of my 15 page power and conflict revision booklet. There are spaces underneath all of the key quotations from each poem so that students can write down their ideas about each quotation. The full resource with detailed analysis of key quotations from each poem is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12886246
Kingship in Macbeth.

Kingship in Macbeth.

Perhaps due to the recent coronation, many experts are predicted kingship would be the theme for the exam in 2023. They were wrong. Maybe 2024 will be the year for this key theme to be on the exam. Therefore I have created a 20 slide PowerPoint that guides students through how to plan and respond to a question on kingship in Macbeth. Students go on to write their own response and then compare it to the model response. I believe the model response is full marks and would easily achieve grade 9; however, there will always be some teachers who claim nothing short of postgraduate level writing will receive the much coveted 9 so I am reluctant to make the claim that it would definitely achieve a 9.
Edexcel Conflict Poetry Revision Booklet

Edexcel Conflict Poetry Revision Booklet

A 42 page revision booklet containing detailed question and answer revision sheets covering all 15 poems. Also includes knowledge organisers focused on big ideas, context and structure in all 15 poems. Finally, there are 7 model exam-style comparative responses covering a range of familiar themes: war, conflict, powerful images, anger, tension.
Worlds and Lives Knowledge Organiser

Worlds and Lives Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser containing a brief overview of the main ideas, key quotations, structure and context for the 15 poems from the AQA Worlds and Lives new poetry anthology. Useful for anyone, like me, who is trying to prepare to teach these largely unfamiliar poems for the first time.
Motif of fire A Christmas Carol

Motif of fire A Christmas Carol

A revision sheet exploring the motif of fire with 13 carefully selected quotations allowing students to trace how the motif is used by Dickens to convey his authorial messages about poverty, isolation, kindness, family and the transformative power of redemption. Also includes a blank student version to encourage students to explore the impact of the quotations themselves. Also contains a revision sheet for 6 other motifs.
Drop, Shift, Zoom, Leave Examples for Paper 1 Question 5

Drop, Shift, Zoom, Leave Examples for Paper 1 Question 5

The drop, shift, zoom, leave method is an increasingly popular method for approaching Paper 1 Question 5 because it allows a student to show the examiner they can effectively structure a narrative deliberately for effect. This resource contains several 500 word stories written in the drop, shift, zoom, leave style. Students should read the examples. They then attempt to plan and write a drop, shift, zoom, leave narrative of their own. Also contains a worksheet with step by step questions and prompts to help students create their own drop, shift, zoom, leave narrative.
Feminine Gospels Bundle

Feminine Gospels Bundle

20 Resources
A bundle of 17 detailed PPT lessons covering 17 poems from the Feminine Gospels collection. All lessons include an overview of the poem, detailed annotations and various extension tasks. Many also include high level example paragraphs. There is also a PowerPoint containing annotations for all 20+ poems in the collection and 12 visually attractive revision cards covering 12 of the most important poems in the collection. Poems covered include: The Long Queen The Map - Woman Beautiful The Woman who Shopped Tall Loud History Work The Virgin’s Memo The Laughter of Stafford Girls’ High The Light Gatherer The Cord White Writing Anon Wish North West Death and the Moon
AQA Language Paper 1 June 2024 Model Answers

AQA Language Paper 1 June 2024 Model Answers

Model answers for questions 1-5 of the English Language Paper 1 June 2024 paper when the extract was from The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing. The resource contains both a mid-level answer and a high-level model for questions 2-5 designed to meet the criteria for the top band of the markscheme for each question. There are model responses for both the description and the narrative for question 5. Please note: This pack only contains model answers. I have not included the extract from The Grass is Singing or the questions themselves because I don’t have copyright permission to share either of these. The insert and question paper are available to download from the AQA website.