Reading Intervention Booklet
A 6 week reading intervention module focused on building reading fluency and comprehension aimed at supporting students in Year 6 and Year 7 whose reading age is slightly below their chronological age.
The theme of the booklet is superheroes. In each session, students read a 500 word text about a superhero and complete fluency activities before ending the session with comprehension questions. Full details are included on how the sessions can be delivered.
Also contains an answer booklet for the comprehension questions.
The superheroes covered are Iron Man, Superman, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Captain America and Spiderman.
At the start and end of the unit, I recommend assessing students against Rasinski’s fluency rubric.
No Problem Revision
Revision sheet on No Problem by Benjamin Zephaniah for students studying the Edexcel Conflict poetry.
Contains a question sheet with 10 questions and an answer sheet with high level answers to the 10 questions.
My most popular resource on Edexcel conflict poetry, which puts together all my resources into one booklet, is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-conflict-poetry-revision-booklet-12955594
AQA Language Paper 2 June 2022 Model Answer Booklet
A 13 page model answer booklet for the AQA Language Paper 2 Exam where the theme for the non-fiction texts was camping.
There are two high level responses for each question so students can compare the merits of each response and decide which is better.
I have not included question 1 because, of course, it is just multiple choice.
How does Shakespeare present Macbeth as a male character who changes? Timeline and exemplars. 2023
A timeline focusing on how the character of Macbeth changes during the play. There is also a question template to help students explore their own interpretations of the different stages of Macbeth’s descent into evil.
Also includes 2 exemplar high grade exemplars to the question for students to compare and consider which are the most perceptive in meeting the criteria for level 6/grade 9.
Also includes 12 character flashcards to help trace how the different aspects of Macbeth’s complex personality are communicated in the play.
An Inspector Calls Quiz
50 multiple choice questions on An Inspector Calls designed to fit snugly onto one A3 sheet. Ideal for testing students’ direct knowledge of the text. Includes the answer sheet on page 2.
A Streetcar Named Desire: Analysis of opening stage directions and epigraph
A worksheet for exploring the significance of the opening stage directions of A Streetcar Named Desire. It also comes with a suggested answer sheet with high grade responses to the questions.
The opening stage directions are so rich in meanings and wider significance that it is worthwhile helping students to become experts in analysing this section because it can be used in a wide range of potential essay questions. Hopefully this worksheet should help.
This also contains a sheet closely analysing the significance of the epigraph.
A Streetcar Named Desire Key Quotations
A knowledge organiser showing the key quotations in each scene of A Streetcar Named Desire on one handy sheet.
Paper 2 Question 5 Grade 9 exemplar (June 2020)
A grade 9 response to the AQA June 2020 Paper 2 Question 5 about whether or not travel was a waste of time.
It starts with a powerful anecdote, has 2 paragraphs arguing the benefits of travel, then it looks at and dismisses the counter argument before reaching a conclusion which links back to the opening anecdote to gain marks for whole text structure and organisation. Vocabulary is sophisticated throughout and punctuation is advanced.
Anecdote Lead Paragraphs for Paper 2 Question 5
I advise my students to start their response to Paper 2 Question 5 with an engaging personal anecdote.
This resource contains 6 examples of anecdotal lead paragraphs to familiar Paper 2 Question 5-style topics covering travel, school uniform, homework, climate change, social media and animals in captivity.
I ask my students study the style of these modelled examples before attempting to write their own anecdotal lead paragraphs.
Power and Conflict: Annotations for all 15 poems
Detailed annotations for all 15 poems on one PowerPoint. 60 animated slides in total. Ideal for revision lessons.
My most comprehensive resource on Power and Conflict poetry is available here with revision posters on every poem:
Scrooge's Transformation Timeline Activity
A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist.
A01: What is the meaning of the quotation?
A02: What is the impact of words/methods?
A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation?
Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it.
Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
Also contains a similar timeline focused on the life lessons Scrooge learns across the novel to support the AQA May 2024 style question.
AQA Language Paper 2 November 2022 Model Answers
A 12 page model answer booklet for the AQA Language Paper 2 November 2022 exam where the topic of the non-fiction texts was sleep and sleeplessness. For each question 2-5 there are two model answers side by side so students can compare and contrast the merits of each answer.
AQA Paper 1 June 2022 Model Answers The Pearl
This 11 page booklet contains detailed model answers for questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the summer 2022 AQA Paper 1 English language exam which featured an extract from The Pearl by John Steinbeck.
I go through each question in detail providing a range of possible ways of approaching the question to meet the marking criteria.
For question 5 there are 4 different high level responses based on a life-saving rescue to compare.
A* response on inequality in Feminine Gospels and Handmaid's Tale
Two A* responses to the following question.
Compare the significance of inequality in two texts (The Handmaid’s Tale and Feminine Gospels).
I get students to compare both responses to compare the merits of both.
I think version 2 is slightly better because it offers a wider coverage of quotations and also includes more critical debate for A05.
AQA Language Paper 1 Model Answers 2022-24
Model answers for AQA Paper 1 2022-24.
Includes model responses to exams based on the following extracts:
The Pearl
The Old Man and the Sea
The Glass House
Life of Pi
The Grass is Singing
Note the actual extracts are not included but are available to download on the AQA website.
For most questions I have tried to provide 2 different model responses so students can compare and contrast how each response meets the markscheme success criteria.
The Class Game Mary Casey
A handy revision sheet containing answers to 10 exploratory questions about the poem - The Class Game by Mary Casey - from the Edexcel Conflict anthology.
Also contains a model response comparing how tension is presented in The Class Game and Catrin.
My most popular resource on Edexcel conflict poetry, which puts together all my resources into one booklet, is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-conflict-poetry-revision-booklet-12955594
Power and Conflict Quiz with Answers
Power and Conflict easy knowledge quiz. 6 rounds. 90 questions. Includes an answer sheet.
Also includes a second quiz with 10 multiple choice questions on every poem.
The Handmaid's Tale 100 Key Quotations Revision Organiser
An A3 sheet containing 100 key quotations in chronological order from The Handmaid’s Tale alongside brief explanations.
Students find this useful.
Start with asking students to RAG rate.
Red - Little understanding/unlikely to use in an essay
Amber - Some understanding/some chance of using in an essay
Green - Good understanding/likely to use in an essay
After this, I would ask students to group quotations in terms of different themes such as the following:
The Body