Year 6 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Spring, Week 1) worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mats!
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 1 - Decimal and fraction equivalents
Step 2 - Fractions as division
Step 3 - Understand percentages
Step 4 - Fractions to percentages
Step 5 - Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
Year 6- Percentages- Week 1- Editable Differentiated Worksheets -White Rose Style
L1- Fractions to percentages
L2 - Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
L3 - Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
L4 -Order Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
L5- Order Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L1 Four Operations- Reason from known facts
L2 Four Operations Assessment
L3 Equivalent Fractions
L4 Simplify Fractions
L5 Improper Fractions
Year 5- Fractions Vocabulary and Assessment
PDF File
Consists of 21 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
Year 4- Fractions Vocabulary and Assessment
Spring Term Fractions for those following White Rose
Consists of 15 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
Year 5- Spring Block 2- Fractions Fluency Teaching Slides- White Rose Style
Contains the PDF and editable PowerPoint
Over 100 hundred slides - Fractions covering the objectives:
NC Objectives covered:
Compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number.
Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually including tenths and hundredths.
Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write mathematical statements >1 as a mixed number
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number.
Year 6 Spring, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Week 2 - Differentiated worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mats.
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 6 - Order Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
Step 7 - Percentage of an amount
Step 8 - Percentage of an amount - multi-step
Step 9 - Percentages - missing values
Year 2 - Week 2 - Mass, capacity and temperature teaching slides, differentiated worksheets and editable planning to match White Rose V3.0
Includes support mats!
Step 6 - Measure in millilitres
Step 7 - Measure in litres
Step 8 - Four operations with volume and capacity
Step 9 - Temperature
Year 6 Area, Perimeter and Volume Week 1 - differentiated worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning. Includes support mat.
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 1 - Same Area
Step 2 - Area and Perimeter
Step 3 - Area of a Triangle - Counting Squares
Step 4 - Area of a Right-Angled Triangle
Step 5 - Area of Any Triangle
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
L1 - Shapes- same area
L2- Shapes - same area
L3- Area and perimeter
L4- Area and perimeter
L5- Area of a triangle
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L1 - Shapes - Same Area
L2 - Area and Perimeter
L3 - Area of a Triangle
L4 - Area of a Triangle
L5 - Area of a Triangle
Year 1 Spring Place Value within 50 - Week 1 - worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning.
Includes practical activities and support mats.
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 1 - Count from 20 to 50
Step 2 - 20, 30, 40 and 50
Step 3 - Count by making groups of 10
Step 4 - Groups of tens and ones
Step 5 - Partition into tens and ones
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
Year 1- Week 1- Place Value to 50 -Differentiated Worksheets
Reasoning Tasks Included
Week 1
L1- Numbers to 50
L2- Tens and ones
L3-Tens and ones
L4- Represent numbers to 50
L5-One more and one less
Includes the NEW 20/21 Resources and Revision Starters
L1 Counting to 50s by making 10s
L2 Numbers to 50
L3 Counting forwards and backwards within 50
L4 Tens and Ones
L5 One more and one less
Year 6 Statistics - Weeks 1 and 2 - worksheets, teaching slides and editable planning.
Includes support mats!
NEW 2022/23 Resources to match WR Version 3.0:
Step 1 - Line Graphs
Step 2 - Dual Bar Charts
Step 3 - Read and Interpret Pie Charts
Step 4 - Pie Charts with Percentages
Step 5 - Draw Pie Charts
Step 6 - The Mean
This pack also includes resources from 2020/21:
L1- Read and interpret line graphs
L2- Draw line graphs
L3- Line graph problems
L4- Circles
L5- Read and interpret pie charts
Year 5 - Multiplication and Division Vocabulary Cards - White Rose Style
Includes Assessment Tick List
Small sizes to stick vocabulary into children’s books
Year 2- Shape Vocabulary and Assessment
Consists of 27 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
Year 2- Addition & Subtraction Vocabulary and Assessment
PDF File
Consists of 28 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Explanations of the National Curriculum are also covered
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
Year 3- Addition & Subtraction Vocabulary and Assessment
PDF File
Consists of 14 vocabulary words and definitions for your maths working wall
Explanations of the National Curriculum are also covered
Vocabulary Assessment
Book friendly version on one sheet
Early Learning Goal Assessment: Number
Assessment that covers the number aspect:
Have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number.