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Maths2Measure's Shop

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I trained as a teacher of secondary Mathematics and evolved into a Computing teacher as well. I offer mainly Mathematics resources written for the current Australian Curriculum (NSW). Luckily Mathematics is recognisable all over the world, so I hope that teachers in different countries can use some of my work.




I trained as a teacher of secondary Mathematics and evolved into a Computing teacher as well. I offer mainly Mathematics resources written for the current Australian Curriculum (NSW). Luckily Mathematics is recognisable all over the world, so I hope that teachers in different countries can use some of my work.
Diagonal properties of quadrilaterals

Diagonal properties of quadrilaterals

An activity with solutions where students need to construct quadrilaterals given their diagonals, identify them, then complete their diagonal properties. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-17MG classifies, describes and uses the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, and determines congruent triangles to find unknown side lengths and angles
Matchstick patterns

Matchstick patterns

A double sided worksheet with answers. Students can use matchsticks to help them construct patterns, make predictions and describe patterns. A good activity for students working in pairs to discuss their solutions. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-8NA analyses and creates geometric and number patterns, constructs and completes number sentences, and locates points on the Cartesian plane
Matchstick geometry

Matchstick geometry

A 4 page activity with solutions. Students can manipulate matchsticks to help them solve the geometrical problems. They need to be able to identify 2-dimensional shapes. A good activity for students to work together to solve problems. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-15MG manipulates, classifies and draws two-dimensional shapes, including equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles, and describes their properties.
Volume of rectangular prisms

Volume of rectangular prisms

A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students need to be able to identify the length, width and height of a rectangular prism and calculate its volume. They then need to be able to construct two other different rectangular prisms with the same volume. Students will gain a deeper knowledge of volume of prisms. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-11MG selects and uses the appropriate unit to estimate, measure and calculate volumes and capacities, and converts between units of capacity
Enlargement activity

Enlargement activity

Activity showing two different methods for enlargement. There is a one page worksheet using the grid method with solutions. There is also a three page worksheet with solutions using the ray method. The enlargement factor is also calculated. These different methods could be taught individually or together. An interesting challenge is to use the ray method to enlarge a small drawing, e.g. a favourite cartoon character. These make a great poster and can be used to decorate your class room. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-15MG manipulates, classifies and draws two-dimensional shapes, including equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles, and describes their properties
Mass conversions jigsaw

Mass conversions jigsaw

Mass calculation and conversion jigsaw and answer sheet. Can be used as a review at the end of a lesson. An alternative task can be prepared by copying the answer sheet onto different coloured sheets of paper (enough for half your class) and laminating them. Cut out all the shapes from each sheet and place into a small resealable plastic bag. You would then have a class activity for pairs of students that could be reused many times. (Australian Curriculum) NSW A3-12MG selects and uses the appropriate unit and device to measure the masses of objects, and converts between units of mass
Two dimensional shapes

Two dimensional shapes

A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students need to identify, construct and manipulate shapes. They need to think deeply about the properties of different two dimensional shapes in order to complete the tasks. Additional 1 cm graph paper is needed. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-15MG manipulates, classifies and draws two-dimensional shapes, including equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles, and describes their properties.
Order on the number line

Order on the number line

A series of 4 worksheet with solutions. These cover fractions, decimals, integers and mixed numbers on the number line. Students need to label and position on the number line, as well as using the correct inequality signs and rewriting numbers in ascending/descending order. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation; MA4-5NA operates with fractions, decimals and percentages
December delights

December delights

A series of 10 single sided worksheets with solutions with an overarching theme of the month of December. These cover a wide range of topics: Calendar facts about December; calculating how much time has passed since something has happened; plotting points in the 1st quadrant of the number plane; word search; enlargement task; simple substitution code activity; reflection task to complete a Christmas bauble; join the dots in order (uses negative numbers); temperature facts and use of formula to convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Suitable to use at the end of a lesson, when not all students are present or in the last week of school.
Categorical and Numerical data

Categorical and Numerical data

A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students need to gather data on pet ownership from the class. This data is then organised into a table. The students then use the data to answer questions and are able to distinguish between the categorical and numerical data gathered. Dot and column graphs are used to show data. Worksheet could be used as a lesson to show students the difference between these two types of data. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-18SP uses appropriate methods to collect data and constructs, interprets and evaluates data displays, including dot plots, line graphs and two-way tables
Two-way tables

Two-way tables

A set of 3 single sided worksheets with solutions. These start with an example of a two-way table, examples of how to interpret it and questions for the student to answer. The second worksheet has a partly completed two-way table with further questions for the student. The third worksheet takes the student through construction of a two-way table. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-18SP uses appropriate methods to collect data and construct, interprets and evaluates data displays, including dot plots, line graphs and two-way tables.


A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students have a literacy task (word search), need to match the correct description with its probability, complete a cloze passage using a list of words and have to interpret chance relating to a spinner. A useful resource to revise chance concepts. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-19SP conducts chance experiments and assigns probabilities as values between 0 and 1 to describe their outcomes
Area of non-right-angled triangles

Area of non-right-angled triangles

A double sided worksheet with solutions. The student is led through a process of cutting a non-right-angled triangle into 2 right-angled triangles and then forming a rectangle. This allows them to understand better how to find the area of a triangle by manipulating the pieces. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-10MG selects and uses the appropriate unit to calculate areas, including areas of squares, rectangles and triangles
What shape is next?

What shape is next?

A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students need to think carefully about the pattern each shape is making, draw the next shape and describe the pattern. (Australian Curriculum) NSW M
Data analysis

Data analysis

A single sided worksheet with solutions. Students could work individually or in pairs to complete. This worksheet is a good review of range, mode, median and mean. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-20SP analyses single sets of data using measures of location and range


Two single sided worksheets with worked solutions. First one allows the student to find all prime factors by using a factor tree and to write each number as a product of its prime factors. The second worksheet using the products found on the first sheet to then find the HCF (highest common factor) . Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA3-4NA orders, reads and represents integers of any size and describes properties of whole numbers. If you like my work, please write a review to help others, and check out my shop for more useful activities.
Review Sheets

Review Sheets

A set of 7 double page revision sheets with solutions. Designed for Year 8 (Stage 4) covering a range of outcomes in number, algebra, geometry and measurement. Could be worked on in class or given as homework. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA4-1WM, MA4-2WM, MA4-4NA, MA4-5NA, MA4-8NA and MA4-12MG If you like my work, please write a review to help others, and check out my shop for more useful activities.
Whole Number Properties

Whole Number Properties

A series of 5 worksheets, most double sided with solutions covering factors and multiples, finding LCM and HCF by writing out multiples and all factors, divisibility test and finding LCM and HCF by using the product of prime factors. Calculators can be used. This range of worksheets allows the teacher flexibility for a range of student abilities. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA3-4NA orders, reads and represents integers of any size and describes properties of whole numbers
Bundle of Directions

Bundle of Directions

3 Resources
This bundle of three different sets of worksheets with solutions covers practise in using given directions either as up, down, left and right or simple compass directions. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA2-17MG uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions
Bundle of Factors and Multiples

Bundle of Factors and Multiples

7 Resources
A wide range of resources starting with the times tables then introducing the concept of factors, prime numbers, multiples, divisibility tests, LCM and HCF. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA2-6NA uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division MA3-4NA orders, reads and represents integers of any size and describes properties of whole numbers MA3-6NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than one operation