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Maths2Measure's Shop

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I trained as a teacher of secondary Mathematics and evolved into a Computing teacher as well. I offer mainly Mathematics resources written for the current Australian Curriculum (NSW). Luckily Mathematics is recognisable all over the world, so I hope that teachers in different countries can use some of my work.




I trained as a teacher of secondary Mathematics and evolved into a Computing teacher as well. I offer mainly Mathematics resources written for the current Australian Curriculum (NSW). Luckily Mathematics is recognisable all over the world, so I hope that teachers in different countries can use some of my work.
Addition puzzle

Addition puzzle

A single sided worksheet with solutions. Students need to colour in all the correct answers in the grid and will be left with an image with its name. A good resource for review of addition facts, especially with students that need more support. Can be used at the end of a lesson or as a take home task. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA1-5NA uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers
Volume of prisms

Volume of prisms

Single sided worksheet with answers. Students are given 2 types of prisms to find volumes. Formulas are given. Students need to calculate the base area of each prism then find the volume of the prism. Some questions require the students to think more deeply and work out the original measurements to get a certain volume. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-14MG uses formulas to calculate the volume of prisms and cylinders and converts between units of volume.
Statistics review

Statistics review

This is a set of 4 worksheets with answers reviewing the statistical concepts of range, mode, median and mean. Questions are posed numerically as well as graphically to help the student to think deeply about these concepts. (Australian curriculum) NSW MA4-20SP analyses single sets of data using measures of location, and range
Co-ordinate Geometry

Co-ordinate Geometry

These worksheets are basic co-ordinate geometry with worked solutions. They comprise of 2 double sided worksheets on Graphing Lines and Number Plane Review and a single sided worksheet on Harder Midpoint. Students are led through a series of actions to produce their results and then comment on these. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA5.1-6NA determines the gradient and length of an interval, and graphs linear relationships If you like my work, please write a review to help others, and check out my shop for more useful activities.
Expanding brackets

Expanding brackets

A set of 5 graded single sided worksheets with solutions. A suitable resource for students who need more practice. The first column could be worked on in class and the second column left for the students to finish for homework. Australian Curriculum (NSW) MA4-8NA generalises number properties to operate with algebraic expressions. If you like my work, please write a review to help others, and check out my shop for more useful activities.


A double sided worksheet with solutions. Students have a literacy task (word search), need to match the correct description with its probability, complete a cloze passage using a list of words and have to interpret chance relating to a spinner. A useful resource to revise chance concepts. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-19SP conducts chance experiments and assigns probabilities as values between 0 and 1 to describe their outcomes
Integer trails

Integer trails

Students need to know their number facts when completing these worksheets. There are 2 double-sided worksheets with solutions. The four operations are used with the positive and negative integers. These worksheets could be used with Gifted and Talented students, while less able students could use a calculator. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation
Fibonacci number patterns

Fibonacci number patterns

A 3 page activity with worked solutions. Students need to construct different Fibonacci number patterns by varying the starting numbers. They need to identify even numbers and look for any patterns. They need to graph their answers and note the shapes formed. They need to find the area of a number of squares that can be arranged into a large rectangle and find its area. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-8NA analyses and creates geometric and number patterns, constructs and completes number sentences, and locates points on the Cartesian plane
Order of operations

Order of operations

A single sided worksheet with worked solutions. Also accompanied by a page of hints and instructions for the teacher, incorporating spreadsheet use (ICT). (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA3-6NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than one operation MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation
Transforming Cartesian coordinates

Transforming Cartesian coordinates

A single sided worksheet with answers. Students need to be able to plot points on the Cartesian number plane. These points are then transformed. Points are joined and polygons are identified. Lengths are identified and areas of polygons are found. Students also need to comment on changes occurring due to the transformations. A wide ranging review worksheet suitable for class work or as a take home task. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-11NA creates and displays number patterns; graphs and analyses linear relationships, and performs transformations on the Cartesian plane.


Set of 3 single sided worksheets with worked solutions for the area of squares, rectangles and triangles. Students are given formulas to calculate the area of squares, rectangles and triangles. They need to calculate areas where the dimensions have been changed e.g. doubled, and explain what has happened. They also need to draw different triangles with the same base and height to emphasize the area stays the same. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-13MG uses formulas to calculate the areas of quadrilaterals and circles, and converts between units of area
Volume relationship

Volume relationship

A double sided worksheet with worked solutions. Students need to name 3-dimensional shapes and reproduce them larger on isometric dot paper. They need to calculate the volume of the original shape and the new larger shape. They need to consider the relationship between the volumes and the enlargement factor. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-14MG uses formulas to calculate the volumes of prisms and cylinders, and converts between units of volume
Applications of Pythagoras

Applications of Pythagoras

Double sided worksheet with worked solutions. Students need to apply their knowledge of Pythagoras' Theorem to enable them to calculate the perimeter and area of a variety of shapes. This would be a good revision exercise or even could be used as an assignment. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-2WM applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems
Distance-Time Graphs

Distance-Time Graphs

Three double sided worksheets with worked solutions, and a page of teacher information. Students are slowly led through using distance-time graphs and how speed relates to the graph. Could be used as a series of lessons. Students need to read from, interpret and draw their own graphs. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-7NA operates with ratios and rates, and explores their graphical representation


A double sided worksheet with solutions and an equilateral triangle dot grid. Students need to think deeply about the shapes that they are required to construct. Students need to calculate the perimeter of each shape. Could be used as a take-home task or a group activity. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-1WM communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols
Coordinate Geometry 4

Coordinate Geometry 4

A double sided worksheet with answers. This is a good revision activity and can be used in class or given as homework. The students have to plot points in the first quadrant of the Cartesian Plane. They need to name 2D shapes formed when the points are joined and use Pythagoras to find the lengths of oblique lines. Lastly the students need to determine the perimeter and area of the shapes formed. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-16MG applies Pythagoras’ theorem to calculate side lengths in right-angled triangles, and solves related problems
Dice and Dominoes investigation

Dice and Dominoes investigation

Students are led through an investigation of probability, using fractions, decimals and graphs. They then need to use reasoning to come to a conclusion. The investigation could be used as a take home assessment or as a class lesson. It has 4 pages with answers and a rubric for assessment. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-1WM communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols; MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning
Tessellating shapes

Tessellating shapes

Two part activity for students, first is a 2 page activity with triangles then the second is a 3 page activity with quadrilaterals. Answers are provided. Students need to use the grids to draw a variety of triangle and quadrilateral tessellations. They need to review their knowledge of angle properties and use some problem solving skills. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-18MG identifies and uses angle relationships, including those related to transversals on sets of parallel lines
Algebra properties

Algebra properties

A double sided worksheet with answers that enables students to think deeply about the properties of algebra. Useful for Gifted and Talented students. This worksheet could be worked on by pairs of students to allow them to talk about the properties and explain to each other. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-3WM recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning
Number trails

Number trails

Students need to know their number facts when completing these worksheets. There are 2 double-sided worksheets with solutions as well as a single sided challenge worksheet. The four operations are used with the positive integers. These worksheets could be used with Gifted and Talented students, while less able students could use a calculator. (Australian Curriculum) NSW MA4-4NA compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation