
"The Clarke Road Money Program" PowerPoint
A PowerPoint detailing the major teaching points and strategies in The Clarke Road Money Program. This program is suitable for students across a very broad range - 3 levels. It is suitable for most students beginning with those who have little language and who are unable to read numbers. Clarke Road is a comprehensive Australian program at 3 levels developed in a Special School, which offers teachers a pathway to teaching all their students a way to learn to shop independently. This PowerPoint enables teachers to share the content of the programs.

Tricky Maths Life Word Problems
For students to use their maths number skills they need to understand what processes to use in the real world. In this assignment students need to consider how to solve real world problems involving time, money and number.

Types of Word Problems
This unit contains 6 types of word problems with 10 of each type on a page to solve. This repetition of each type will assist students struggling to learn how to solve different types of word problems.

Maths Story Problems diagnostic assessment
Story problems can be categorized into different types. This diagnostic tool enables you to discover which types of story problems your students are able to understand and solve, and those they still need further teaching on.

Screening test for Basic Arithmetic
A diagnostic test to discover what basic arithmetic skills your students have and still need to be taught. Includes: counting, symbols and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Diagnostic Assessment of Analog Time Telling Skills
Use this tool to discover which analog time telling skills your students have and those they still need to be taught or have revised.

The Arithmetic Repairer Part 3 Subtraction worksheets
Subtraction worksheets that match the problem types in the diagnostic assessment in Part 1 of The Arithmetic Repairer. 45 pages.

The Arithmetic Repairer Part 4 Multiplication worksheets
Multiplication type worksheets that match those in the diagnostic assessment in part 1 of The Arithmetic Repairer.

The Arithmetic Repairer PART 1, Introduction, Assessment, Counting, etc
The Arithmetic Repairer Part 1 introduces this remediation package and includes a diagnostic assessment to pinpoint students' difficulties in basic arithmetic: counting, symbols and place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This section includes worksheets for those with deficits in counting and symbols and place value. Further parts of The Arithmetic Repairer provide the worksheets for the other areas within the diagnostic assessment tool. 70 pages.

The Arithmetic Repairer Part 5 Division worksheets
This final section of The Arithmetic Repairer provides worksheets of the different types of division problems which are assessed in part 1 of The Arithmetic Repairer.

The Arithmetic Repairer Part 2 Addition worksheets of different types of addition
The Arithmetic Repairer Part 2 presents addition type worksheets that match the diagnostic assessment in part 1. Several pages of each addition problem type are presented to provide adequate repetition of each problem type to assist with repetition and progress towards mastery.