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Ethics Essay Guide (OCR, H573, 2016)

Ethics Essay Guide (OCR, H573, 2016)

Content: Page 2 How to get the marks for AO1 and AO2 (Taken from somewhere and editted) Page 3 Evaluation form (taken from Lisa O'Connor) Page 4 Essay structure (mine) Page 5+6 Exemplar essays (mine) Page 6+7 Exemplar questions (from both textbooks and some of my own) Page 8 Essay Check List (mine)
AQA GCSE RS - Skills Booklet

AQA GCSE RS - Skills Booklet

Info - How to answer exam questions p.2 Info - PEEEL essay structure p.3 Info - Possible essay questions 9.4-8 Info - All quotes for topics, including a “cheat sheet” p.9-17 Task - Quotes “cheat sheet” – which topics do they link to p.18-19 Task - Personal Learning Checker (PLC’s) p.20-23 Task - Planning for 4 mark influences questions – Christianity and Buddhism p.24-34 Task - Planning for 4 and 5 mark questions - Themes p.35-46 Possible essay questions and quotes sheets are not my own.