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Michaela's A-Level & GSCE Revision Shop

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The content uploaded in my shop is a collection of revision notes, knowledge organisers, model essay plans and model essays all directly in line with the exam specifications and assessment objectives. I am currently studying History at Exeter University. I studied English Literature, History, Religious Studies and an EPQ at A level achieving AAAA. I wish to share my revision notes and resources so others can achieve top grades too. Also, it would be really helpful if you could leave a review!




The content uploaded in my shop is a collection of revision notes, knowledge organisers, model essay plans and model essays all directly in line with the exam specifications and assessment objectives. I am currently studying History at Exeter University. I studied English Literature, History, Religious Studies and an EPQ at A level achieving AAAA. I wish to share my revision notes and resources so others can achieve top grades too. Also, it would be really helpful if you could leave a review!
The Ultimate Guide on How to Revise - Revision Skills and Techniques

The Ultimate Guide on How to Revise - Revision Skills and Techniques

The Ultimate Guide on How to Revise Includes advice on learning types, making revision notes, planning your revision, revising and how to ace the exam. Also includes advice on how to revise for: A Level: History, English Literature & Religious Studies GSCE: History, English Language, English Literature, Maths, Combined Science – Biology, Chemistry & Physics, Food & Nutrition, Geography, Religious Studies, Music. Follow my guide on how to revise to achieve top grades in all your subjects. Find revision resources including notes, knowledge organisers, essay plans, and model essays at my shop: Michaela’s A-Level & GSCE Revision Shop AND a FREE model revision timetable
GSCE & A Level 2 Year Revision Timetable / Plan

GSCE & A Level 2 Year Revision Timetable / Plan

Revision Timetable on Excel spreadsheet For every Christmas, Easter and Summer break For mocks and the final exams Comes with a model exam timetable, instructions on how to create your own and a diary plan. Download for free. Check out my 'The Ultimate Guide on ‘How to Revise’ on Michaela’s A-Level & GSCE Revision Shop I have revision notes on GSCE & A Level History, English Literature, English Language, Religious Studies, Geography, Food & Nutrition, Music, and Science.
Food and Nutrition GSCE Glossary/Definitions

Food and Nutrition GSCE Glossary/Definitions

AQA GCSE FOOD & NUTRITION GLOSSARY - 170 Definitions For Paper 1 written exam. For Example: Braising - Slow-cooking food in a covered pot that also contains liquid, herbs and vegetables Food provenance - Where foods and ingredients originally come from Caramelisation - The breaking up of sucrose (sugar) molecules when they are heated, which changes the colour, flavour and texture of the sugar as it turns into caramel Carbon footprint - A measure of the contribution of something to the emission of greenhouse gases (e.g. food production) Free range - A method of animal rearing that enable the animals to move around rather than be caged or in small pens
GSCE Inspector Calls Context

GSCE Inspector Calls Context

GSCE (aqa) English Literature Context for an Inspector Calls including key dates, the life of Priestley and the impact of this on the play, historical and social context in 1912, womens rights & patriarchy and time. Also, context in relation to the characters. I included this context in my essays to achieve a Grade 9 in English Literature and full marks on the Inspector Calls question. Inclusion of this will provide extra marks and show fundamental knowledge of the text.


Revision notes on Henry VIII Foreign Policy from the Early and mid-Tudors topic for OCR History A Level. I achieved an A* in this paper using these notes. Included are detailed and easy to revise from notes with historians interpretations including: These notes combine 2 main textbooks (by Hodder Education), the ‘my revision notes’ revision guide and historians interpretations such as Keith Randell from extra sources to gain the top grades.
Food & Nutrition: Dietary Needs of Different Age Groups

Food & Nutrition: Dietary Needs of Different Age Groups

AQA Dietary Needs of Different Age Groups - Preschool, 5-12, teenagers, adult, the elderly. The needs of vegetarians and vegans, religious and ethnic diets such as a Hindu or Jewish diet, medical diets such as diabetes, nut allergy or lactose intolerance.
Micronutrients: Food & Nutrition GSCE

Micronutrients: Food & Nutrition GSCE

3.2.2 AQA GSCE Micronutrients - function, sources, deficiency… Minerals Calcium, sodium, iron, fluoride, iodine, phosphorusVitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, D, E, K PAL, BMR, Lactose intolerance, Hydration
Food and Nutrition GSCE: Protein

Food and Nutrition GSCE: Protein

AQA & Proteins Included is key information set out in a way which is easy to revise. Such as: the 5 functions of protein, the structure of proteins and the effects of a deficiency of protein in the diet
GSCE Food & Nutrition Diet Related Diseases

GSCE Food & Nutrition Diet Related Diseases

AQA chapter Diet, Nutrition and Health Coronary heart disease, iron deficiency anaemia, diabetes type 2, dental health, bone health - osteoporosis & rickets, obesity. Relevant information such as how diet and lifestyle influences the disease and what foods people should eat or avoid.
GSCE Food & Nutrition Bacteria

GSCE Food & Nutrition Bacteria

AQA 3.4.1 Food Spoilage and contamination Sources, symptoms, control and notes on salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria Monocytogenes, Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium Perfringens, Bacillus Cereus.
GSCE Food & Nutrition Raising Agents

GSCE Food & Nutrition Raising Agents

AQA Chapter Chemical, mechanical and biological raising agents. How raising agents, specifically yeast and bicarbonate of soda works. Application in pastry and sponge mixtures.
GSCE Food & Nutrition: Processing & Production

GSCE Food & Nutrition: Processing & Production

AQA Ch 3.6.2 Food Processing and Production: Primary & Secondary processing and production Milk: pasteurisation, Ultra Heat Treatment, Sterilisation, Micro- filtered milk, Homogenisation, Skimming Additives: advantages and disadvantages Fortification e.g., breakfast cereals, wheat flour, soya products
A Level English Literature (OCR): Women In Literature Section A Thematic Quotes and Context

A Level English Literature (OCR): Women In Literature Section A Thematic Quotes and Context

A Level English Literature (OCR): Women In Literature Section A Revision Notes all books/literature to be aware of for the course key quotations and relevant knowledge from each book in themes such as sexuality, education, religion, marriage, domestic violence/rape/abuse, motherhood… E.g., Domestic duty and Angel of the domestic sphere: Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, 1847 “it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing the piano and embroidering bags” – most explicit reaction to that women should be content with a merely domestic life within 19th century society. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott ‘Make this home happy, so that you may be fit for homes of your own’ – Marmee "I want my daughters to be beautiful, accomplished, and good.”