Resources designed by a current A level principal examiner with over 15 years experience teaching KS4 and KS5.
The resources are designed for my very own mixed ability students in mind and are not designed for profit only.
Each resource is developed with quality in mind to help aid teachers and enrich students experience and progress within the subjects of Business and Economics.
Resources designed by a current A level principal examiner with over 15 years experience teaching KS4 and KS5.
The resources are designed for my very own mixed ability students in mind and are not designed for profit only.
Each resource is developed with quality in mind to help aid teachers and enrich students experience and progress within the subjects of Business and Economics.
This resource contains 3 separate assessments for each of the learning aims in Component 3 of the new BTEC tech award in Enterprise (Mark scheme not provided).
Please check out my other resources for this qualification:
Example coursework answers for all learning aims in component 1 and 2.
Fully planned teaching resources for all learning aims in component 3 (with these 3 assessments included in those resources).
NCFE Level 1 / 2 Technical Award in Business Enterprise Unit 1 complete assessment booklet.
For the brand new course that has now been added to the 2020 DFE performance tables.
This complete assessment booklet is pupil friendly and contains exam style questions that will allow pupils to prepare for the exam. Great for revision or for use as end of topic tests.
About the author: A current A Level principal examiner, with a variety of published material. This resource has been designed specifically to this new NCFE course to help you prepare with for the recent announcement that it will replace the existing qualification.
I have also created a pupil friendly revision guide that goes hand in hand with this assessment pack. Both can be bought as a bumper pack together to save money.
I have also created a scheme of work which links the different assessments to each topic. The revision guide is also linked within the scheme of work as flipped learning homework. All three resources are a part of the bundle, and the scheme of work can be downloaded seperately for free.
NCFE Level 1 / 2 Technical Award in Business Enterprise Unit 1 complete revision guide.
For the brand new course that has now been added to the 2020 DFE performance tables.
This complete revision guide is pupil friendly and contains all of the required information will allow them to prepare for the exam.
It will also work as a fantastic teaching resource to refer to during lessons.
About the author: A current A Level principal examiner, with a variety of published material. This resource has been designed specifically to this new NCFE course to help you prepare with for the recent announcement that it will replace the existing qualification.
I have also created an assessment pack containing practice questions that assess all areas of this unit. Both can be bought as a bumper pack together to save money.
This resource compromises of approx 12 - 15 hours of planned lessons that will allow for the effective delivery of the full learning aim C for component 3 of the new BTEC Tech award in Enterprise.
As a bonus this resource also contains a full end of topic test / assessment that focuses on all of the topics within LAC.
I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review once purchased.
Please have a look at my other resources too for the other components of this qualification plus various resources for A Level Business and Economics and Level 2 NCFE new Business enterprise.
I am an experienced teacher of Business and Economics across key stages as well as being a current principal examiner.
This resource can also be purchased in a bundle along with LAA and LAB.
****BTEC L1 / L2 TECH Award in Enterprise teaching from September 2022 ****
This resource is a teacher presentation and worksheet aimed at the new specifications for component 3, learning aim C on Financial planning and forecasting. Covering C1, C2 and C3 (all sections).
It includes a teachers powerpoint, student worksheets and assessments on each topic area.
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school. Therefore, I have prepared this resource with my very own mixed ability students in mind and I can promise that it will be suitable for all learners.
I am really confident in the quality of this resource and with nothing else like this out at the moment for the course I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
Save 33% of the price buy purchasing this resource as a bundle with the other two learning aims within C3 from:
(Buy two learning aims - get one free)
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once purchased.
****BTEC L1 / L2 TECH Award in Enterprise teaching from September 2022 ****
This resource is a teacher presentation and worksheet aimed at the new specifications for component 3, learning aim B on Financial documents and statements. Covering B1, B2, B3, B4 and B5 (all sections).
It includes a teachers powerpoint, student worksheets and assessments on each topic area.
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school. Therefore, I have prepared this resource with my very own mixed ability students in mind and I can promise that it will be suitable for all learners.
I am really confident in the quality of this resource and with nothing else like this out at the moment for the course I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
Save 33% of the price buy purchasing this resource as a bundle with the other two learning aims within C3 from:
(Buy two learning aims - get one free)
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once purchased.
As a teacher I always find it useful to write my own answer to the coursework when following new BTEC specifications to use as a suitable model for my pupils. This resource contains my interpretation of a suitable distinction answer to this learning aim in order to help aid teachers and learners whilst completing their coursework.
This resource attached is an example of a distinction level answer to meet learning aim C component 2. This resource is a review of the example coursework of learning aim A and B which can all be purchased as a bundle together.
Also Included is a review document that could be used as part of learning aim B to gather feedback from teachers and peers to support evidence for this learning aim C to help pupils review the success of their plan and pitch.
Also included is a learner checklist of tasks for this learning aim that pupils could use whilst completing their review.
As a teacher I always find it useful to write my own answer to the coursework when following new BTEC specifications to use as a suitable model for my pupils. This resource contains my interpretation of a suitable visual aid to help the learners whilst presenting their business plan.
This resource attached is an example of a powerpoint presentation with speaker notes which forms the visual aid to meet learning aim B component 2. This resource is a business plan summary of my resource created for learning aim A component 2 regarding an idea to run a dog walking business.
This resource alone does not meet the whole learning aim B criteria as this criteria also assesses the learners’ communication and presentation skills. Evidence such as a short video of the learners’ presentation (approx 5 minutes) should be included when providing evidence for the grade awarded.
Also included is a learner checklist of tasks for this learning aim, and an observation form designed to be completed by teachers and / or peers during the presentations, which will be used for learning aim C (the review).
As a teacher i always find it useful to write my own answer to the coursework when following new BTEC specifications. This resource contains my interpretation of all of the criteria (distinction grade) for unit 1 learning aim A of the new BTEC Tech award in Enterprise component 2. i have been teaching BTEC since 2007 and so am confident that my interpretation of the specification is correct. Language used in places is not what is expected for a 14-16 year old, however can be used as a useful guide.
Learning aim A component 2 appears to be the biggest part of this component in regards to the critical content that needs to be covered. I have spoken to BTEC to clarify what they mean by plan a micro-enterprise ‘activity’. The response was that it can be a enterprise plan for a one-off activity e.g. an event or something that has a finishing date to the enterprise or it could be a plan for a new-start up micro-business. Providing it meets the critical content any of the two versions can be done. My preference would be an enterprise activity that has a finish date.
In that case i have designed two coursework answers for this learning aim. One that focuses on a plan for a full start up business (A dog walking company based in Southampton running 6 days a week all year round) and the other for a micro-enterprise activity that lasts a few weeks (dog walking enterprise activity for the 6 week summer holiday).
As a bonus resource I have also included a step by step pupil checklist to help pupils self assess themselves whilst completing each task within this part of the coursework.
As a teacher i always find it useful to write my own answer to the coursework when following new BTEC specifications. This resource contains my interpretation of all of the criteria (distinction grade) for all learning aims in component 2 of the new BTEC Tech award in Enterprise. This resource provides examples for all written elements of this component.
Learning aim A - 2 x example courseworks at disntinction level. One focusing on a start up business the other focuses on a micro enterprise activity (either or can be used according to recent communication with the BTEC team). Also included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the business plan.
Learning aim B - 1 example written coursework (powerpoint) that can be used as the visual aid to for the presentation. Also included is an example audience (teacher / pupil observation form to help the presenter when completing learning aim C). Finally, included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the learning aim.
Learning aim C - 1 example written coursework to a distinction level reviewing the business plan in learning aim A and pitch in learning aim B. Also included is an example audience (teacher / pupil observation form to help the presenter when completing learning aim C). Finally, included for this learning aim is a pupil coursework checklist, useful when working through the different elements of the learning aim.
I have been teaching BTEC since 2007 and so am confident that my interpretation of the specification is correct. Language used in places is not what is expected for a 14-16 year old, however can be used as a useful guide.
If you are looking to buy both year 12 and year 13 A Level Economics topics revision guide for WJEC / Eduqas, save yourself £5 and buy the full bundle here.
As an extra I will also include my topic resource on the European Union, BREXIT and the Eurozone.
****OCR Level 1 / 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing J837 teaching from September 2022 ****
This resource is a teacher presentation and worksheet aimed at R067 from Sept 2022.
This is 7 hours of lessons aimed at the final topic area 5 of the new specification.
This resource along with the other topic ares can be bought as a bundle to save 13%.
The bundle can be purchased here:
Free samples of these resources can be downloaded here:
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school. Therefore, I have prepared this resource with my very own mixed ability students in mind and I can promise that it will be suitable for all learners.
I am really confident in the quality of this resource and with nothing else like this out at the moment for the course I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once purchased.
*** other resources available to purchase ***
I have created a full revision guide for R067 and topic assessments for each of the topics within R067, can be bought separately or as a bundle:
There is also a 32 page student booklet aimed specifically at the NEA R068 brief for 2023, which can be purchased here:
****OCR Level 1 / 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing J837 teaching from September 2022 ****
This resource is a teacher presentation and worksheet aimed at R067 from Sept 2022. Topic area 3 - What makes a product financially viable (10 hours of lessons). At the end of the resource there is also a link to the 2023 R068 NEA brief task 4 which assesses the understanding from this topic area.
This resource along with the other topic ares can be bought as a bundle to save 13%.
The bundle can be purchased here:
Free samples of these resources can be downloaded here:
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school. Therefore, I have prepared this resource with my very own mixed ability students in mind and I can promise that it will be suitable for all learners.
I am really confident in the quality of this resource and with nothing else like this out at the moment for the course I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once purchased.
*** other resources available to purchase ***
I have created a full revision guide for R067 and topic assessments for each of the topics within R067, can be bought separately or as a bundle:
There is also a 32 page student booklet aimed specifically at the NEA R068 brief for 2023, which can be purchased here:
****OCR Level 1 / 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing J837 teaching from September 2022 ****
The full resource can be purchased from:
This resource consists of teacher presentations and worksheets aimed at each of the 5 topic areas of R067 from Sept 2022.
save 13% by buying this as a full unit of work rather than individual topic areas. It woks out at 50p per hour lesson.
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school. Therefore, I have prepared this resource with my very own mixed ability students in mind and I can promise that it will be suitable for all learners.
I am really confident in the quality of this resource and with nothing else like this out at the moment for the course I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Please download the free samples to check for yourself.
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once purchased.
*** other resources available to purchase ***
I have created a full revision guide for R067 and topic assessments for each of the topics within R067, can be bought separately or as a bundle:
There is also a 32 page student booklet aimed specifically at the NEA R068 brief for 2023, which can be purchased here:
****OCR Level 1 / 2 Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing J837 teaching from September 2022 ****
This resource is a free SOW for year 1 (of 2) for R067 and R068 for the new specification.
I am an A Level principal examiner with many years of experience delivering courses to all key stages and have published materials for a large variety of courses and exam boards. I will also be delivering this course from September at my school.
I would be really grateful if you could leave a review once downloaded.
*** other resources available to purchase ***
I have created a full revision guide for R067 and topic assessments for each of the topics within R067, can be bought separately or as a bundle:
40 hours of teaching power points and worksheets for all topics in R067. Can be bought as a bundle or individual topic areas.
There is also a 32 page student booklet aimed specifically at the NEA R068 brief for 2023, which can be purchased here: