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MikeRichards' Shop

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I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful! All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country. I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.




I am an ex-primary head teacher and English, Maths and History specialist. I've mostly worked in KS2, often in Year 6. Although for the last two years, I've been working in Year 1, which has been delightful! All the resources have been used successfully with children in a range of schools all over the country. I am constantly reviewing and updating my resources. Please follow me to ensure that you have the most up to date versions of the resources you buy.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) converting between units of measure - metric (and imperial - challenge)

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) converting between units of measure - metric (and imperial - challenge)

Learning Objectives Starter: - To order multistep calculations. - To use, read, write and convert between standard units. Main Lesson: - To convert between different units of metric measure (Year 5) - To convert measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places (Year 6) -To change freely between related standard units [for example length, capacity and mass] (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder, multi-step calculations and revision of properties of numbers. A connect activity getting children to start to think about the different units used to measure length, capacity and mass. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach the conversions between different metric units including mm, cm, metres, kilometres, litres and millilitres, grams and kilograms. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to convert between the various metric units of measure. A challenge activity where children complete between miles and kilometres and metres. A Place Value grid is provided as additional support for those struggling. Answer sheet provided to support marking. A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to apply their knowledge to a conversion graph, which will be focus of the following days lesson.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Measuring scales investigations and Word problems

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Measuring scales investigations and Word problems

Learning Objectives Starter: - To revise place value, sequencing, ordering, properties of numbers, four operations and metric measures. Main Lesson: - To read different units of metric measure (Year 5) - To interpret graphs and charts and to convert between different units of measure and solve single step Word problems(Year 6) - To change freely between related standard units and apply knowledge to solve multi step Word problems (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter quiz revising learning for the first half of the Autumn term. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children how to use a variety of different conversion charts. A 3-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to move around the room, answering questions based on 15 different conversion charts which can be displayed at different stations. Children should work in pairs of a similar ability group. A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to apply their knowledge to a multistep SATs question, requiring them to interpret a table of times.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) comparing and ordering fractions using denominators and equivalence

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) comparing and ordering fractions using denominators and equivalence

Learning Objectives Starter: - To find equivalent fractions Main Lesson: To compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number (Year 5) To compare and order fractions, including fractions >1 (Year 6) To order fractions and use the symbols =, ≠, , ≤, ≥ (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder fractions which recap use of equivalent fractions. A connect activity challenging children to identify and discuss methods that they might use to identify the larger of two fractions – allowing you assess prior learning. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children both visually, by using denominators and changing fractions to have the same denominator in order to compare and order fractions. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to compare and order fractions with the challenge activity introducing ≠, ≤ and ≥ signs. A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to apply their knowledge to an old SATs question, where they can demonstrate their understanding of strategies to compare two fractions. fractions, visual, representation, equivalence, equivalent, equivalent, equivalent fractions, fractions, fractions, AfL, multiples, conversion, ordering, sequencing, comparing, ordering, sequencing, comparing, ordering, comparing, ordering, comparing
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) - equivalent fractions & simplifying fractions using common factors

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) - equivalent fractions & simplifying fractions using common factors

Learning Objectives Starter: - To simplify fractions Main Lesson: - To identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually, including tenths and hundredths (Year 5) - To use common multiples to simplify fractions (Year 6) This lesson consists of: A connect activity challenging children to explain what fractions are and how they can be written – allowing you assess prior learning. A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder, visual representations of fractions for the children to identify. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children to allow children to understanding both visually and mathematically equivalence in fractions. A second teaching activity allowing the children how to use cancelling to simplify fractions. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to simplify fractions. A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to apply their knowledge to a SATs question, where they can demonstrate their understanding of equivalence and simplification of fractions.
UKS 2 (Year 5 and Year 6) subtracting fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers

UKS 2 (Year 5 and Year 6) subtracting fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers

Learning Objectives Starter: To compare and order fractions Main Lesson: To subtract fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number (Year 5) To subtract fractions with different denominators, using the concept of equivalent fractions (Year 6) To use the 4 operations applied to proper and improper fractions(KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder problems where the children have to compare mixed numbers with improper fractions and use <> sign to show which are larger. A connect activity challenging children to identify and explain the nature of common errors when subtracting fractions. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children to understanding how to subtract fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers with common denominators, with denominators where one is a multiple of the other and where two fractions have different denominators, and changing fractions to have the same denominator in order to add these fractions. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to subtract fractions. Answers included to ease marking A final AFL / Next Steps task, asking children to work out what final step has been missed off by a fictional student Sam.
UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) multiplying quantities by fractions, finding  quantities given fraction quantity

UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) multiplying quantities by fractions, finding quantities given fraction quantity

Learning Objectives Starter: To compare improper fractions and mixed numbers Main Lesson: To multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagrams (Year 5) To associate a fraction with division (Year 6) To find a whole quantity given the quantity represented by a unit fraction (Y6) To recognise and use relationships between operations including inverse operations (KS3 This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder problems where the children have to compare mixed numbers with improper fractions and use <> sign to show which are larger. A connect activity challenging children to consider whether the product of two numbers always produces a larger numbers as a way to start considering the effect of multiplying by fractions. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to teach children to understanding how to multiply whole numbers by fractions (by dividing by denominator and multiplying by numerator (starting with diagrams) and how to find the whole quantity of a number, when they are given what a fraction of that number represents. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to multiply whole numbers by fractions and find whole numbers when they are given what a fraction of that number represents (i.e. ¾ x ? = 24). Answers included to ease marking. A final AFL / Next Steps task, providing three answers to a SATs question and children are invited to use the methods they have learned to work out which is correct.
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Dividing fractions (mixed numbers and improper fractions) by whole numbers

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) Dividing fractions (mixed numbers and improper fractions) by whole numbers

Learning Objectives Starter: To multiply whole numbers by proper and improper fractions > To associate a fraction with division Main Lesson: To solve problems involving division and division, including scaling by simple fractions (Year 5) To divide proper fractions by whole numbers (Year 6) To use the 4 operations with proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers(KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder problems where the children multiply 2 fractions together. A connect activity challenging children to consider what happens when fractions are divided by a whole number. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to revise demonstrate what happens when fractions are divided by whole numbers. A series of slides teaching the linking the division fractions by whole numbers to dividing fractions together using correct mathematical language. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to divide fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions by whole numbers. Answers included to ease marking. A final AFL / Next Steps task, providing two incorrectly answered arithmetic questions for the children to identify the mistakes made and find the correct answer (showing their workings).
2017 Year 6 Maths SATs revision - Week 3 of a 4 week revision programme

2017 Year 6 Maths SATs revision - Week 3 of a 4 week revision programme

5 Resources
Topics covered are: Arithmetic (Paper 1) - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of 2 digit - 6 digit numbers, decimals, fractions and BODMAS Maths reasoning (Paper 2 and Paper 3) - problem solving involving algebra; problem solving involving all four operations, geometry - shape and angles, SATs safari based around algebra questions. Session ends with AfL work drawn from the 2016 SATs papers. Each session is supported by presentations for Smartboard and for Promethean (and new for 2018 PowerPoint, worked examples in the form of You Tube clips for your own use or with your class and 4 way differentiated independent activities.
2017 (updated for 2018) KS2 (Year 6) Maths SATs revision - Arithmetic BODMAS and Algebra Safari

2017 (updated for 2018) KS2 (Year 6) Maths SATs revision - Arithmetic BODMAS and Algebra Safari

A plan, set of teaching resources, Interactive Whiteboard presentations for both Promethean and Smartboards. (New for 2018 – PowerPoint Presentations) This resource uses the questions on 2016 Key Stage 2 SATs papers 1, 2 and 3 to revise your class’ understanding of quick arithmetic methods and revise a specific aspect of the reasoning papers. This is the fifteenth lesson in a revision programme designed to prepare Year 6 children for the Maths SATs papers 1, 2 and 3. **Learning Objectives covered: ** To solve simple algebraic equations. (LA) To solve multistep algebraic equations (MA) To solve and explain multistep algebraic equations. (HA) The lesson consists of: A powerpoint to introduce the lesson A set of algebraic problems are provided to be cut and distributed in three areas of the classroom A score card is provided to allow children to compete as equals while Teachers / TAs mark each question before children are free to move on to the next.
Phonics Phase 4 Week 2 CVC to CVCC and CCVC

Phonics Phase 4 Week 2 CVC to CVCC and CCVC

A set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write Phase 3 ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa using Week 02 - Revisit Phase 3 – digraphs.ppx Teach spelling the word CVC to CVC words read, write spell. Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 High Frequency words p118 (Letters and Sounds) i.e. have, like some, come, was, you, me, he, she, be Practice reading and writing CVCC and CCVC Practice reading real and non-words. Apply reading sentences p122 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p124 (Letters and Sounds)
Phonics Phase 5 Week 1 alternative /w/, /h/ and /f/

Phonics Phase 5 Week 1 alternative /w/, /h/ and /f/

Phonics Phase 5 Week 1 blended learning – alternative spellings for h (wh), w (wh) and f or ff (ph) A set of resources designed to support learning both at home and in the classroom. Please note all the youtube video clips can be accessed separately for free, which constitutes the home learning element of these lessons. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write Phase 4 trigraphs ear, air, ure, (Week 01 - Revisit Phase 4 – trigraphs.pptx) Teach reading, writing and spelling words with wh (w), wh (h) , ph (f or ff) Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 tricky words said, have, like so, do, some, come, little. Practice recognition and recall of graphemes and different pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes Apply reading sentences p142 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p149 (Letters and Sounds)
Phonics Phase 4 Week 3 two syllable words – reading, spelling and writing.

Phonics Phase 4 Week 3 two syllable words – reading, spelling and writing.

A set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write Phase /oo/ /OO/, u, ur using Week 03 - Revisit Phase 3 – digraphs.ppx Teach two syllable words: read, write and spell. Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 High Frequency words p118 (Letters and Sounds) i.e, was, you, me, he, she, be, were, there, little, one, they, all, are Practice reading and writing two syllable words Practice reading real and non-words. Apply reading sentences p122 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p124 (Letters and Sounds)
Phonics Phase 4 Week 4 two syllable words – reading, spelling and writing.

Phonics Phase 4 Week 4 two syllable words – reading, spelling and writing.

A set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write Phase or, ar, ow, and oi using Week 03 - Revisit Phase 4 – digraphs.ppx Teach two syllable words: read, write and spell. Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 High Frequency words p118 (Letters and Sounds) it’s, from, children, just, little, there, one, out Practice reading and writing two syllable words Practice reading real and non-words. Apply reading sentences p122 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p124 (Letters and Sounds)
UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) To decide whether to round up or down after division

UKS2 (Year 5 and Year 6) To decide whether to round up or down after division

Learning Objectives Starter: - To interpret remainders as fractions - To revise common metric conversions Main Lesson: - To use formal short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context (Year 5) - To use formal long division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context (Year 6) - To develop their mathematical knowledge, in part through solving problems and evaluating the outcomes, including multi-step problems (KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder division problems giving remainders to convert to fractions and their answers. A connect activity getting children to revise the metric conversions they will need in the independent task. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire, to teach how to lay-out short and long division when answering word problems and to test the children’s ability to understand how context determine whether to round an answer up or down. A 4 way differentiated series of calculations (including a Challenge Activity) where children are expected to solve a series of short and long division Word problems and round the answer according to context. More Able children will have to complete multistep problems. Answers are supplied to ease marking. An AFL / Next Steps task based on previous a SATs question, to allow to introduce the fact that most problems aren’t simply one operation but usually are a combination of different operations.
Phonics Phase 5 Week 2 alternative graphemes for /ai/

Phonics Phase 5 Week 2 alternative graphemes for /ai/

AA set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write alternative spellings for h (wh), w (wh) and f or ff (ph) (Week 02 - Revisit wh, h, w, wh,pptx) Teach reading, writing and spelling words with ay, ai, split digraph a-e Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 tricky words said, have, like so, do, some, come, little. Practice recognition and recall of graphemes and different pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes Apply reading sentences p142 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p149 (Letters and Sounds)
2017 (updated for 2018)  KS2 (Year 6) Maths SATs revision -  Problem Solving using Four Operations

2017 (updated for 2018) KS2 (Year 6) Maths SATs revision - Problem Solving using Four Operations

A plan, set of teaching resources, Interactive Whiteboard presentations for both Promethean and Smartboards. (***New for 2018 – PowerPoint Presentations, and Word AFL / next steps question for printin***g) This resource uses the questions on 2016 Key Stage 2 SATs papers 1, 2 and 3 to revise your class’ understanding of quick arithmetic methods and revise a specific aspect of the reasoning papers finishing with an AfL style plenary using exemplar questions from the 2016 SATs paper. This is the fourteenth lesson in a revision programme designed to prepare Year 6 children for the Maths SATs papers 1, 2 and 3. **Learning Objectives covered: ** To add whole numbers, decimals or fractions quickly (Arithmetic Starter) To solve problems involving all 4 operations. **Learning Outcomes: ** All use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by U Most use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by TU Some will use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations with ThHTU by TU including decimals and negative numbers.
Phonics Phase 5 Week 3 alternative graphemes for /ai/

Phonics Phase 5 Week 3 alternative graphemes for /ai/

A set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review Read and write alternative spellings for h (wh), w (wh) and f or ff (ph) and alternative ai – ay, a-e (Week 03 ai sound,pptx) Teach reading, writing and spelling words with ai, ey, eigh Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 tricky words do, some, come, little. Practice recognition and recall of graphemes and different pronunciations of graphemes as they are learned Practice reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes Apply reading sentences p142 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p149 (Letters and Sounds)
Phonics Phase 4 Week 1 CVC to CVCC & CCVC

Phonics Phase 4 Week 1 CVC to CVCC & CCVC

A set of resources designed to support learning in the classroom with resources available for distance learning in event of school or class closure. The week’s lessons cover: Revisit / Review: Read and write Phase 3 GPCs j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu using Week 01 Revisit Phase 3 GPCs.pptx Teach spelling the word CVC to CCVC words read, write and spell. Teach / Practice spelling the phase 4 High Frequency words p118 (Letters and Sounds) i.e. said, have, like so, he, she, we, me, be Practise reading GPCs: -air, ee , sh, Practise reading real and non-words. Apply reading sentences p122 (Letters and Sounds) Apply writing sentences p124 (Letters and Sounds)
Year 1 Term 1 Week 1 Day 3 To match numbers with numerals

Year 1 Term 1 Week 1 Day 3 To match numbers with numerals

A differentiated starter, introduction for both ActivInspire and Smartboard, and 3 way differentiated activity with an extension activity for use in Continuous Provision and AFL / Next Steps plenary activity. It also includes a distance learning video and resources. Learning Objective: To identify & represent numbers using objects & pictures This lesson consists of: A differentiated starter - Count on. A counting game for groups of children to take in turns counting up to a target number of 10 (LA), 20 (MA) 30 (HA) starting from a number generated by rolling a dice. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart building on the skill of one to one correspondence before recognising numbers from a number track and their names from cards displaying the numbers 1 to 10. A youtube video link for distance learning introducing the starter, main part of the lesson and the AFL / Next Steps plenary. A 3-way differentiated series of tasks requiring the use number tracks to help identify numbers and their names when counting objects A final AFL / Next Steps task, where children write the name and number of several numbers represented on ten grids, with a final question showing a number greater than 10.
UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) multiplying fractions (including Mixed numbers and improper fractions)

UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) multiplying fractions (including Mixed numbers and improper fractions)

Learning Objectives Starter: To multiply whole numbers by proper and improper fractions Main Lesson: To multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers (Year 5) To multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (Year 6) To use the 4 operations with proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers(KS3) This lesson consists of: A Starter consisting of a series of progressively harder problems where the children find the fraction of a whole number A connect activity challenging children to consider what happens when fractions are multiplied together. An Interactive Whiteboard teaching introduction for both Notebook and ActivInspire flipchart, to revise how to multiply whole numbers by fractions (by dividing by denominator and multiplying by numerator) and explaining physically and visually why when a fraction is multiplied by a fraction that answer is always smaller. A series of slides teaching the method of multiplying fractions together using correct mathematical language. A 4-way differentiated series of tasks requiring children to multiply whole numbers by fractions, fractions by fractions and mixed numbers and improper fractions by proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers. Answers included to ease marking. A final AFL / Next Steps task, providing three arithmetic questions for the children to answer based on ability