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Welcome to the number one source for all your BTEC Business Level 3 Assignments with over 1000 sales. I'm a former BTEC Level 3 Business teacher who is dedicated to provide you with the best Distinction* standard, well-structured, assignments and notes for exams. I have helped hundreds of students to achieve high grades, thus buy with confidence. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, I will get back to you within a day.




Welcome to the number one source for all your BTEC Business Level 3 Assignments with over 1000 sales. I'm a former BTEC Level 3 Business teacher who is dedicated to provide you with the best Distinction* standard, well-structured, assignments and notes for exams. I have helped hundreds of students to achieve high grades, thus buy with confidence. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, I will get back to you within a day.
Unit 1 - Exploring Business All YOU NEED

Unit 1 - Exploring Business All YOU NEED

3 Resources
This Bundle contains all 3 Assignment of Unit 1 Exploring Busines. It will help you save time and effortlessly achieve distinction grade. You just need to follow the structure and content of the essays.
Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 2 Learning Aim B & C Plan activity to meet marketing objective

Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 2 Learning Aim B & C Plan activity to meet marketing objective

This report is for Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 2 Learning Aim B & C. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot research recommending changes that should be made to the final market research activity. M2 Analyse the reasons for choosing particular research methods, the type of data to be collected and the sampling plan. P4 Undertake the final market research activity using a detailed sampling plan to obtain a range of secondary and primary data. P3 Undertake pilot primary market research and collect sample data. P2 Undertake secondary research for a selected marketing objective.
Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 1 Learning Aim A Examine the types of market research in business

Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 1 Learning Aim A Examine the types of market research in business

This report is for Unit 22 Market Research Assignment 1 Learning Aim A. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. Criteria covered: P1 Explain the range of market research methods used by a selected business. M1 Assess, using suitable examples, how different market research methods are appropriate in helping to meet marketing objectives and inform decision making. D1 Justify the use of using specialist marketing agencies for carrying out original market research.
Unit 18 Digital Animation and Effects Assignment 1 Investigating Digital Animation and Effects

Unit 18 Digital Animation and Effects Assignment 1 Investigating Digital Animation and Effects

This essay is for **Unit 18: Digital Animation and Effects, Learning Aim A: **Investigate the purpose and characteristics of digital animations and effects that are an important part of communication. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** D1 Evaluate the purpose and characteristics of different digital animation and effects products, including how they impact on the finished product. M1 Discuss the purpose and characteristics of different digital animations and effects products, including how they impact on the finished product. P1 Explain the purpose of and legal requirements for different digital animations and effects products. P2 Explain the technical characteristics of different digital animations and effects products, including a limited explanation of how they impact on the finished product.
Unit 8 Computer Games Development Assignment 2 Design a computer game to meet client requirements

Unit 8 Computer Games Development Assignment 2 Design a computer game to meet client requirements

This essay is for Unit 8: Computer Games Development Assignment 2. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** D2 Evaluate the design and optimised computer game against client requirements. D3 Demonstrate individual responsibility, creativity and effective self-management in the design, development and review of a computer game. M2 Justify decisions made, showing how the design will fulfil its purpose and client requirements. M3 Optimise a computer game to meet client requirements. P3 Produce designs for a computer game that meet client requirements. P4 Review the designs with others to identify and inform refinements. P5 Produce a computer game to meet client requirements. P6 Test a computer game for functionality, usability, stability and performance.
Unit 8 Computer Games Development Assignment 1 Investigate technologies used in computer gaming

Unit 8 Computer Games Development Assignment 1 Investigate technologies used in computer gaming

This essay is for** Unit 8: Computer Games Development Assignment 1**. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** D1 - Evaluate the impact of current and emerging technologies on the design and development of computer games to meet the requirements of the users and the computer games industry. M1 - Discuss how current and emerging technologies impact on how games are designed and developed to meet the requirements of the users and the larger computer games industry. P2 - Explain how current and emerging technologies impact computer games’ design and development. P1 - Explain social and technological trends of computer games.
Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Assignment 2 plan to use in business to meet requirements

Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Assignment 2 plan to use in business to meet requirements

This essay covers Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business Assignment 2. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P3 Produce a plan to use social media in a business to meet its business requirements. P4 Review the plan with others in order to identify and inform improvements. P5 Produce business-related content using appropriate features of social media which meet the requirements of the plan. P6 Review data obtained on social media usage and interaction. M2 Justify planning decisions made, showing how the plan will fulfil its purpose and business requirements. M3 Optimise the content, format and features of social media which meet the requirements of the plan. D2 Evaluate the plan and use of social media in a business against business requirements. D3 Demonstrate individual responsibility, creativity, and effective self-management in the planning and use of social media in a business context.
Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Assignment 1 business promote their products & services

Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Assignment 1 business promote their products & services

This essay covers Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business Assignment 1. It explains the audience profiles of different social media websites and the different ways in which a business can use social media. Further, it assesses the different ways in which a business can use social media to attract a target audience. And finally, the essay evaluates the business use of social media to interact with customers and promote products/services to a target audience. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. Criteria covered: D1 Evaluate the business use of social media to interact with customers and promote products or services to a target audience. M1 Assess the different ways in which a business can use social media to attract a target audience. P1 Explain the different ways in which a business can use social media. P2 Explain the audience profiles of different social media websites.
Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 2 Induction programme for new starters in a business

Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 2 Induction programme for new starters in a business

This essay is for Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 2. This work contains a induction program for Alton Towers as well as a report for the manager analysing the benefits of the program and evaluating the impact. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P5 Plan an appropriate induction programme for a group of new starters in a selected business using your own research. M3 Assess the factors likely to make induction successful for new starters in the selected business. D3 Evaluate the likely impact of the induction programme on the business and the individuals.
Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 1 Employee Development, Reasons, Benefits & Costs

Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 1 Employee Development, Reasons, Benefits & Costs

This report is for Unit 21 Training and Development Assignment 1. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P1 Explain why a selected business trains its employees. P2 Describe how a selected business identifies training needs. P3 Describe the types of training and development used by a selected business. P4 Explain the impact training has had on an individual in a selected business. M1 Assess the reasons for training in a selected business. M2 Analyse the likely costs and benefits of different types of training to a selected business and its staff. D1 Evaluate the contribution that training and development make to fulfilling the objectives of the selected business. D2 Evaluate the likely costs and benefits of different training methods for individual needs in a selected business.
Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 2 Develop a business plan for micro-business start-up

Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 2 Develop a business plan for micro-business start-up

This essay is for Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 2. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P3 Explain your marketing plan for a selected micro-business P4 Explain how legal and financial aspects will affect the start-up of the business M2 Analyse the financial and marketing plans for your micro-business. D2 Evaluate your plan for a micro-business and justify your conclusions.
Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 1 Explore Potential Ideas for Micro Business Start-Up

Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 1 Explore Potential Ideas for Micro Business Start-Up

This essay is for Unit 19 Pitching for a new Business Assignment 1. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P1: Describe the potential business opportunities for a micro-business start-up. P2: Review the factors that need to be considered to start up a micro-business. M1: Analyse the internal and external factors associated with a selected micro-business start-up. D1: Evaluate the internal and external factors associated with a selected micro-business start-up.
Unit 8 Recruitment and Selection Assignment 2 create job offer and reflect on individual performance

Unit 8 Recruitment and Selection Assignment 2 create job offer and reflect on individual performance

This essay is for Unit 8 Recruitment and Selection in Action Assignment 2 - Learning Aim B and C. The work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. Criteria covered: P3: Prepare appropriate documentation for use in selection and recruitment activities. P4: Participate in the selection interviews, as an interviewer and interviewee. P5: Complete a SWOT analysis on your performance in the interviewing activities. P6: Prepare a personal skills development plan for future interview situations. M2: In recruitment interviews, demonstrate analytical responses and questioning to allow assessment of skills and knowledge. M3: Analyse the results of the process and how your skills development will contribute to your future success. D2: Evaluate how well the documents prepared and participation in the interview activities supported the process for a job offer. D3: Evaluate how well the recruitment and selection process complied with best practice, drawing reasoned conclusions as to how it will support your future career.
nit 8 Recruitment and Selection Assignment 1 Examine how it contribute to business success

nit 8 Recruitment and Selection Assignment 1 Examine how it contribute to business success

This essay is for** Unit 8 Recruitment and Selection Assignment 1**. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach these high grades (please have a look at the previews). Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you easily achieve distinctions. **Criteria covered: ** P1: Explain how a large business recruits and selects giving reasons for their processes. P2: Explain how and why a business adheres to recruitment processes which are ethical and comply with current employment law. M1: Analyse the different recruitment methods used in a selected business. D1: Evaluate the recruitment processes used and how they contribute to the success of the selected business
Unit 17 Digital Marketing Assignment 2 Learning Aim C Develop campaign for selected product or brand

Unit 17 Digital Marketing Assignment 2 Learning Aim C Develop campaign for selected product or brand

This document covers** Unit 17 Digital Marketing - Assignment 2**. It is a creative digital marketing campaign for Biki (fictional cycle shop), justifying the key decisions taken and potential improvements that could be used to create brand loyalty. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you effortlessly achieve distinctions. **Content covered: ** P6 - Produce an outline for a digital marketing campaign that will create brand loyalty for a new or existing product or brand. M3 - Produce a detailed digital marketing campaign and demonstrate how it integrates into the wider marketing and promotional mix for a new or existing product or brand. D3 - Produce creatively a digital marketing campaign, justifying the key decisions taken and potential improvements that could be used to create brand loyalty.
Unit 17 Digital Marketing, Assignment 1 Learning Aim A & B Examine the role mix & Effectiveness

Unit 17 Digital Marketing, Assignment 1 Learning Aim A & B Examine the role mix & Effectiveness

This essay covers Unit 17 Digital Marketing - Assignment 1. The essay assesses the influence of digital marketing in customer behaviour and buying habits. It outlines the effectiveness of two existing digital marketing campaigns from two different types of business - Coca Cola and McDonalds. It explores the different compensation models, looking at the benefits and concerns. Finally, there is a report considering the benefits and potential concerns of digital marketing. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you effortlessly achieve distinctions. **Content covered: ** Learning aim A: Examine the role of digital marketing within the broader marketing mix. P1 Explain the role of digital marketing as an extension of traditional marketing and the ways the messages can be delivered. P2 Investigate the ways in which advertisers are targeting mobile device users. M1 Analyse, using examples, the effectiveness of different digital delivery methods. D1 Justify the extent to which the digital environment is influencing consumer choices. Learning aim B: Investigate the effectiveness of existing digital marketing campaigns. P3 Discuss the digital strategies that a selected business uses to meet two different objectives. P4 Outline different compensation models used in digital marketing. P5 Explain the benefits of, and concerns about, digital marketing from the perspective of both the customer and the marketer. M2 Analyse the different digital strategies and compensation models used to create brand recognition and brand loyalty. D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns from different businesses, and suggest ways to overcome concerns raised about digital marketing.
Unit 16 Visual Merchandising Assignment 2 Learning aim C Create successful display for retail outlet

Unit 16 Visual Merchandising Assignment 2 Learning aim C Create successful display for retail outlet

This report covers Unit 16 Visual Merchandising - Assignment 2. It explores the creation of successful display for a retail outlet through the use of appropriate visual merchandising techniques. The report looks at the success factors as well as the legal and safety aspects associated with the creation of the display. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you effortlessly achieve distinctions. Content covered: P5 Produce a realistic plan for a visual merchandising display for a product or service in a retail outlet. P6 Create a successful visual merchandising display for a product or service in a retail outlet. M3 Plan and create an individual visual merchandising display, using recommendations and feedback to assess the success of the project. D3 Demonstrate individual self-management and initiative in the presentation of a high-quality, successful display for a retail outlet through the creative use of visual merchandising.
Unit 16 Visual Merchandising Assignment 1 Learning Aim A & B retail outlets, display techniques

Unit 16 Visual Merchandising Assignment 1 Learning Aim A & B retail outlets, display techniques

This essay covers Unit 16 Visual Merchandising - Assignment 1. It examines the visual merchandising techniques used by Primark and Curry’s PC World, by considering the effectiveness of the visual merchandising in each. It explores how to promote the sale of products and services by the way they are presented in retail outlets; combining product, environment and space into a stimulating and engaging display to encourage the sale of a product or service; the physical display of goods in the most attractive manner possible. Then it evaluates the extent to which visual merchandising contribute to the success of those two businesses. At the end there is a balanced conclusion, which look both at the positive and negative aspects of VM. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you effortlessly achieve distinctions. **Content covered: ** P1 Investigate the visual merchandising and display techniques that can be used in retail outlets. P2 Explain how visual merchandising is affected by legal and safety regulations. P3 Explain how psychological techniques are used by two contrasting retail outlets. P4 Explain how technological techniques are used by two contrasting retail outlets. M1 Analyse the different approaches to visual merchandising used by contrasting businesses, supported by independent research. M2 Analyse how psychological and technological techniques are used to increase business success. D1 D2 Evaluate the extent to which different visual merchandising and display techniques contribute to the success of two contrasting businesses. Evaluate how psychological and technological techniques are used to increase business success.
Unit 4 Managing an Event Assignment 3 Stage and manage a business or social event & Reflect on the

Unit 4 Managing an Event Assignment 3 Stage and manage a business or social event & Reflect on the

This essay covers **Unit 4 Managing an Event, Assignment 3. **It explores a real-life case study - From staging the event to demonstrating some relevant management skills. Then it reviews the success of the event in meeting the aims and objectives, achieving targets and receiving good feedback from stakeholders. It explores how to demonstrate effective and safe management skills when organising and staging an event. Further it looks at how risks and contingencies were managed, making recommendations for future improvements. Finally, it justifies how own contribution has aided to a successful outcome of the event by the demonstration of outstanding management skills throughout. This work covers all of the criteria required to achieve distinction as well as the correct structure and layout needed to reach those high grades. Just follow the content, it will save you time and help you effortlessly achieve distinctions. **Content covered: ** P7 Stage an event, demonstrating some relevant management skills. P8 Review the success of the event in meeting aims and objectives, achieving targets and receiving good feedback from stakeholders M4 Demonstrate effective and safe management skills when organising and staging an event M5 Analyse the planning and running of the event, how risks and contingencies were managed, making recommendations for future improvements D3 Justify how own contribution has contributed to a successful outcome of the event by the demonstration of outstanding management skills throughout the arranging and staging of an event