Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
Destroy stereotypes! Introduce the Spanish speaking world in its glorious diversity. Engage students with thought-provoking topics.
Culture units: art, sports, human rights, ecology and more. Read, write, speak, and think.
Oral presentation based on Internet searches with keywords. Cooperative learning.
Writing assignments as varied as our students. Keywords for Internet searches.
Give them the tools and they will flourish!
Two thematic units. Contextualized and very rich in cultural information.
Please preview.
Perfect for International Women´s Day, March 8th. Let´s celebrate!
Unit 1. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y la cocina en los conventos de Nueva España
She is our first female poet, our first great feminist. She chose the convent rather than marriage. What was convent life like? Sor Juana read and wrote, she corresponded with learned men all over the world and she cooked. Practice the imperative with a recipe for flan straight from the convent! Discuss how the role of women has changed over the centuries.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: colonial daily life; convent life
Vocabulary: cooking (verbs and nouns); convent
Grammar: imperative
Oral practice: give ingredients until class guesses dish
Homework: recipe; two famous cooks
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Unit 2. El Camino de la Plata
The Camino de la Plata goes from Mexico City to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Read about marching north in search of silver from two points of view, a Spaniard’s letter to his mother and two Chichimecas talking. A cartoon included has the following caption: Voy a California por el oro. No me interesa construir naciones. Let your students discuss the opening of the American West, the gold rush, and compare it with the Mexican experience.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: silver towns / silver rush
Vocabulary: colonial cities
Grammar: imperative
Oral practice: visit various cities
Homework: daily life of rich and poor
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
International Baccalaureate
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
As a Canadian I have easy access to Cuba for there are many flights a day. My trip to research these units was fascinating for the country is such a bundle of contradictions. I came away with a much deeper appreciation for the beauty of the island, breathtaking in so many places, and for a social experiment gone wrong.
Two thematic units about Cuba. Please Preview both.
Unit 1. Una plantación azucarera, Manaca Iznaga
Slavery is a difficult subject. Learn about Manaca Iznaga, a Cuban sugar cane plantación. Slavery can be analyzed from many points of view: history, ecology, mathematics, literature and more. Give your students a choice as to what kind of oral presentation they would like to prepare. Allow them to follow their own interests and relate slavery to mathematics, science, art and literature.
Subject matter: sugar and slavery
Vocabulary: sugar and slavery
Grammar: difficult genders
Oral practice: description of two photographs
Homework: a research project
Internet: key words for Net search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. Un galeón, Nuestra Señora de Atocha
A ship is found on the ocean floor hundreds of years after it set sail.
Who do the treasures found under the sea belong to? Do they belong to the diver who finds them, to the country whose waters they are in or to the Spanish crown, the original owners? How do you establish ownership? And why was there so much gold and silver on these boats? Was it stolen? The answers to all these questions are not straightforward and will give your students a better perspective on the Spanish colonial empire.
Subject matter: transport
Vocabulary: maritime
Grammar: difficult genders
Oral practice: the world in 1622 (role playing)
Homework: the world in 1622 role playing
Internet: key words for Net search and further research
Answer key
Two culture units. Argentina vs. Paraguay - compare and contrast. Please preview.
These two contrasting units, one about a sophisticated metropolis, the second about a forgotten backwater, serve as examples of the great differences between the countries of South America.
In these difficult times where many people around the world are thinking about immigration and immigrants, these units will serve as good examples.
Unit 1. Paraguay, la excepción a la regla
Throughout history people have moved, sometimes just short distances, other times across oceans. Both Argentina and Paraguay are countries peopled by immigrants from many lands who together have forged new realities. Whereas in Paraguay the indigenous people and their language are very much still alive, that is not the case in Argentina. Paraguay is landlocked and much more rural. Find out more.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: immigration
Vocabulary: public jobs
Grammar: ´ción´
Oral practice: immigration
Homework: immigration
Internet: key words for Net search and further research
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Unit 2. Buenos Aires, París del Nuevo Mundo
I loved Buenos Aires. Walking around, visiting some of the best bookstores in South America, eating empanadas on the street, taking pictures in San Telmo. What a treat. Take a walk around Buenos Aires. The grammar includes the passive voice.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: immigration, history, geography
Vocabulary: public places, jobs
Grammar: passive voice, ´ción´
Oral practice: immigration
Homework: an interview, immigration
Internet: key words for Net search and further research
Model tests and teacher’s guide
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
I have a very vivid memory of my first visit to the Prado Museum and my first visual impact of the Meninas. I knew it was big, I did not realize it was huge. I had seen it so many times in books that I was very familiar with the painting but nothing prepared me for the real thing. I stood there, gaping at its beauty! It is a magnificent painting, it is awe inspiriing. I have gone back to visit the Meninas several times and every time I am overwhelmed. If you have had the same reaction, please share it in the comments section below.
I am not alone. This is the teacher’s favorite! Here there are two complete units. Preview please.
Las Meninas.
Present Velázquez, Goya and Picasso! The unit includes a text on the people in the Meninas (who everyone is, their names, their occupations); then comes the vocabulary of painters and painting plus more paintings, oral presentations, oral exercises with cartoons of two paintings, even a list of Spanish museums and painters for further study. What more can you ask?
Unit includes:
Subject matter: art
Vocabulary: art and war
Grammar: imperfect subjunctive
Oral practice: Goya’s paintings and cartoons
Homework: describe Guernica
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Felipe II.
Much maligned and misunderstood, Felipe II has always been pictured as the arch villain. True or false? Did you know that his reign coincided with the Golden Age of Spanish literature? I was a college student when I finally made the connection between the literary Golden Age and Felipe II, (Philip the Second in English). I must have been “en la luna” during my high school years.
Units includes:
Subject matter: history
Vocabulary: empire
Grammar: imperfect subjunctive
Oral practice: ways of transmitting information then and now
Homework: imaginary life
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Two interdisciplinary culture units about Spain. Enjoy! Please preview.
Unit 1. El olivo: el árbol más característico del Mediterráneo
Did you know that in the past Europe was divided into butter eaters, those people who lived in the north and had cattle and olive eaters, those who lived in the south and had olive trees? Did you know that the olive tree is mentioned in the Bible? That the Greeks made wreaths with its branches and that it serves as a symbol of peace? How can this possibly interest the students? Easy! They love to talk about food, including symbolic food like bread and wine.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: ecology
Vocabulary: meals, trees
Grammar: conditional perfect
Oral practice: a snack; compare Maimónides and Averroes
Homework: an edible product; library research project on words
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key.
Unit 2. Hace mil años, ¿quién iba a Córdoba?
A thousand years ago, the Moors ruled most of the Iberian Peninsula. What did they eat? What games did they play? Who were the inhabitants of the Peninsula? How did the Moors treat their Christian and Jewish subjects? This unit is very relevant today! It deals with multi-cultural and multi-ethnic peoples living side by side.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism and daily life
Vocabulary: religion
Grammar: future and future perfect
Oral practice: compare Maimónides and Averroes
Homework: library research project on words
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
International Baccalaureate teachers will like these units.
Two content-based units about a seldom studied yet fascinating country, Paraguay. Please preview.
Teachers think that because they know little about Paraguay, they should stick to Mexico and Spain. But Paraguay is such an interesting country and the story of the Jesuit missions is unique. All the information the teacher needs is included! Live and learn! The Jesuits and a bilingual country! Interesting materials, content-based and culturally relevant.
Unit 1. Treinta comunidades utópicas, los jesuitas en el Paraguay
The experiment the Jesuit priests conducted in Paraguay is unique. They built small towns to protect and evagelize the indigenous people but essentially kept them trapped. How they organized each community is similar to the cults that exist in our days and comparisons are easy to make. The movie, The Mission, is an oldie but a real goodie. Green eggs and ham! Try it, you´ll like it!
Unit includes:
Subject matter: history, religion
Vocabulary: conquest
Grammar: por and para; preterit
Oral practice: paternalism, theocracy
Homework: a religious community
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. Paraguay, un país bilingüe
The only truly bilingual country in the South America is Paraguay. Here most citizens are bilingual and have been so for generations. Whereas countries like Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador have very large quechua and aymara speaking populations, they have never held them in high esteem nor encouraged these languages to flourish. What makes Paraguay so different? Here is the place to find out.
Units include:
Subject matter: linguistics
Vocabulary: school
Grammar: conditional
Oral practice: repress a language, proper time to learn a language
Homework: learn a language
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Two content based culture units. Daily life! Dance and eat. Please preview.
Unit 1. El tango
‘Dicen que el tango tiene una gran languidez, por eso lo prohibió Pío diez.’ The Pope tried to stop the tango: lyrics, dance, music, all! What was so offensive that the Vatican tried to intervene and have it barred world wide? Practice the preterit and the imperative and decide if this is just another musical style and dance or if the tango is a way of celebrating machismo.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: music
Vocabulary: music and parties
Grammar: preterit and imperfect
Oral practice: musical likes and dislikes
Homework: descriptive composition about music
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. Decir Argentina es decir carne
Do you eat meat every day? Is your dinner incomplete without meat? If your answer is yes, you eat like most Argentines. Compare the pampa and Patagonia. Contrast both with your own country. And all of this while learning accents.
Unit includes.
Subject matter: daily life
Vocabulary: domestic animals
Grammar: accents
Oral practice: food likes and dislikes
Homework: descriptive composition about foods
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
I met Carmen Quintana when she was being treated for her burns in Montreal. The first time was at the hospital where I was acting as an interpreter for a friend writing an article about her. I am a Spanish teacher and hospitals are not my thing, nor is seeing a severely burned person. But I am happy I went. Luckily I saw her a second time when she was out of hospital living in an apartment with her mother and sisters and saw how much better she was. I was priviledged to have met such a brave young woman and happy she then went on to a fulfilling life.
Back to the two units. Both have readings, comprehension, vocabulary extension, grammar (contextualized), oral practice and a writing assignment. I always try to tie the text in with the students’ reality. All is content driven. Please preview.
Unit 1. Violeta Parra y la Nueva Canción
Is folk music and protest music the same? Are they related? Read the sad story of the suicide of this talented musician, Violeta Parra. Discuss different musical styles, indigenous instruments and the world wide fame of certain rock stars. Does MTV rule the world?
Unit includes:
Subject matter: music
Vocabulary: instruments
Grammar: subjunctive
Oral practice: traditional music vs. videos
Homework: musical group
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. Carmen Quintana
Do you know a burn victim or someone who has had a life threatening accident? This unit deals with two teen-agers who were doused with gasoline and set on fire. Why? When? What happened? The language classroom is the perfect place to discuss human rights. It is also the perfect place to review and extend the vocabulary of the body and practice the subjunctive. ‘Es triste que Carmen haya sufrido tanto.’
Unit includes:
Subject matter: history and daily life
Vocabulary: body parts
Grammar: subjunctive
Oral practice: an accident or a death
Homework: exemplary individual; death
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Two culture units.
Explain the language differences throughout the Spanish speaking world.
Please preview.
Unit 1. El español de América: el caso uruguayo
The language spoken around the Spanish speaking countries iffers from country to country. There are words that are different from country to country and there are even verb conjugations that are different. Use the language of the Buenos Aires region, which includes Uruguay, as an example and compare. Of course the beloved Mafalda is included.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: language
Vocabulary: languages
Grammar: subjunctive
Oral practice: language development
Homework: library work on specific words
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. El Galpón y el teatro uruguayo
Some of our students are innocent and often do not first see how freedom of speech, in this case in a theater, can get people in a whole lot of trouble. Compare and contrast with the students own reality. Does your school have an annual play? What kind of plays do the students present? Drama (both meanings!) in Uruguay. Also artistic creation in jail. Wow!
Unit includes:
Subject matter: theater
Vocabulary: theater
Grammar: punctuation
Oral practice: art therapy
Homework: strength in helping others
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Two contrasting culture units, high culture and low culture. Some subjects appeal to some teachers and students, others have different tastes. Please preview.
One of the great joys of teaching Spanish is that there are so many fun subjects. And these two units are about as different as you can get, one dealing with a writer, print media, and the second with television and soap operas. Both worked well in my classroom and I hope they will also find favorable responses in yours.
Unit 1. La telenovela
Love, love, love! The whole world is interested in the subject! Latin American soap operas are sold to over 100 countries and watched by millions the world over. What makes them so popular? With the information on themes and the vocabulary provided, your students will write their own soap operas. Enjoy!
Unit includes:
Subject matter: television
Vocabulary: television
Grammar: past tenses: perfect, preterit, imperfect
Oral practice: movies, actors, directors
Homework: write a TV soap opera
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 2. Jorge Luis Borges
Learn about Borges’s life from early childhood to old age by comparing his life to examples from your students reality. Since Borges was blind, (he inherited an illness that progressively blinded him), the unit deals with the five senses and how people cope with disabilities.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: literature
Vocabulary: literary genres, the five senses
Grammar: past tenses: perfect, preterit, imperfect
Oral practice: theater
Homework: interview with an author, painter or photographer
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Answer key
Although students know a lot about ecological problems and solutions in their own country, they are not familiar with another point of view and another location. By dealing with ecology from a South American point of view, they will gain a better appreciation of our planet. These two units are truly interdisciplinary. They are content-driven and interesting. Please preview.
The first unit is for all lovers of french fries, baked potatoes, potato salad and creamy mashed potatoes.
Unit 1. La papa, comida del pasado y del futuro
During the Irish potato crisis, millions of people died and tens of thousands left Ireland. What does this have to do with Bolivia? The potato is an Andean plant and was a staple there long before it was transported to Ireland. Learn everything about the potato, including a lovely Neruda poem called ‘Oda a la papa.’
Unit includes.
Subject matter: ecology
Vocabulary: agricultural products
Grammar: use of ser, estar and hay
Oral practice: analysis of a Neruda poem
Homework: description of a plant useful to mankind
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
The beauty of content-driven resources is that they are the perfect combination of interesting information and language acquisition.
Unit 2. La Amazonía y la ecología del mundo
We don’t often think of the Amazon basin as part of Bolivia, yet in fact, more than half of that country is covered by the thick tropical forest we call the ‘lungs of the earth.’ What are the consequences of cutting down the trees? Compare the region to the United States and then compare two maps showing American forests past and present. Practice ser, estar and hay.
Unit includes.
Subject matter: ecology
Vocabulary: natural world
Grammar: use of ser, estar and hay
Oral practice: consequences of forests disappearing
Homework: open subject on an ecological theme
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
I was born in Peru, so this is easy. I have been to Machu Picchu four times, each marking a different period in my life. My first visit was when I was 8 or 9 and my parents took me. My second visit was during my university years and I went with my girl friend. The third time I took my husband, a Canadian on his first visit to Peru. And we climbed the Huayna Picchu, an unforgettable experience. The last time I took my children to show them this extraordinary, breathtaking, beautiful place, unique in the world. I have been very fortunate.
If you too have had the privilege of visiting Machu Picchu and want to share your experience, please add it to the comments on this page. Thank you for sharing.
Unit 1. Machu Picchu: ciudad mágica
Every Spanish teacher wants to visit Machu Picchu. Convey that excitement to the students! Walk along the Inca Trail to the ruins; participate in the yearly clean-up. Language and culture are intertwined, so you can practice adverbs in Cusco, the gateway to Machu Picchu. Enjoy!
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism
Vocabulary: adverbs of place
Grammar: prepositions
Oral practice: native languages of North America
Homework: you are an archaeologist, describe the find
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. Jacinto Quispe, ambulante
Domestic servants, child labor, street vendors! Deal with reality! What are their lives like? Spanish is so exciting to teach! My students were into this, especially when we compared the information about Peru to the reality of those working at McDonald jobs.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: daily life
Vocabulary: chores in the home
Grammar: contrast between present and present perfect
Oral practice: interview of potential home
Homework: should there be street vendors?
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Remember that I am a great advocate of reading, so each unit starts with a reading, then comprehension, extension, integrated vocabulary and grammar plus oral and written assignments as well as Internet key words to allow students to research.
Two units about sports, cycling and soccer. Please preview.
Unit 1. Alberto Contador, ciclista
Does a cyclist deserve the medal because the drug he used was not on the list of banned substances for a particular meet? The use of drugs has been a problem not only in cycling but also in other sports and the students will have a lot to say on the subject. The unit serves to introduce the vocabulary of cycling and to practice the imperative, but as always in content-based materials, it is the subject matter that carries the day.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: sports
Vocabulary: games; cycling, running
Grammar: muy or mucho; agreement
Oral practice: solitary sports vs. team sports
Homework: solitary sports vs. team sports
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. El fútbol y la tele
Sports and television serve as a lead into the huge changes Spain has experienced in the last 50 years. The country has gone from being a relatively poor country to a comparatively rich one. Only a short while ago, Spaniards left their country to work in Germany and Switzerland; today Spain receives immigrants from the whole world who do the jobs Spaniards are no longer willing to do. Soccer serves as the example to explain those changes.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: daily life
Vocabulary: games; cycling, running
Grammar: imperative, preterit
Oral practice: questions about Spanish television programming
Homework: letter requesting information
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are solely in the target language.
Two interdisciplinary, content-based units. Please preview.
Unit 1. El mate y la carne
Are we what we eat and drink? What do we drink? Soft-drinks? Milk? Coffee? Why are we so addicted to our coffee? And why are Uruguayans so addicted to their mate? Do we eat too much meat? Uruguay is a huge meat producer and its people are also great meat consumers. And what about quantities? Who is overweight? Make your students reflect on the consequences of poverty and wealth.
Unit includes.
Subject matter: food and drink
Vocabulary: suffixes; restaurant
Grammar: imperative, future, preterit
Oral practice: tastes, consumption of meat, of coffee
Homework : advertisements, diets
Internet: key words list to facilitate a search and further research
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Answer key
Unit 2. Las cataratas del Iguazú
Five times bigger than Niagara Falls, Iguazú Falls is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South America. Discover the falls, visit the sites and compare them to Niagara Falls. Finally, reflect on the use of water no only as a source of electricity, but as a commodity in today’s market.
Unit includes.
Subject matter: water
Vocabulary: the natural world
Grammar: ser/estar; reflexive verbs
Oral practice: South American tourism sites
Homework : a visit to a memorable location
Internet: key words list to facilitate a search and further research
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Two content-based culture units on ecology, a subject of great interest.
Please preview.
Unit 1. La Región de los Lagos
Chile’s Lake District, with its forests, mountains and lakes, is closer to our image of the Rocky Mountains than of South America. ‘Es indispensable que vengas a conocer.’ Practice the subjunctive and get rid of those stereotypes about Latin America.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism
Vocabulary: prefixes in and im
Grammar: subjunctive
Oral practice: tourist destination
Homework: letter requesting tourist information
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Unit 2. Chile: ¿maravilla económica o desastre ecológico?
Our supermarkets stock fruits and vegetables from around the world. Because the seasons are inversed, Chile is one of the biggest providers of fresh fruits and vegetables during the northern hemisphere winter months. Think about the positive and negative consequences of industrial farming and their impact on the ecology. Knowledge is power!
Unit includes.
Subject matter: ecology
Vocabulary: fruits, industrial vocabulary
Grammar: subjunctive
Oral practice: fruits in our supermarkets
Homework: letter requesting tourist information; arguments in favor and against chemical fertilizers
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search and further research
Answer key
Two culture units about Mexico. Interdisciplinary. Content-based units.
Subjects that do not have easy answers. Please preview.
Unit 1. Nace un volcán: el Paricutín
A farmer was working in his field when suddenly, right in front of his eyes, a volcano started to grow. A week later, a hill that spouted lava stood in his field and a month later there was a volcano. Discover the birth of a volcano and the ravages it inflicted on the people and animals in two villages. What happened to them? Where did they go? This unit has a role playing activity where students have a town hall meeting with the local authorities to hammer out the details of their relocation.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: science, geography
Vocabulary: mountains
Grammar: ser / estar in preterit and imperfect
Oral practice: town hall meeting
Homework: describe a scientific or a natural phenomenon
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. El turismo como industria: Cancún y Huatulco
The Mexican government decided to create resorts in places that were formerly tiny villagers. How did they go about it and what were the results? The reading tells the story of the resorts from their inception to their place today as mega tourist attractions. Is tourism good or bad for the local inhabitants? How is the wealth generated by these huge resorts distributed?
Unit includes:
Subject matter: tourism
Vocabulary: hotels, beaches
Grammar: future
Oral practice: analyze a cartoon, type of tourism you prefer
Homework: future vacations
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
The Miraflores materials are entirely in Spanish.
Two culture units.** Please preview.**
One of the joys of writing units about unusual subjects is that they appeal to students that don’t often see their own interests reflected in the materials. The two units come directly from students’ requests. One student asked me to write something about sports and if possible on baseball, the other requested a unit on animals. Once the students suggested these subjects, I then took the entire summer to write the units. So in fact, the ones requesting, often just got one exercise or one reading because it takes me months to put a whole unit together.
Unit 1. República Dominicana: El béisbol
Poverty? Baseball? We don’t very often get a chance to deal with these subjects at this level. Go beyond the stereotypes of Caribbean baseball players and find out why there are so many in the Big Leagues today.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: sports
Vocabulary: sports
Grammar: ser / estar / hay
Oral practice: sports seen as an industry
Homework: sports, athletes
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
**Unit 2. Puerto Rico: La rana coquí
Explore some fun science facts about the coquí, a tiny tree frog with a very loud call. In this species, the male cares for the eggs and guards them until they hatch. Read all about it.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: science (amphibians)
Vocabulary: climate, machismo
Grammar: ser / estar / hay
Oral practice: gender questions
Homework: women
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
All Miraflores resources are exclusively in the target language.
Three culture units for beginners. Each unit has 8 pages.
Easy to understand and rich in culture.
Entirely in the target language. Please preview.
Unit 1. Carlos V
Teach the family with Carlos V’ family. We have all done different versions of family trees in class. Here is the family tree of Charles V. Introduce his grandparents, Isabel and Ferdinand, the Catholic kings. Compare his family to your own and practice the vocabulary of the family. One of the neat exercises is a map of Charles V’s world to practice the names of the languages then spoken.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: family and empire
Vocabulary: family
Grammar: possessive adjectives
Oral practice: family
Homework: tree of royal families
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
**Unit 2. Cortés y Moctezuma
A fun way to do animals and foods. The animals of the Old World! The foods of the New World! Today we cannot imagine Europe without tomatoes or the American west without cattle! And what about those invisible animals, the viruses and bacteria that killed the indigenous population? Only through content based units can you transmit so much information and promote cultural understanding.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: New and Old Worlds
Vocabulary: plants and animals
Grammar: tener
Oral practice: domestic and wild animals
Homework: animals of two worlds
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
Unit 3. Simon Bolívar
Teach the vocabulary of the house with Bolivar’s home. His house had a large room to pray and an area for the animals. There were two dining rooms but only one small bathroom. Compare his house to your own. This is authentic cultural information! All in the target language.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: independence
Vocabulary: house
Grammar: ¿dónde? ¿qué?
Oral practice: house
Homework: houses
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher’s guide
I loved doing these units with my students. They were interested in the content. They empathized with Carlos V melded family, were surprised by both the chapel and the tiny bathroom in Bolivar´s house and liked the foods of the Americas.
Two thematic units. Interdisciplinary. Content based. CI. Please preview.
Unit 1. ¿Es la marimba un instrumento latinoamericano?
The New World has welcomed people, animals, objects and ideas from many continents. Take the marimba. This instrument combines African, European and indigenous elements. Is the marimba Guatemalan? Of course it is. The example I give for the United States is jazz: it is played on both European and African instruments, it has an African beat and it began in the United States. The students understand how so many elements are needed to make something entirely new. Make those grey cells work!! I had fun writing this and teaching it.
Unit includes
Subject matter: music, historical background
Vocabulary: rural and urban population
Grammar: agreement
Oral practice: jazz
Homework: students own musical interest
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. El transporte: Honduras
Everyone has an opinion on transportation, cars, buses, trains, airplanes. In Central America the bus is the most common form of transportation but the unit deals with other means of transportation as well. And since transportation is similar in the various countries of the region, there is information about those countries too. In writing this I thought it sounded deadly boring. Trust me, it is not. Click on Preview and read both units.
Unit includes
Subject matter: general information
Vocabulary: various means of transportation
Grammar: por and para
Oral practice: buses
Homework: trips, food
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Learning about other cultures is such an enriching experience. It opens minds and hearts.
Two content based units about Panama and Costa Rica. Please preview.
Unit 1. Carretas y autobuses, Arte popular en Panamá y Costa Rica
We do not normally think of Panamá and Costa Rica as rich in art. Yet here we highlight the buses in Panamá and the carts in Costa Rica. Immediately the teacher will see that we are dealing with transportation and of course with comparisons to the students´ own reality. Are the buses in your city painted a certain color? Do they have any other decorations? In Panama every driver decorates his own bus and writes the names of his mother, sisters and girlfriend on the windows! And in Costa Rica, they decorate the carts. In the past, oxen pulled the carts; today they have trucks and the old carts are filled with flowers and used as lovely decorations. Cultural traditions are so varied.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: popular art
Vocabulary: adverbs of place
Grammar: agreement
Oral practice: school transportation
Homework: transportation, public advertisements
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Unit 2. El Canal de Panamá entre Atlántico y Pacífico
Normally when you think about the canal you think about locks and boats. But the Panama Canal could not be built until the problem of yellow fever was solved. Thus the unit combines science and technology with the canal. Two great scientists are featured, Finley and Reed. Talk about the importance of medical breakthroughs and their impact on major engineering projects.
Unit includes:
Subject matter: history and geography
Vocabulary: medical
Grammar: verbs
Oral practice: map work
Homework: hospitals, old people
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search
Answer key
Entirely in the target language.
Answer key included.