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Perfect Punctuation
An editable A3 worksheet which explains how all types of punctuation are used in clear and comprehensive terms, with space for pupils to practise the application of each one.

SPaG: Conjunctions and Cohesive Devices Worksheet
A colourful and easy-to-follow worksheet that explains what cohesive devices are and how to use them.

A Differentiated Poetry Lesson: Analysing'The Sea' by James Reeves
A differentiated two page worksheet and copy of the poem 'The Sea' by James Reeves suitable for teaching pupils how to identify, comment and explain the structure and language of poetry. Plus a little AfL for good measure.

DIRT (Direct Improvement and Reflection Time) Template
An incredibly effective AfL tool which empowers pupils to take ownership of their work and see visible progress through redrafting just a section of their writing. I highly recommend showing your pupils the 'Critique and Feedback - the Story of Ausitin's Butterfly' on YouTube to encourage them to be honest and specific when giving peer feedback.

SPaG: Prepositions, Sequencing Conjunctions & Instructional Writing
A fun lesson in which pupils follow online tutorials to learn how to draw characters from The Simpsons. This worksheet guides them through using prepositions and sequencing conjunctions in their instructional writing. Includes a peer assessment activity!

SPaG Bumper Bundle!
A series of five ready-to-use, editable worksheets and two lessons covering the following SPaG topics:
Modal verbs
Prepositions (x 2)
Conjunctions (x 3)

Comparative Conjunctions and Discursive Writing
A starter and main activity based upon identifying and using comparative conjunctions accurately. Also a useful model of discursive writing for Common Entrance or GCSE pupils.

Interactive Persuasive Devices Quiz (using DAFOREST techniques)
An interactive quiz to revise features of persuasive writing using DAFOREST techniques (direct address, alliteration, facts,opinions, rhetorical question, emotive language, statistics and the rule of three). A fun starter, plenary or mini-plenary!

The Sign of Four Context Booklet
A colourful booklet which introduces pupils to: Conan-Doyle's literary career; Victorian crime fiction; Crime in Victorian London; Victorian women; the Governess; Darwin; The Andaman Islands and Queen Victoria.
Suggested activity: share this booklet with pupils, divide them into groups and ask them to research their allocated topic in depth, ready to teach to the rest of the class in a 10-15 minute mini-lesson.

A Differentiated Poetry Lesson: Analysing 'Bonfire' by Jean Kenward
A full lesson including: A copy of the poem with key terms; a card sort starter which introduces the poetic devices used in the poem; a differentiated activity analysing the poem and a PPT presentation which guides pupils through each activity.

'The Sign of Four': A Thematic Map
A two page, editable, pictorial map designed to aid pupils to explore the major themes if the novel: fear; crime & punishment; wealth & class; the British Empire; love; the exotic; women and intellect vs. emotion. A fantastic revision exercise and/or quote finding activity. For whole lesson:
1) Divide pupils into differentiated groups and allocate roles accordingly (Director, time-keeper, inclusion manager, etc.).
2) Allocate themes to individual pupils/pairs to find evidence supporting their ideas. Differentiation: guidance could be provided as to page numbers/chapters, etc. Challenge: to choose the best three quotes as evidence for the allocated theme(s).
3) Make the task a challenge, by allowing pupils to vote for the hardest worker/most valuable contribution per group.
4)Feedback to whole class or, divide groups and rotate to share their findings with classmates!

'Of Mice and Men' Context Key Terms
An editable, ready to print set of key terms useful for the revision of the context of 'Of Mice and Men' by John Steinbeck.

DIRT (Direct Improvement and Reflection Time) Template
An incredibly effective AfL tool which empowers pupils to take ownership of their work and see visible progress through redrafting just a section of their writing. I highly recommend showing your pupils the 'Critique and Feedback - the Story of Ausitin's Butterfly' on YouTube to encourage them to be honest and specific when giving peer feedback.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Analytical Paragraphs (Literature)
A colourful, editable step-by-step guide to writing analytical paragraphs suitable for higher attainers in Year 7 up to GCSE level. Model response is based upon 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B Priestley.

Creative Writing AfL Worksheet for Self and Peer Assessment
A colourful and editable resource which guides pupils through mindful self and peer assessment. A great tool to help minimize marking and encourage your pupils to take ownership of their work!

Examining Key Excerpts from Act One of Romeo and Juliet
A booklet which guides pupils through key extracts from Act One of the play, prompting them to: closely annotate; question and interrogate the text, independently. Designed to meet the AO1 and AO2 of the new spec AQA English Literature course.

Comparative Conjunctions and Cohesive Devices
A worksheet that could be used as a starter or group challenge to helps learners to link their ideas effectively.

See, Think, Wonder: A Worksheet to Stimulate Deep Thinking, Opinion and Justification
A worksheet inspired by Visual or Artful Thinking Technique created as part of the Harvard University Project Zero. Fantastic for encouraging pupils to think deeper, more independently and more broadly, step-by-step!

Chapter One of 'Skellig' by David Almond
A whole lesson exploring the opening of ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. Includes differentiated lesson objectives and a ready to use worksheet.

Prepositions Worksheet
A simple explanation of what prepositions are, coupled with two short activities to allow pupils to identify and use them for themselves. Editable, ready-to-use and ideal for EAL learners.