
KS2 SATs Quick Revision Week 1
Great for early morning or after lunch work. A question from each paper to practise and to help assess areas that need work.
One for each day.
Questions adapted from 2018 papers.
Reading focuses on vocabulary questions.
Week 2 to follow soon!

Inference Detective Sheets
Help your children with their understanding of the skill to infer. Let them use one of these 4 images to help them come to conclusions about what is happening. There are modelled examples for each image too.

Show Not Tell Writing Bundle
All you need for a show not tell lesson or writing for inference. This bundle includes a poster that can be printed onto A3 and be used on your working wall or given as a handout to children. Also you will find 2 different writing activities. One involves giving your class a situation and getting them to show not tell the other using a lego theme to describe a characters emotion. There are 8 different situations and 5 different emotions to choose from.

Alphabet Posters
Make your alphabet stand out in your classroom with these bright and unique alphabet posters. Each one has a different background, both upper and lower case examples of the letter and two pictures to illustrate the letter.

Classroom Set Up Bundle
£20 worth of resources for £7!!!
That is 65% off!
A bundle of bright, modern and geometric display resources such as
drawer labels
clip charts
birthday board display
conjunction posters
class rules
growth mindset posters
motivational posters
reading display posters
times tables tolsby frames
SEND Target Banks
Perfect for NQTs or teachers just wanting a revamp of their classroom.

Year 2 Common Exception Words Display
Bright, geometric, blue-themed set of Year 2 Common Exception Words. Perfect for displaying around your classroom as a reminder for children.

Year 1 Common Exception Words Display
Bright, geometric, blue-themed set of Year 1 Common Exception Words with blank templates for any extra class words. Perfect for displaying around your classroom as a reminder for children.

Roblox Inspired Template
Great templates to use for maths lesson on 3D nets! ROBLOX inspired for children to create their own ROBLOX characters. Could be linked to any topic where children can create a modern game related character for example why not get them creating the Egyptian Gods for your egyptians topic? Or maybe a King Henry VIII and his six wives? Open to lots of possibilities!

Conjunction Posters
2 bright and clear posters informing students about both co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Perfect for working walls.

Reading Display Posters
Bright, modern and engaging posters to celebrate a love of reading in any classroom. 10 in total.

SEND Literacy Target Banks
Literacy targets for IEPs,ILPs and EHCPs perfect for any teacher especially any SENCOs. Great as a reference or to simply copy and paste from.
Organised into 18 sections
Basic Targets
Alphabetical Order and Dictionary
Early Phonics
General Reading
Fiction Reading
Non-Fiction Reading
Early Writing
Handwriting Presentation
Further Writing
Speaking and Listening
Further Speaking and Listening

Creative Writing Prompts Tolsby Frames
24 fantastical frames to ignite the creative writing in your students. Each Frame has an image and prompting questions to get them delving deep into a new world or character.

Character Facial Expressions Tolsby Frames
Perfect for any class to up-level their writing with simple character facial expression phrases for different parts of the face and different emotions. Especially perfect for Year 6 classes to help with their fiction writing.

KS2 Florence Nightingale Reading Comprehension
A brilliant newspaper model text detailing the life of Florence Nightingale with 6 SATs style comprehension questions (answers are included) and a diary recount writing task to compliment it. The writing task comes with an image prompt, task instructions and peer-assessment box for editing and improvement. Ideal for Year 5 and 6 classes.

KS1 Mary Seacole Reading Comprehension
A brilliant text detailing the life of Mary Seacole with 10 SATs style comprehension questions and a letter writing task to compliment it. Answers are included.

Y6 Greater Depth Writing Bookmark
Double-sided writing bookmark with reminders and prompts for your Greater Depth children. Simply, print and laminate.

Persuasive Writing Bundle
All you need to introduce persuasive writing to your class. Jam packed with examples and short activities to consolidate persuasive devices. Fully-editable, 26 page powerpoint with interactive links to help flow through the unit. A model text is included on the presentation with features identified. Don’t forget the partner activity sheet which links to video examples of television advertisements and persuasive writing mat.