
Reasoning Sentence Starters
20 speech bubbles with sentence starters to help prompt reasoning discussion and recording during maths lessons. 4 different designs. Perfect for your working wall display!

Place Value Display Chart
Place Value Display Chart
A set of 10 pastel-coloured, place value display charts ranging from thousandths to millions. The entire set is ideal for any KS2 classroom but can also be reduced to focus in on specific values within earlier settings e.g. HTO.

KS2 SATs Quick Revision Week 1
Great for early morning or after lunch work. A question from each paper to practise and to help assess areas that need work.
One for each day.
Questions adapted from 2018 papers.
Reading focuses on vocabulary questions.
Week 2 to follow soon!

Y3 Maths Mastery Place Value
10 sheets of Y3 Maths Mastery activities covering all of place value. With opportunities to showcase practical, jottings, reasoning and number calculations, each page is accessible to the low ability and challenges the more able without putting a ceiling on your student’s learning.

Times Tables Practise Cards
Need something to help children practise their times tables and link them to division facts? Look no further! These times tables practise cards allow your children to first practise their times tables then using the multiplication triangle, they can begin to see the relationship between the numbers. The colour coded corners of the triangle then help children to write the four facts (2 multiplication and 2 division). Perfect for early finishers during a maths lesson or as a morning activity

KS2 Maths Vocab Revision Booklet
Y6 SATs Maths Vocab Revision Booklet
Simply print this booklet out back-to-back and you’ve got a growth mindset themed revision aid for your class in the run up to SATs. They will be able to track their revision with the first page and then use the following pages to revise key terminology that often they can slip up on. After each vocab task, there is a SATs style practise question related to one of the key words above. Good luck to all!

Division Wars Board Game
A Star Wars themed division board game packed with opportunities to practise and develop quick recall of division facts. Begins with easier division facts such as 2s,5s and 10s but offers chances to discuss and master division with remainders, fact families and more! Ideal for Years 3 and 4 but could be used in other years for consolidation, support or mastery.

Recognising and Adding Coins
Get your class to recognise the coins in the purses then challenge them to add the coins together to find the total in the purse. Two differentiated tasks. Ideal for KS1.

Tolsby Frame Times Table Tips
Print and laminate these times table flip cards to fit inside your Tolsby Frame. They have all the tables from 2-12 and even have a top tip on each one.

Y1 Maths Mastery Place Value
14 sheets of Y1 Maths Mastery activities covering all of place value. With opportunities to showcase practical, jottings, reasoning and number calculations, each page is accesible to the low ability and challenges the more able without putting a ceiling on your student’s learning.

Year 3 Text Messaging Place Value Reasoning
A great set of 4 place value reasoning problems in the style of a smart phone text message conversation. Hook the children in and get them to continue the conversation. Great way of introducing reasoning vocabulary and delving into misconceptions at the start of the new academic year.

Classroom Set Up Bundle
£20 worth of resources for £7!!!
That is 65% off!
A bundle of bright, modern and geometric display resources such as
drawer labels
clip charts
birthday board display
conjunction posters
class rules
growth mindset posters
motivational posters
reading display posters
times tables tolsby frames
SEND Target Banks
Perfect for NQTs or teachers just wanting a revamp of their classroom.

Y2 Maths Mastery Place Value
10 sheets of Y2 Maths Mastery activities covering all of place value. With opportunities to showcase practical, jottings, reasoning and number calculations, each page is accessible to the low ability and challenges the more able without putting a ceiling on your student’s learning.

End of Year Quiz Summer 2020
A fun and jam-packed quiz about the year gone by.
Easy and hard questions. General knowledge, music, film and maths round that should last about an hour for the whole thing. All answers on slides after each round and a tie breaker just in case.

Maths Display Title
2 different maths display titles. One with an equation background and one with an apparatus background. Perfect for a simple but effective display! Uppercase and lowercase in both.